Universität Trier
Fachbereich IV - Soziologie
Lehrstuhl für Empirische Sozialforschung und Methodenlehre
Universitätsring 15
54296 Trier
This institution in GERiT
54296 Trier
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Changing birth rates and fertility behavior
Kopp, Johannes
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Das Timing der Institutionalisierung partnerschaftlicher Beziehungen
Kopp, Johannes
Entwicklung eines VOC-Instrumentariums und eines Instrumentes zur Erfassung von Generationenbeziehungen in Deutschland
Nauck, Bernhard
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2559: Multi-sectoral regional microsimulation model (MikroSim)
Münnich, Ralf
On the future development of ambulatory healthcare
Kopp, Johannes
Completed projects
Microsimulations on family and care
Kopp, Johannes
Research Grants
Current projects
Time Use in Couple Relationships – Historical Changes for Germany and Comparisons across Countries
Kopp, Johannes
Completed projects
Decisions under uncertainty. Planned institutionalization processes among young pairs under the influence of precarious employment
Hill, Paul B.