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Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein
Campus Lübeck
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
This institution in GERiT
23562 Lübeck
Research Grants
Current projects
Multi-channel transcranial direct current stimulation (mc-tDCS): a novel approach to modulate smooth pursuit eye movement control in healthy individuals and patients with psychotic disorders
Gross, Joachim
Lencer, Rebekka
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Self-related belief formation and subjective well-being: Prediction and improvement of depressive symptoms
Müller-Pinzler, Laura
Completed projects
Die Entwicklung von Panikstörungen und Agoraphobien nach Auftreten von organisch bedingtem Drehschwindel - eine prospektive Studie über 2 Jahre
Godemann, Frank
Dopaminergic modulation of (meta)cognitive dysfunctions associated with psychotic symptomatology: a double-blind study
Andreou, Christina
Effects of metacognitive training on the neurophysiological correlates of the jumping-to-conclusions bias in schizophrenia
Mulert, Christoph
Emotion regulation and its neural correlates in the process of transition to psychosis
Krach, Sören
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Empathie, Autismus und Oxytocin - Eine Untersuchung mittels funktioneller Bildgebung und molekulargenetischer Analysen
Wermter, Anne-Kathrin
Epidemiologie nicht-motorischer Symptome beim Parkinsonsyndrom: Häufigkeit, Charakteristika, Spezifität und Verlauf
Kasten, Meike
Katalinic, Alexander
Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie bei Generalisierter Angsterkrankung (GAD)
Linden, Michael
Mortality and associated characteristics of an adult population with mental disorders
John, Ulrich
Meyer, Christian
Rumpf, Hans-Jürgen
Neuronale Korrelate der Mensch-Roboter-Kommunikation
Krach, Sören
Overnight memory consolidation in primary and secondary insomnia
Junghanns, Klaus
Sleep and memory formation in infants and toddlers
Friedrich, Manuela
Sleep to be social: Sleep-dependent processing of social information about the self and others
Diekelmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Krach, Sören
Social aspects of restrictive eating behavior in anorexia nervosa
Rademacher, Lena
Zwangsstörungen - Neurobiologische Prädiktoren und Korrelate kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie
Hohagen, Fritz
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2488: Reduced penetrance in hereditary movement disorders: Elucidating mechanisms of endogenous disease protection
Klein, Christine
FOR 2974: Affective and cognitive mechanisms of specific Internet-use disorders (ACSID)
Brand, Matthias
FOR 5434: Information Abstraction During Sleep
Born, Jan
Long-term discrimination and generalization of fear and extinction memories during sleep
Ehrlich, Ingrid
Wilhelm-Groch, Ines
Reactivation and abstraction of self-related social information during sleep
Diekelmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Krach, Sören
RP8: Emotional working memory training and cognitive bias modification in social network use disorder and gaming disorder
Rumpf, Hans-Jürgen
Wegmann, Elisa
Completed projects
Gedächtniskonsolidierung im gestörten Schlaf: psychologische und neuroendokrine Prozesse
Backhaus, Jutta
Molecular mechanisms defining penetrance of LRRK2-associated Parkinson’s disease
Grünewald, Anne
Kasten, Meike
Trinh, Ph.D., Joanne
Social events – An event coding approach to echophenomena in GTS
Krach, Sören
Krämer, Ulrike M.
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Charakterisierung von Allokationssystem und ingestivem Verhalten bei Patienten mit metabolischen und psychischen Störungen
Schweiger, Ulrich
Ingestion und Kognition - Der Einfluss von Antizipation, Perzeption und Schlafentzug auf die Nahrungsaufnahme
Hallschmid, Manfred
KFO 126: Selfish Brain: Brain Glucose and Metabolic Syndrome
Hohagen, Fritz
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
The impact of prior knowledge on sleep and memory in children: behavior and neuronal correlates
Wilhelm-Groch, Ines
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Consolidation of emotionally charged and behaviorally relevant memory during sleep of patients with psychiatric disorders
(Project Heads
Göder, Robert
Junghanns, Klaus
Memory consolidation in distrubed sleep: psychological and neuroendocrinological processes
(Project Heads
Backhaus, Jutta
Junghanns, Klaus
Completed projects
Generation of a reference cohort with extreme eating behaviour
(Project Heads
Brabant, Georg
Brüning, Jens Claus
Kasten, Meike
Klein, Christine
Krämer, Ulrike M.
Additional Information
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