Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
350 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1A 1H5
Ottawa ON K1A 1H5
Research Grants
Current projects
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Biological and electrochemical process design for biocatalytic CO2 conversion
Meurer, Thomas
Sauer, Jörg
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Carbon materials from oil sands-derived asphaltenes for next generation sodium-ion batteries - from mechanistic investigations to life cycle analysis
Hofmann, Jan Philipp
Oschatz, Ph.D., Martin
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Development of Organic Photocatalyst Materials to Broaden the Use of Sustainable Photocatalysis in Organic Syntheses
König, Burkhard
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Electroreductions of C=O bonds catalyzed by borohydrides
Siewert, Inke
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Engineering Pickering emulsions toward sustainable microgels
Richtering, Walter
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN - Enhanced solar-energy capture through optimization of up- and down-conversion in organic molecules
Guldi, Dirk M.
Thoss, Michael
NSERC-DFG-SUSTAIN: Fundamental Investigation of the Coupled Transport and Reaction Phenomena in Nanoporous Materials for Sustainable Technologies
Eikerling, Michael H.
Tschulik, Kristina
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Hierarchically structured cathode catalyst layers prepared by spinodal decomposition for PEM Fuel Cells - From fundamental understanding to application at operation conditions
Hausen, Florian
Mechler, Anna K.
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: In-operando Visualization of catalyst ion transport in PEM fuel cells and electrolyzers
Linkhorst, John
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN Integrated development of sustainable solvent strategies for perovskite solar cells
Schmidt-Mende, Ph.D., Lukas
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: ION-SIEVING CAPACITIVE EXTRACTION OF LITHIUM from Alberta Oilfield Brine towards Sustainable Supply Chain
Giusto, Ph.D., Paolo
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Plasma-electrification of chemical produce – towards a green circular industry with net-zero carbon output and sustainable processing (PLANET)
Mussenbrock, Thomas
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Prussian White for Sustainable Separation and Purification Technologies
Jeschull, Fabian
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Sustainable CO2 Fixation in Amines
Beller, Matthias
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: SysDevOx - Systematic development of new oxidative biocatalysts for the sustainable production of pharmaceutical compounds
Franke, Jakob
NSERC-DFG Sustain: Towards Computational Design of Hydrocarbon-Based Catalyst Coated Membranes for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Water Electrolysis (ComDeWE)
Garcia-Sanchez, Daniel
Harms, Corinna
Jahnke, Thomas
Klose, Carolin
Completed projects
Developing improved social-ecological scenarios for biodiversity and ecosystem services in north temperate freshwater ecosystems over the next half century
Adrian, Ph.D., Rita
Pahl-Wostl, Claudia
Future ArcTic Ecosystems (FATE): drivers of diversity and future scenarios from ethno-ecology, contemporary ecology and ancient DNA
Epp, Laura
Land to Sea: integrated modelling of consequences of terrestrial activities and climate change for freshwater and coastal marine biodiversity and ecosystem services
Hering, Daniel
Kannen, Andreas
Scenarios Of Marine Biodiversity and Evolution under Exploitation and climate change
Peck, Ph.D., Myron
Quaas, Martin F.
The futures of reef services in the Anthropocene
Bejarano, Sonia
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2027: New Trends in Molecular Activation and Catalysis
Hahn, F. Ekkehardt