Universität Potsdam
Institut für Physik und Astronomie
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14476 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
An Odyssey in the Clouds: influential lives of massive stars at low metallicity
Oskinova, Lida
A UV survey of hot, coronal gas in the halos of low-redshift galaxies
Richter, Philipp
A volume-limited sample of hot subdwarf stars
Geier, Stephan
Black Hole - Neutron Star mergers: Theoretical Modeling, Numerical Simulations, and Data Interpretation
Dietrich, Tim
Chemically-induced phoretic flow, or how to turn a curtain of light into virtual micro-fluidic boundaries
Santer, Svetlana
Constraining pulsar and fast radio burst emission models by utilizing particle-in-cell simulations
Benacek, Ph.D., Jan
Controlling Dynamics of Complex Systems: Nonlinear Techniques vs Reinforcement Learning
Rosenblum, Michael
DFG-NSF Physics: Maximizing the science return of target of opportunity observations connected to compact binary mergers
Dietrich, Tim
Diffusion and random search in heterogeneous media: theory and applications
Metzler, Ralf
Electron energization at oblique SNR shocks in turbulent media
Pohl, Martin Karl Wilhelm
Electron energization at quasi-perpendicular oblique shocks in Supernova remnants
Pohl, Martin Karl Wilhelm
Exploring the Quantum Character of Interfacial Excitations at the Donor-Acceptor Heterojunction – Towards Efficient Organic Solar Cells with Minimum Energy Offset
Andrienko, Denis
Brabec, Christoph J.
Neher, Dieter
Shoaee, Safa
Formation and Eruption of Earth-impacting Magnetic Flux Ropes on the Sun
Kliem, Bernhard
Fractional and fuzzy-fractional transport in disordered environments
Metzler, Ralf
Insulator-to-metal transition in NbO2 on ultrafast time scales
Herzog, Marc
Light-driven manipulation and ordering of spherical polymer brushes at solid liquid interfaces
Santer, Svetlana
Light Driven Nano-Phase Separation in Polymer Brushes
Santer, Svetlana
Light Induced Particle Separation
Bekir, Marek
Minimal bioinspired systems: disentangling cellular complexity and developing biomimetic materials.
Guido, Isabella
Navigating in low-metallicity starbursts
Oskinova, Lida
Nonstationary coherence-incoherence patterns in networks of coupled oscillators
Omelchenko, Oleh
Physical nature of particle transport in elastically responsive hydrogels: one and two particle microrheology
Metzler, Ralf
Polaritons in binary nanoparticle superlattices
Lange, Holger
Reich, Stephanie
Population Synthesis of Galactic Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources
Egberts, Kathrin
Progenitors and ejected companions of thermonuclear supernovae
Geier, Stephan
Pushing the FF of Non-Fullerene Acceptors Based Solar Cells Above 80%: Relating Order to Reduced Recombination to Device Performance
Neher, Dieter
Shoaee, Safa
Studying the unconventional coupling of electronic quantum effects and atomic diffusion in Pb on Si(111)
Anders, Janet
Hoffmann-Vogel, Regina
Metzler, Ralf
Two Stages of Solar Eruption Onset
Kliem, Bernhard
Completed projects
Active Plasmonics with Strong THz Fields
Kärtner, Franz Xaver
Lange, Holger
Selig, Malte
Analysis of conformational changes in model proteins by "excited-strate absorption" (ESA) spectroscopy of bound chromophores
Menzel, Ralf
A revision of the theory of hot-star winds
Hamann, Wolf-Rainer
Beschreibung turbulenter Strömungen durch globale Strömungseigenmoden
Seehafer, Norbert
Bi-electronic excitation as a possible source for excited state absorptions in molecular systems
Teuchner, Klaus
Bridging molecular orientation and isomerization state with macro-deformation in photoactive azobenzene-containing materials
Guskova, Olga
Santer, Svetlana
Charakterisierung molekularer Schaltvorgänge in supramolekularen organischen Systemen durch Messung des Oberflächenpotentials und der Topographie
Brehmer, Ludwig
Collective Dynamics of Deterministic and Noisy Oscillator Populations: Beyond Ott-Antonsen Theory
Pikovsky, Arkady
Collisionless shocks and turbulence in nonthermal sources of radiation
Pohl, Martin Karl Wilhelm
Compactons in strongly nonlinear lattices
Pikovsky, Arkady
Demonstration and investigation of pulsed injected locked solid-state laser oscillators with high frequency stability due to gain gratings without any active stabilization
Menzel, Ralf
Description of turbulent flows by global flow eigenmodes
Theofilis, Vassilis
Destruction of Anderson localization in nonlinear lattices
Pikovsky, Arkady
Development of a wall model for Large-Eddy-Simulation on the basis of nonlinear data analysis of Direct Numerical Simulations
Abel, Markus
Die Entwicklung von Sternen mit wasserstoffarmer Oberfläche
Langer, Norbert
Die Quelle des E Rings - das Enceladus Rätsel
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Die strukturierten Winde heißer Sterne: vom hydrodynamischen Modell zum multispektralen Beobachtungsvergleich
Feldmeier, Achim
Dynamik and diffusion of gradient copolymers
Palyulin, Vladimir
Dynamik der Transportprozesse bei Strukturbildung und -wandlung mesoskopisch-periodischer Oberflächengitter aus Polymerfilmen
Pietsch, Ullrich
Dynamik des Staubs in den Umgebungen von Jupiter und Saturn
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Dynamik und Kinetik schmaler Staubringe
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Ein dynamisch rekonfigurierbares Polymersubstrat zum Transport und zur Manipulation von Nanoobjekten
Santer, Svetlana
Electrostatic interactions in biological systems
Cherstvy, Ph.D., Andrey Georgievich
Enceladus' Icy Plume - The E-Ring Cradle
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Extrapolation solarer Vektormagnetogramme: Struktur, Stabilität und Helizität des koronalen Magnetfeldes
Hofmann, Axel
Seehafer, Norbert
Ferroelectrics at the nanoscale
Bargheer, Matias
Dubourdieu, Catherine
First population studies of two types of evolved stars in binary systems
Geier, Stephan
Heber, Ulrich
Flexible Synthesis of Stable Gold Nanoparticle Clusters
Schulz, Florian
Fundamental parameters of hot subdwarf stars from the Tycho-Gaia sample
Geier, Stephan
Fundamentals of Molecular Electrical Doping of Organic Semiconductors (FoMEDOS)
Cocchi, Caterina
Koch, Norbert
Neher, Dieter
Hochdruckuntersuchungen an kristallinen aromatisch substituierten 1,3,4-Oxadiazolen mit zielgerichteter Variation des Substituentenmusters
Schulz, Burkhard
Hot subdwarf stars with substellar companions from the MUCHFUSS project
Geier, Stephan
Impact of long range repulsive interactions on the stochastic dynamics in ensembles of active and passive particles
Santer, Svetlana
Integral-field spectroscopy of hydrogen-deficient central stars
Hamann, Wolf-Rainer
Interface phenomena in multifunctional liquid-crystal ferroelectric-polymer composites
Gerhard, Reimund
Investigation and development of a pulsed laser system in rod geometry thought for pumping a lidar system for atmospheric research
Ostermeyer, Martin
Investigation of Low-Temeperature-Grown GaAs (LT-GaAs)by nonlinear optical spectroscopy
Menzel, Ralf
Investigation of the radiative energy balance of Venus based on improved models of the middle and lower atmosphere
Haus, Rainer
Joint Project Proposal on: Development, Characterization and Applications of Cellular Fluoropolymer Films with Ferroelectret Properties Subproject on: Development of Cellular Fluoropolymer Films
Münstedt, Helmut
Joint Project Proposal on: Development, Development, Characterization, and Applications of Cellular Fluoropolymer Films with Ferroelectret Properties Subproject on: Electrical Preparation and Investigation of Cellular Fluoropolymer Films
Gerhard, Reimund
Kinematik planetarer Ringe
Blum, Jürgen
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Kinetik granularer Materialien - Anwendungen auf die Dynamik planetarer Ringe
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Kinetik planetarer Ringe: Implikationen für die Cassini Mission
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Ladungstransport in Polypyrrol in Abhängigkeit von Druck und Temperatur
Brehmer, Ludwig
Layered structures of Metal Sulphides
Föhlisch, Alexander
Libration and migration of propeller moons in Saturns dense rings
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Light induced manipulation of isotropic and anisotropic liquids absorbed on photosensitive surfaces
Santer, Svetlana
Low-dimensional dynamics in ensembles of coupled phase oscillators
Pikovsky, Arkady
Magnetisch schaltbare Polymernanomembranen
Santer, Svetlana
Massive stars at low metallicity: an empirical investigation
Hamann, Wolf-Rainer
Mechanik und Diffusion azobenzolhaltiger Polymerfilme unter Bestrahlung
Neher, Dieter
Modelling nucleic acid compaction inside viruses and self-assembly of viral capsids
Cherstvy, Ph.D., Andrey Georgievich
Moonlets in planetaren Ringen: Implikationen für die Ringentstehung?
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Moonlets in planetaren Ringen: Implikationen für die Ringteilchendynamik?
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
MUCHFUSS - Follow up
Geier, Stephan
MUCHFUSS - Follow up und MUCHFUSS - Photometrie follow up
Geier, Stephan
MUCHFUSS -- Photometric follow-up
Geier, Stephan
Multi-spectrum retrieval of surface properties of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko based on Rosetta/VIRTIS measurements
Kappel, David
Nanolithographie unterstützt durch Oberflächenplasmonen zur reversiblen Strukturierung photosensitiver, dünner Polymerfilme
Santer, Svetlana
Nanoscopic studies of light-induced changes in azobenzene-containing polymer films
Neher, Dieter
Numerische Simulation und Modellierung von Strömungen elektrisch leitfähiger Flüssigkeiten unter dem Einfluß von Magnetfeldern
Seehafer, Norbert
Oberflächenbindung und Adsorptionskinetik an Siliziumoberflächen und Grenzflächen
Föhlisch, Alexander
Optimization of passive search processes with application to particle transport and gene regulation in biological cells and diluted solution
Metzler, Ralf
Opto-optisches Schalten in organischen Schichtstrukturen
Schrader, Sigurd
Order and interactions in colloidal nanoparticle superlattices
Lange, Holger
Organic components of cometary nuclei and the effects of opaque phases on spectral detectability of cometary organics and minerals.
Moroz, Liubov
Origin of massive high-velocity stars in the halo
Heber, Ulrich
Irrgang, Andreas
Patterns in chaotically mixing fluid flows
Pikovsky, Arkady
Patterns in chaotically mixing fluid flows
Pikovsky, Arkady
Planetarische Nebel mit Wolf-Rayet-Zentralsternen - Röntgenemission und Entwicklung
Schönberner, Detlef
Präsupernova-Entwicklung enger massereicher Doppelsternsysteme
Hamann, Wolf-Rainer
Probing cavity quantum electrodynamics with an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate: many-body theory of atom-surface interaction; high-precision characterization of quantum and thermal field fluctuations near a surface
Henkel, Carsten
Propellers in Saturn's rings - 3D-structure and the grand finale of the Cassini-mission
Hoffmann, Holger
Protoplanetary Propellers in Perturbed Accretion Disks.
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
Radiation driven winds from hot stars: hydrodynamic models with detailed non-LTE radiative transfer
Hamann, Wolf-Rainer
Random search processes, Levy fllights, and random walks on complex networks
Metzler, Ralf
Real-time experiments on phonon-phonon interaction
Bargheer, Matias
Resonant Raman spectroscopy as tool to investigate colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals
Bester, Gabriel
Lange, Holger
Maultzsch, Janina
Weller, Horst
Searching for long period pulsations in He-rich subdwarfs
Geier, Stephan
Searching for long period pulsations in He-rich subdwarfs (Southern hemisphere)
Geier, Stephan
Simulation of Accretion Disk Wind Spectra in Cataclysmic Variables with a 3D non-LTE Monte-Carlo Radiation Transfer Code
Werner, Klaus
spBIGDATA_Mathematical and Physical modeling of Single Particle Tracking - Big Data approach
Metzler, Ralf
Spektroskopie galaktischer Wolf-Rayet-Sterne vom späten WC-Typ
Koesterke, Lars
Stability, nolinear regimes and transport properties of viscous flows subject to spatially inhomogeneous forcing: theory and applications.
Zaks, Michael
Strahlungsakustische Wellen in Winden von massereichen Sternen und Akkretionsscheiben
Feldmeier, Achim
Strahlungstransport und Hydrodynamik inhomogener Medien in Anwendung auf strahlungsbeschleunigte Stern- und Akkretionsscheibenwinde
Feldmeier, Achim
Strange nonchaotic attractors and critical states in quasiperiodically forced systems
Pikovsky, Arkady
Synchronization of spin-torque oscillators
Pikovsky, Arkady
Synchronization Patterns and Waves
Pikovsky, Arkady
The accretion history of galactic haloes
Kerp, Jürgen
Richter, Philipp
The chemical evolution of damped Lyman alpha systems and Lyman-limit systems at low redshift
Richter, Philipp
The dust halo of Saturn's main rings
Spahn, Ph.D., Frank
The population of close binary hot subdwarfs studied with light curves from space telescopes
Geier, Stephan
The Role of Charge Transfer States in Free Charge Generation in Organic Donor-Acceptor Solar Cells
Neher, Dieter
The role of phonons in ultrafast magnetism
Bargheer, Matias
The Triggering of Solar Eruptions
Kliem, Bernhard
Seehafer, Norbert
Time resolved spectroscopy of luminous sdOs - searching for their massive compact companions
Geier, Stephan
Tomography of the interstellar medium at small scales
de Boer, Klaas S.
Ultrafast dynamics of nanolayered ferroelectric and photoswitchable polymer films
Bargheer, Matias
Using reflection nebulae to study the diffuse interstellar bands
Hessman, Ph.D., Frederic
Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Galatic center: modeling and analyzing infrared spectra
Hamann, Wolf-Rainer
Zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie galaktischer Wolf-Rayet-Sterne
Koesterke, Lars
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Erforschung komplexer dynamischer Prozesse in biologischen Systemen: Proteindynamik, molekulare Schalter, molekulare Maschinen, Bakterienbewegung, Transporttheorie
Metzler, Ralf
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2724: Thermal machines in the quantum world
Eisert, Jens
FOR 5387: Printed & Stable Organic Photovoltaics from Non-Fullerene Acceptors
Deibel, Carsten
Optoelectronic characterization of printed organic solar cells
Neher, Dieter
Shoaee, Safa
Quantum heat engines
Anders, Janet
Ankerhold, Joachim
Jendrzejewski, Fred
Schmidt-Kaler, Ferdinand
Completed projects
Academic success in physics and civil engineering with paricular regard to mathematical competence
Borowski, Andreas
Fischer, Hans Ernst
Lang, Martin
Berechnung der Betribsbedingungen einer laserartigen Quelle von Atomen und Charakterisierung ihrer quantenstatistischen Eigenschaft
Wilkens, Martin
Characterization of complex interdependencies of oscillatory processes from data with extended phase dynamics methods
Pikovsky, Arkady
Physikkompetenzunterricht der Sekundarstufe I
Borowski, Andreas
Search for cardiac and respiratory influence on time perception and rhythm reproduction
Pollatos, Olga
Semiklassische Theorie für einen Atomlaser
Schleich, Wolfgang
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Dynamics and forces during first stages of Entamoeba tissue invasion
Metzler, Ralf
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine
Highly Efficient All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells with Reduced Recombination Losses and Improved Stability by Innovative Characterization (HIPSTER-PRO)
Albrecht, Steve
Lang, Felix
Riedl, Thomas
Snaith, Ph.D., Henry
Understanding and suppressing interfacial charge recombination for high performance perovskite solar cells (SURPRISE II)
Koch, Norbert
Lang, Felix
Neher, Dieter
Unold, Thomas
Completed projects
Analysis of the interaction of planetary plasma and dust with the magnetic field
Motschmann, Ph.D., Uwe
Schmidt, Ph.D., Jürgen
Charge Photogeneration and extraction in polymer: fullerene bulk heterojunction organic solar cells
Andrienko, Denis
Deibel, Carsten
Laquai, Frédéric
Neher, Dieter
Light-driven diffusioosmosis: from active manipulation over self-propulsion to collective behaviour of small particles at solid liquid interfaces
Santer, Svetlana
Vinogradova, Olga
Mono- und Multischichten aus Polyelektrolyt-Carbonsäure-Komplexen
Reiche, Jürgen
Nanoscopic mechanical tests for characterizing forces during UVinitiated mass transport in photosensitive polymer films
Havenith-Newen, Martina
Santer, Svetlana
On the nature of highly ionized gas in the circumgalactic environment of galaxies
Richter, Philipp
p-halbleitende teilkristalline und amorphe Schichten für organische Feldeffekttransistoren
Neher, Dieter
Probing galaxy formation at high redshift with damped Lyman alpha systems
Schneider, Peter
Quantenoptik an photonischen Kristallen
Henkel, Carsten
Resonante Rumpfelektronenspektroskopie als Sonde für ultraschnelle Elektronendynamik an Oberflächen
Wurth, Wilfried
Reversible structural changes of crystalline solids studied by ultrafast x-ray diffraction
Wörner, Michael
Scientific exchange, training and visibility of the SPP 1116 activities
Wilkens, Martin
SPP 1116: Interactions in ultracold and molecular gases
Wilkens, Martin
Staubtori um Mars
Krivov, Alexander
Studies of geomagnetic variations using 3D mean-field dynamo models based on spectral filtering
Seehafer, Norbert
Synchronization approach to analysis of multivariate data
Kurths, Jürgen
Tayloring of the spatiotemporal structure of laser radiation for material processing via mirrors based on stimulated Brillouin scattering
Ostermeyer, Martin
The evolution of the warm-hot intergalactic medium in a hierarchically evolving Universe
Richter, Philipp
Theory of multi-component interacting inhomogeneous quantum gases
Wilkens, Martin
The role of entanglement in quantum information processing and communication: quantification of entanglements, structure of separable and non-separable states; application: in the game theory
Wilkens, Martin
Tuning of polymer aggregation and optimization of the active layer morphology of all-polymer solar cells incorporating rylene-based acceptor polymers
Neher, Dieter
Scherf, Ullrich
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Inception and development of micro-descharges in the voids of ferroelectrets during charging
Qiu, Xunlin
Interstellares Gas in den Halos von Galaxien
Richter, Philipp
Piezo-,pyro- and ferroelectricity of odd-numbered polyamides: poling in a soft state, structure-property relations, and electro-active properties
Wang, Feipeng
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Intergalaktisches Gas in der Umgebung von Galaxien
Richter, Philipp
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Electrostatic and current-induced forces in low-dimensional metallic nanostruct
Hoffmann-Vogel, Regina
Late stages of stellar evolution in the Gaia era
Geier, Stephan
Transport und Manipulation von adsorbierten Nano-Objekten mit Hilfe eines geeigneten Substrats
Santer, Svetlana
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
High-Performance Computing Cluster
Kombinierte Aufdampf- und Sputteranlage
Optisches Nahfeldmikroskop (SNOM)
Pump-Probe Aufbau für Ultrakurzzeit-Röntgenexperimente
Tieftemperatur SNOM/CFM für Ultrakurzzeituntersuchungen
Ultra-high vacuum system with combined STM/SFM operating at low temperatures
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Bond activation and molecular dynamics on metal nanoparticles derived from X-ray spectroscopy
(Project Heads
Föhlisch, Alexander
Gühr, Markus
Saalfrank, Peter
Central Administrative Project
(Project Head
Bargheer, Matias
Controlling chemical reactions by propagating surface plasmon polaritons
(Project Heads
Bargheer, Matias
Busch, Kurt
Santer, Svetlana
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Banerji, Ph.D., Amitabh
Henkel, Carsten
Joint optics lab: Technological development of optical excitation and probing (scientific service project including mobile laser sources, detectors and large-scale facility support)
(Project Head
Herzog, Marc
Light-induced atomic-scale surface reactivity
(Project Heads
Hoffmann-Vogel, Regina
Klamroth, Tillmann
SFB 1636: Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Reactions at Nanoscale Metals
Bargheer, Matias
Steering chemical reactivity by non-local energy transfer via strong light-matter interaction
(Project Heads
Henkel, Carsten
Koopman, Wouter
Müller-Werkmeister, Henrike
Understanding and controlling reactivity under vibrational and electronic strong coupling: Theoretical modelling
(Project Heads
Anders, Janet
Saalfrank, Peter
Understanding and steering nonequilibrium energy flow in metal molecule hybrids at the nanoscale
(Project Heads
Bargheer, Matias
Henkel, Carsten
Müller-Werkmeister, Henrike
Completed projects
Charge transfer mechanisms at TMDC/organic hybrid interfaces
(Project Head
Neher, Dieter
Elektronentransferreaktionen in Materialien mit Polaritätsgradienten
(Project Heads
Menzel, Ralf
Möhwald, Helmuth
Materialien mit Polaritätsgradienten
(Project Heads
Menzel, Ralf
Möhwald, Helmuth
Resonante Inelastische Röntgenstreuung an III-V-Nanoclustern
(Project Heads
Föhlisch, Alexander
Wurth, Wilfried
Selbstgenerierte elektromagnetische Felder: Instabilitäten und energiereiche Teilchenstrahlen
(Project Heads
Finken, Karl-Heinz
Pohl, Martin Karl Wilhelm
Schlickeiser, Reinhard
Synchronization in Systems with Multiple Time Scales
(Project Heads
Pikovsky, Arkady
Rosenblum, Michael
Current projects
Element specific view on ultrafast spin and orbital angular momentum redistribution
(Project Heads
Föhlisch, Alexander
Pontius, Niko
Schüßler-Langeheine, Christian
Spin-lattice coupling on ultrafast time scales
(Project Heads
Bargheer, Matias
Ernstorfer, Ralph
Windsor, Yoav William
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2536: Hybrid structures on the nanoscale: Chemical concepts to prepare heterogeneous nanostructures with anisotropic material properties (NANOHYBRID)
Mews, Alf
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1740: Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks: Fundamentals and Applications
Kurths, Jürgen