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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Slawistik und Hungarologie
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10099 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Modelling the question-statement opposition in Slavic languages (QueSlav)
Meyer, Roland
The „Encyclopedia of Yugoslavia" (1955-1990) between Yugoslav and Sub-Yugoslav nation-building
Voß, Christian
The history of pronominal subjects in the languages of northern Europe
Meyer, Roland
Completed projects
Corpus linguistics and diachronic syntax: Subject case, finiteness and agreement in Slavonic languages
Hansack, Ernst
Hansen, Björn
Meyer, Roland
Eastern European Animation Between Art and Politics, 1945-1990.
Rogoff, Jana
Gender and Language in South-Eastern Europe: Linguistic Manifestations of Gender Conceptualisations in Albania, Croatia, and Serbia
Hornscheidt, Lann
Voß, Christian
Kontakt- und soziolinguistische Untersuchungen bei den slwischsprachigen Muslimen in West-Thrakien (Griechenland)
Voß, Christian
Loyalties and disloyalties in the Balkans during and after the fall of theOttoman order
Voß, Christian
Melting Borders: An Ethnography of the Movement of Peoples, Goods, and Symbols in Border-areas between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia.
Voß, Christian
Russisches Kirchenslavisch im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert: Zur (In)Variabilität seiner Normen (am Material des Kommentierten Apostolos)
Besters-Dilger, Juliane
Voß, Christian
Serbizität in Bosnien-Herzegowina zwischen Dialektloyalität und Ethnozentrismus
Voß, Christian
The Polish Dative as a test case for linguistic theory
Meyer, Roland
The Secularisation of Religious Vocabulary against the Background of Social Change - Polish, Czech, Slovak and German
Nagórko, Alicja
Research Units
Current projects
Dynamics of verbal aspect and (pro)nominal reference in language contact
Alexiadou, Artemis
Gagarina, Natalia
Szucsich, Luka
FOR 2537: Emerging grammars in language contact situations: A comparative approach
Wiese, Heike
Completed projects
Nominal morpho-syntax and word order in heritage Russian across majority languages
Gagarina, Natalia
Szucsich, Luka
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Linguistic Landscapes at the margins: Performativity of ethnic belonging and memory politics in Croatian post-conflict border regions
Kersten-Pejanic, Roswitha
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Szucsich, Luka
SFB 1412: Register: Language-Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation
Lüdeling, Anke
Szucsich, Luka
Slavic in a multilingual setting: Register and fused (hybrid) lects
(Project Heads
Meyer, Roland
Szucsich, Luka
Additional Information
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