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Universität Wien
Institut für Paläontologie
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2
1090 Wien
1090 Wien
Research Grants
Current projects
Paleodiversity of Paleogene hymenopteran insects and their interactions with flowers
Wedmann, Sonja
Completed projects
Benthische Foraminiferenvergesellschaftungen in Extrembiotopen der Tiefsee
Heinz, Petra
Environmental controls and distribution of Late Jurassic neoselachians from the Iberian Basin (NE Spain) in the European context
Kriwet, Jürgen
Evolution and adaptive radiation of dog-fish sharks (Chondrichthyes, Squaliformes)
Kriwet, Jürgen
Evolution und systematische Stellung von "Carcharodon" megalodon und der Ursprung des rezenten Weißen Hais Carcharodon carcharias
Kriwet, Jürgen
Exploring biodiversity evolution in tropical seas based on comparisons of the Triassic fauna of the Cassian Formation with modern faunas
Kießling, Wolfgang
Nützel, Alexander
Extrembiotope der Tiefsee als Lebensraum für benthische Foraminiferen
Heinz, Petra
Kohlenstoffaufnahme benthischer Tiefseeforaminiferen: In-situ-Experimente
Heinz, Petra
Mesozoic neoselachians (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii): Patterns of phylogeny, biogeography and diversity in a changing world
Kriwet, Jürgen
Pflanzen-Insekten Interaktionen während des Paläozän-Eozän-Temperaturmaximums (PETM) auf Spitzbergen - Einblicke alttertiärer Fundkomplexe in den höherer Breiten Europas
Wappler, Torsten
Reconstructing fossil-rich East Asian amber forests using inclusions of seed plants
Sadowski, Eva-Maria
Why do we have amber forests? The relationship between resin production and amber deposits
Seyfullah, Leyla
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Mikropaläontologische und isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen in sauerstoffarmen Habitaten benthischer Foraminiferen (Forschungsantrag M 57/3)
Heinz, Petra
WBP Position
Completed projects
Understanding geological time: An innovative fusion of diagenetic and cyclostratigraphic concepts to reconstruct sediment composition, deposition rate, and geological time spans
Nohl, Theresa
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Spatial signal and bias in the fossil record of seed plants in the late Mesozoic
Coiro, Mario
Research Units
Completed projects
Late Permian to Early Triassic palaeo-pCO2 and high latitude palaeotemperature
Joachimski, Michael M.
Additional Information
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