Universitätsklinikum Regensburg
Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin II
Franz-Josef-Strauß-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg
This institution in GERiT
93053 Regensburg
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung der mitochondrialen Ca2+-Aufnahme während der elektronischen Kopplung für die Energetik und den Redoxstatus in Kardiomyozyten
Maack, Christoph
Mechanismen der CAMKII-induzierten Arrhytmien im Herzen
Maier, Lars
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Auswirkungen einer Therapie mit Continuous Positive Airway Pressure auf die kardiorespiratorische Reflexkontrolle bei chronischer Herzinsuffizienz
Arzt, Michael
Die Rolle und Bedeutung von Redox-sensitiven Signaltransduktionswegen in der Vermittlung von Aldosteron-induzierten Gefäßschäden
Endemann, Dierk
Identifizierung von relevanten Genen für das metabolische Syndrom in Familien mit Adipositas
Bäßler, Andrea
Impact of extracorporeal membranoxygenation on the microcirculation and integrity of the gastrointestinal tract
Malfertheiner, Maximilian
Research Grants
Current projects
Arrhythmogenic mechanisms of sleep-disordered breathing
Wagner, Stefan
Disturbed cardiac sodium homeostasis as a mechanism of ethanol-induced atrial arrhythmias
Mustroph, Julian
Neef, Stefan
Editing CaMKIIδ As A Therapy For Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
Lebek, Simon
GLUT1 is required for hyperglycemia-induced CaMKII activation
Maier, Lars
Mustroph, Julian
Mitochondrial signalling in non-fibrotic dilated cardiomyopathies: aortic regurgitation- and tachycardia-induced heat failure
Dietl, Alexander
Precise Ablation of Pathogenic CaMKIIδ9 as a Therapy for Cardiac Disease
Hegner, Philipp
Lebek, Simon
Role of redox-activated CaMKII delta and PKA RIalpha in doxorubicine-induced cardiomyopathy
Sag, Can Martin
Completed projects
Analysis of immunoregulatory effects of basophils in the T cell transfer model of colitis.
Mack, Matthias
Association studies for the identification of susceptibility genes for myocardial infarction
Hengstenberg, Christian
Bedeutung der Chemokinrezeptoren CCR2 und CCR5 für die Migration und Funktion regulatorischer T-Zellen
Mack, Matthias
Chemokinrezeptorexpression auf Leukozyten als Ziel einer immunmodulatorischen Therapie
Mack, Matthias
Gefäßschäden bei Diabetes mellitus: Bedeutung von Salzsensitivität, Aldosteron und oxidativem Stress
Endemann, Dierk
Genetik seltener, familiär-gehäufter Formen des Herzinfarktes
Schunkert, Heribert
Progress DHF - Mechanisms for the Progression from Diastolic Dysfunction to Diastolic Heart Failure
Maier, Lars
Recruitment, activation and effector pathways of basophils in chronic allograft remodeling
Mack, Matthias
Regulation und Fuktion der bronchoepithelialen Chemokinrezeptoren CXCR1 und CXCR2 bei der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankung (COPD
Schulz, Christian
The Effect of Exercise on the Pathogenesis of ARVC in a Mouse Model and the Comparability to Patient Specific Cardiac Myocytes from Induced Pulripotent Stem Cells
Hammer, Ph.D., Karin
Wagner, Stefan
The role of Ca/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in the heart for triggering and maintenance of atrial fibrillation in diabetes mellitus
Maier, Lars
The role of the MAGUK protein CASK for CaMKII activation in the heart
Maier, Lars
Wagner, Stefan
Untersuchungen zum Mechanismus und zur funktionellen Bedeutung des Mikrovesikelvermittelten Transfers von Chemokinrezeptoren
Mack, Matthias
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Basophile Granulozyten als neue Regulatoren einer GvHD und GvT Reaktion
Mack, Matthias
Basophils as modulators of humoral and cellular allo-immune responses
Mack, Matthias
Bedeutung des sarkolemmalen Natrium Kanals für kardiale Kontraktilität und Arrhythmogenese
Maier, Lars
Impact of drugs targeting tumor metabolism on human CD8 T cell effector functions
Herr, Wolfgang
Renner-Sattler, Kathrin
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Heisenbergprofessur für kardiovaskuläre experimentele Elektrophysiologie und Bildgebung
Maier, Lars
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Precise Gene Editing To Fight Cardiovascular Diseases
Lebek, Simon
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Cardio- and nephroprotective mechanisms of SGLT2 inhibition
(Project Heads
Maier, Lars
Schweda, Frank
Wagner, Stefan
Development of fibrocytes and their contribution to collagen production
(Project Head
Mack, Matthias
Effects of CaMKII on arrhythmogenesis in heart failure
(Project Heads
Maier, Lars
Sossalla, Samuel
Relevance of inflammation and fibrosis for renal regeneration
(Project Head
Mack, Matthias
Strategien zur Blockade des Chemokinrezeptors CCr5 als Angriffspunkt einer HIV-suppressiven Therapie
(Project Heads
Mack, Matthias
Schlöndorff, Detlef
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
The role of cardiac macrophages for ventricular arrhythmias
Pabel, Steffen
Completed projects
Precise gene editing as a therapeutic approach in cardiac disease
Lebek, Simon
Current projects
Cardio- and nephroprotective mechanisms of SGLT2 inhibition
(Project Heads
Maier, Lars
Tauber, Philipp
Wagner, Stefan
Phenotypic and functional characterization of pro-fibrotic and pro-regenerative T cells in models of renal fibrosis
(Project Head
Mack, Matthias
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Bedeutung der Ca/Calmodulin-abhängigen Kinase (CaMKII) für Hypertrophie, Herzinsuffizienz und Arrhythmien
Maier, Lars
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Fatal Hemostatic Complications in Artificial Lungs: From Understanding to Prevention - Understanding of Shear-Induced Clotting Mechanisms for Prevention of Thrombosis
Krenkel, Lars
Lehle, Karla
Müller, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 438: Vascular Biology in Medicine
Siess, Wolfgang