Universität Mannheim
Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre
Lehrstuhl für Makroökonomik
L7, 3-5
68161 Mannheim
This institution in GERiT
68161 Mannheim
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Boom-Bust Cycles in Housing and Credit Markets: The Role of Financial Innovation und Government Policy
Krebs, Ph.D., Tom
Coordination Project
Krebs, Ph.D., Tom
SPP 1578: Financial Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Performance
Krebs, Ph.D., Tom
Current projects
Peer effects in school
(Project Head
Ciccone, Antonio
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Labour income risk and labour market reform: a macroeconomic analysis
(Project Heads
Jung, Philip
Krebs, Ph.D., Tom
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 26: Graduate School of Economic & Social Sciences: Empirical and Quantitative Methods (GESS)
Ruenzi, Stefan