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Vancouver General Hospital
Prostate Centre
855 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver V5Z 1M9
Vancouver V5Z 1M9
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Charakterisierung des Zusammenspiels von Hitzeschockprotein 27, Interleukin 6 und dem Androgenrezeptor bei der Entstehung und Progression des metastasierten hormonrefraktären Prostatakarzinoms (mHRPC).
Thomas, Christian
Specific Inhibition of NOTCH2 Signaling in Bladder Cancer
Schulz, Gerald Bastian
The role of Netrin-1 and Reelin in the mechanisms of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) resistance in Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Frees, Sebastian Karl
The role of placental gene PEG10 during transdifferenciation into neuroendocrine prostate cancer
Kretschmer, Alexander
Untersuchung der Regulation IGF-1 abhängiger Überlebensmechanismen hormonrefraktärer Prostatakarzinomzellen unter Suppression von IGFBP-2 und IGFBP-5 durch ein neuartiges bi-spezifisches Antisense Oligonukleotid
Hadaschik, Boris
Untersuchung und Charakterisierung der Bedeutung des Hitzeschockproteins (Hsp) 27 für die epitheliale-mesenchym ale Transition (EMT) von Tumorzellen bei der Progression und Metastasierung des Prostatakarzinoms.
Jäger, Wolfgang
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Epigenetic influence on cell plasticity in HSPC by EZH2 inhibition
Hirtsiefer, Christopher David
The sequential development of urosepsis and the meaning of the urinary microbiome in a catheter- and urolithiasis-associated urosepsis mouse model.
Derigs, Marcus
Completed projects
Development of Infigratinib-eluting Seeds for Localized Treatment of Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC)
Bahlburg, Henning
Proteomic analysis of chemoresistance in bladder cancer
Reike, Moritz
The role of urinary microbiome in determining response to intravesical BCG-therapy in patients with high risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.
Maas, Jan Moritz
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1906: Computational Methods for the Analysis of the Diversity and Dynamics of Genomes
Stoye, Jens
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