Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
Auf der Morgenstelle 18
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Angular-resolved optical radiation of adsorbates in the (sub)nanometer junctions
Gräfe, Stefanie
Meixner, Alfred J.
Zhang, Ph.D., Dai
Enhancing structural coherence and optical coupling in quantum dot supercrystals
Scheele, Marcus
Schreiber, Frank
Field-enhanced spectroscopy on photoactive hybrid metallic/semiconducting nanostructures
Zhang, Ph.D., Dai
Full quantum dynamics of the interparticle Coulombic electron capture
Bande, Annika
Fasshauer, Elke
Instrumental development and application of multidimensional electromigrative separation techniques: coupling of isotachophoresis with capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry
Huhn, Carolin
Zipfl, Peter
Radical-Induced Changes in Transition-Metal Interfacial Properties
Casu, Maria Benedetta
Tuning the electronic structure of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers via dipole engineering through molecular adsorbates
Chassé, Thomas
Meixner, Alfred J.
Peisert, Heiko
Zhang, Ph.D., Dai
Completed projects
Bindung, Struktur und elektronische Struktur an ZnS-CuInS2-Grenzflächen und Mischkristallen
Chassé, Thomas
Biofunktionalisierung dentaler Titan-Implantate und dessen Wirkung auf humorale, zelluläre und bakterielle Interaktionen in-vitro
Geis-Gerstorfer, Jürgen
Control of the molecular orientation and of electronic interface properties of polar phthalocyanines in thin films by interface engineering and external fields
Chassé, Thomas
Peisert, Heiko
Coupled Organic-Inorganic Nanostructures: From Tailored Electronic Properties to Carrier-Selective Transport and Optoelectronic Devices
Brütting, Wolfgang
Scheele, Marcus
Schreiber, Frank
Development and validation of improved perturbation theoretical methods for quantum chemical applications
Fink, Reinhold
Diffusion, Umsetzung, Folgereaktion und Transduktion als Basis eines leistungsfähigen generischen Gassensor-Mikrosystems
Weimar, Udo
Elektrokatalyse und Sensorik mit festen Sauerstoffionenleitern: Spektroskopische und mechanistische Studien von Elementarprozessen unter angelegtem Ionenstrom
Göpel, Wolfgang
Experimentelle und theoretische Bestimmung der Gasphasenstrukturen einiger Peroxide und fluorierter Verbindungen
Oberhammer, Heinz
Highly controlled deposition of organic magnets on well-organised insulator surfaces
Casu, Maria Benedetta
Interface properties and electronic structure of new organic low band gap materials
Chassé, Thomas
Peisert, Heiko
Scherf, Ullrich
Interfacial electron transfer energetics studied by high spatial resolution tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopic imaging
Meixner, Alfred J.
Interplay of structural and electronic properties and their impact on thin films of metal-free organic radicals (Prolongation).
Casu, Maria Benedetta
Investigation of porous nanoparticle structures under illumination for the application as gas sensors
Barsan, Nicolae
Mädler, Lutz
Markierungsfreier Proteinarray zur kinetischen Analyse von Autoantikörpern beim Antiphospholipid-Syndrom
Luppa, Peter B.
Proll, Günther
Mechanically controllable strain junctions: targeting quantum effects and strong plasmonic coupling in ultra-narrow gaps
Braun, Kai
Fleischer, Monika
Methodology for a one step fabrication of gas sensors using flame spray pyrolysis
Mädler, Lutz
Weimar, Udo
Mikrowellenspektroskopische Untersuchungen an Glykol im angeregten Torsionszustand
Christen, Dines
Mikrowellenspektroskopische Untersuchungen an stickstoffhaltigen Heterocyklen
Christen, Dines
Novel resistive readout CO2 sensor based on receptor -transducer work function coupling and electron affinity - band bending compensation
Weimar, Udo
Photoelektrische Untersuchungen an porösem Titanoxid
Göpel, Wolfgang
Polarisationseffekte in organischen Halbleiterschichten und an deren Grenzflächen
Chassé, Thomas
Precise control of energy transfer between single dipole-coupled molecules in a tunable half-wavelength Fabry-Pérot resonator at cryogenic temperatures
Meixner, Alfred J.
Single-molecule spectroscopy of pigment protein complexes
Brecht, Marc
Statistische Verfahren zur Beschreibung und Interpretation der Dynamik spektraler Sequenzen von Einzelmolekülen
Meixner, Alfred J.
Strukturen und Konformationseigenschaften einiger fluorierter Verbindungen, Konjugation und anomere Effekte
Oberhammer, Heinz
Tip-enhanced near-field optical microscopy with a parabolic mirror microscope: Enhancing luminescence emission and Raman scattering by inelastic tunneling
Meixner, Alfred J.
Understanding the chemical reception and electronic transduction mechanism in gas sensing with sulfide colloidal quantum dots
Barsan, Nicolae
Priority Programmes
Current projects
DeepMixing II – Tailoring sensor properties of semiconducting metal oxide nanoparticle hetero-aggregates formed in an aerosol mixing zone
Barsan, Nicolae
Mädler, Lutz
Rosenauer, Andreas
Electroluminescent perovskite nanocrystals - From tailor-made assemblies to optoelectronic properties
Andrienko, Denis
Brütting, Wolfgang
Scheele, Marcus
Completed projects
Interface properties and electronic structure of thiophene-based materials for organic solar cells
Chassé, Thomas
Scherf, Ullrich
Kombination von STM- bzw. SNOM- und SERS-Untersuchung von Elektrokristallisationsprozessen in den Dimensionen der Nanotechnologie
Meixner, Alfred J.
Konfokale Mikroskopie an elektrochemisch erzeugten Nanostrukturen
Plieth, Waldfried
Thermoresistant Ceramic Membrane with Integrated Gas Sensor for High Termperature Separation and Detection of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide
Gurlo, Aleksander
Saruhan-Brings, Bilge
Voigt, Ingolf
Weimar, Udo
Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Exciton Dynamics in Hybrid Organic solar cell blend film/ Plasmonic Systems on the Nanometer Scale
Meixner, Alfred J.
Using quantum chemical computations to study the electron density and its influence on the reactivity
Engels, Bernd
Research Units
Completed projects
Klassifizierung intermolekularer Wechselwirkungen in Interphasen
Oelkrug, Dieter
Laterally and time resolved monitoring of concentration gradient changes
Gauglitz, Günter
Mikrooptiken und -strukturen in III-V-Halbleiterschichtanordnungen: Grundlagenuntersuchungen und Anwendungen
Gottschalch, Volker
Nachweis, physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften von einzelnen Molekülen in Mikro- und Nanokompartimenten
Meixner, Alfred J.
Oberflächenglättung im Sub-Nanometer-RMS-Bereich durch (reaktives) Ionenstrahlätzen
Frost, Frank
Quantenchemische Untersuchungen zu Bildung, Stabilität sowie strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von GaBAs- und GalnBAs-Mischkristallen
Schindler, Axel
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Einzelmolekülspektroskopie von Pigmentproteinkomplexen
Brecht, Marc
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Structure-Potential Relationships of Electrochemical Interfaces by in situ Reflection Anisotropy Spectroscopy
May, Matthias
Completed projects
Transport Anisotropy in Nanocrystal Superlattices
Scheele, Marcus
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Optoelectronics of Synthetic Mesocrystals
Scheele, Marcus
WBP Position
Completed projects
Ultrafast transient pump-pump-probe spectroscopic studies in colloidal semiconductor heteronanostructures to follow processes involving multiple excitations
Kumar, Ph.D., Krishan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Feldemissions-Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit EDX-Zusatz
vis/NIR transient absorption spectrometer
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Specificities of plasma membrane-associated nanoclusters involved in cell elongation
(Project Heads
Harter, Klaus
Kummer, Ursula
Meixner, Alfred J.
Schleifenbaum, Frank
Completed projects
Floodplain Biochemistry - Redox Buffering and Contaminant Fate in Waterlogged Sediments
(Project Heads
Griebler, Christian
Haderlein, Stefan
Huhn, Carolin
Kappler, Andreas
Orsetti, Silvia
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 8: Quantitative Analysis and Characterisation of Pharmaceutically and Biochemically Relevant Compounds
Gauglitz, Günter
GRK 51: Sensor Technology
Gerlach, Gerald
GRK 152: Physical Chemistry of Interfaces
Szargan, Rüdiger