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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Abteilung für Sinologie
Wilhelmstraße 133
72074 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72074 Tübingen
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Welt als Wendung - Zu einer literarischen Lektüre des Wahren Buches vom Südlichen Blütenland (Zhuangzi)
Hoffmann, Peter
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, Number 18 (2001) and Number 19 (2001)
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Research Grants
Current projects
‘Completely Opening Up’? – An Empirical Study of Xi Jinping’s New Taiwan Policy
Schubert, Gunter
Completed projects
Adaptive Strategies of Taiwanese Entrepreneurs in the Context of Structural Change of the Chinese Economy: the example of the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone
Schubert, Gunter
Politics and Autonomy in the local state - County and Township Cadres as Strategic Actors in the Chinese Reform Process
Heberer, Thomas
Schubert, Gunter
State, handicraft and industry in Peking (1700-1900)
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Translating Western Science, Technology and Medicine to Late Ming China: Convergences and Divergences in the Light of the Kunyu gezhi (Investigations of the Earth's Interior; 1640) and the Taixi shuifa (Hydromethods of the Great West; 1612)
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 596: Monies, Markets and Finance in China and East Asia, 1600-1900: Local, Regional, National, and International Dimensions
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Military Expenditures and their Economic Impact in Qing China - Part 1: Zuo Zongtang's Western campaign 1866-1878
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Mint Metal Procurement for Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: An Inquiry into the Organisational Capacity of the Qing State
Mittag, Achim
Monies, Markets, and Finance in China and East Asia, 1600-1900: Local, Regional, National, and International Dimensions
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Qing Coinage, 1850 to 1911: Mint Statistics, Numismatic Evidence, and Monetary Policy
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Qing Monetary Policies and the Lower Yangzi Economy, 1644 to 1850: The Interdependence between National Approaches and Regional Developments
Mittag, Achim
The Zinc Administration in Southwest China, 1700 - 1850: Instiutional, Economic and Social Case Studies
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Crossroads Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World
Ptak, Roderich
Schottenhammer, Angela
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (EASTM) -Transformations- und Expansionshilfe-
Vogel, Hans Ulrich
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Welt aneignen. Alltagsgeschichte in transnationaler Perspektive
Lee, You Jae
Research data and software
Completed projects
CrossAsia Campus: the Virtual Research Environment for East Asian Studies
Acquisition and Provision
Completed projects
CrossAsia - Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Ost- und Südostasien
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 785: Global Challenges: Transnational and Transcultural Solutions
Richter-Bernburg, Lutz
Additional Information
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