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Technische Universität München (TUM)
Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II)
Lichtenbergstraße 1
85748 Garching
85748 Garching
Research Grants
Current projects
In-Situ Defect Spectroscopy of Al Welds During Mechanical Load Using a Scanning Positron Microbeam
Hugenschmidt, Christoph
Positron injection and trapping for positron-electron pair plasma creation
Hugenschmidt, Christoph
Stenson, Ph.D., Eve V.
Use of residual stress based flux barriers to increase the power density of rotating electrical machines
Leuning, Nora
Schulz, Michael
Volk, Wolfram
Completed projects
An intense positron pulse source at NEPOMUC
Hugenschmidt, Christoph
Schweikhard, Lutz
Sunn Pedersen, Thomas
Application of Austempered Ductile Iron in Hydraulic Components with Dynamic Loads
Petry, Winfried
Volk, Wolfram
Complex metallic alloys: Electronic instabilities
Pfleiderer, Christian
Druckabhängigkeit dynamischer Lichtstreuung am Glasübergang
Petry, Winfried
Dynamics in chiral magnets -Helimagnons in MnSi under pressure: Towards the non-Fermi liquid phase
Georgii, Robert
Etablierung der FISRE-Technik zur Bestimmung der kinetischen Stabilität von Radionuklidkomplexen
Wierczinski, Birgit
Evolution of type II residual strains in dependence on the microstructure of nickel base superalloys
Hofmann, Michael
Krempaszky, Christian
Schmitz, Guido
Wang, Ph.D., Di
Experimental Analysis of multiaxial residual stress states induced by laser surface hardening
Gibmeier, Jens
Hofmann, Michael
Inelastische Neutronenstreuung bei hohen Temperaturen und Drücken zur Aufklärung der Lösungs- und Transportmechanismen von Wasser in wasserhaltigen Silikatschmelzen
Petry, Winfried
In-situ Eigenspannungsanalyse an Verbundgusskörpern mittels Neutronendiffraktometrie
Hoffmann, Hartmut
Petry, Winfried
In-Situ Measurement of Deformation Induced Formation of Martensite in Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)
Petry, Winfried
Volk, Wolfram
Investigation of TaC precipitation hardening in Co-Re-based alloys
Gilles, Ralph
Rösler, Joachim
Kinetik der Phasenumwandlung in Ausferritischem Gusseisen (ADI)
Hoffmann, Hartmut
Petry, Winfried
Mechanisms for multiferroicity in rare-earth orthoferrites: Role of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Meven, Martin
Microscopic and Macroscopic Analysis of the anelastic behavior of steel with regard to springback prediction
Hofmann, Michael
Volk, Wolfram
Microscopic structure and dynamics of bulk metallic glass-forming liquids with minor additions
Petry, Winfried
Yang, Fan
Neutron residual stress analysis for multiphase materials with depth gradients of the strain free / independent lattice parameter D0
Gibmeier, Jens
Hofmann, Michael
Nucleation of Helium clusters in metals studied by positron annihilation combined with ion beam analysis and temperature programmed desorption
Hugenschmidt, Christoph
Schwarz-Selinger, Thomas
Positron Injection into a Magnetic Dipole Field for the Study of an Electron-Positron Plasma
Hergenhahn, Uwe
Hugenschmidt, Christoph
Relaxationsdynamik molekularer, niedrig-viskoser Flüssigkeiten untersucht mit dynamischer Licht- und inelastischer Neutronenstreuung
Meyer, Andreas
Rolle der Mikrospannungen bei der Eigenspannungsanalyse mittels Neutronenbeugung in mehrphasigen Hochleistungslegierungen
Petry, Winfried
Werner, Ewald
Steigerung der Berechnungsgenauigkeit der Eigenspannungsverteilung im Aluminiumformguss mittels Neutronendiffraktometrie
Petry, Winfried
Synthesis and characterization of solid electrolytes with high lithium ionic conductivity: Investigation of the influence of stoichiometry on crystal structure and ionic conductivity
Ehrenberg, Helmut
Elsässer, Christian
Hoffmann, Michael J.
Senyshyn, Ph.D., Anatoliy
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Utilizing residual stresses in electrical sheet metal to increase energy efficiency
Hameyer, Kay
Schulz, Michael
Volk, Wolfram
Completed projects
Magnetic, magnetoelastic and dynamical properties of matensitic Heusler alloys
Neuhaus, Jürgen
Research Units
Completed projects
Denaturierungsphasendiagramme von Proteinen: Untersuchung der Transformationsprozesse mit optischer Spektroskopie und Streumethoden
Friedrich, Josef
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Magnetismus der Grenzflächen von Metall/Isolator-Dünnschichtstrukturen
(Project Heads
Damaschke, Bernd
Felsch, Wolfgang
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Development of an ultra-high resolution neutron computed tomography system for the characterisation of drill cores.
Hess, Kai-Uwe
Completed projects
Determination of Electronic Structure Using Spin-Polarized Positrons
(Project Heads
Böni, Peter
Chioncel, Liviu
Eyert, Volker
Hugenschmidt, Christoph
Electronic Structure and Phase Transitions
(Project Heads
Leitner, Michael
Petry, Winfried
Neutron Reflectometry on Magnetic Layers
(Project Heads
Albrecht, Manfred
Böni, Peter
Georgii, Robert
Kreuzpaintner, Wolfgang
Mannhart, Jochen
Schmehl, Andreas
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
DAPHNE4NFDI - DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI
Barty, Anton
Murphy, Bridget
Additional Information
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