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Universitätsklinikum Leipzig AöR
Tagesklinik für kognitive Neurologie
Liebigstraße 16
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
How ovarian and stress hormones interact with empathic processing abilities – a focus on female mental health
Engert, Veronika
Sacher, Julia
Completed projects
Cognitive improvement after bariatric surgery in obesity: neuronal correlates and underlying mechanisms
Flöel, Agnes
Witte, Veronica
DC-nahe Dynamik der neurovaskulären Kopplung beim Menschen: Nicht-invasive Analysen von Physiologie und Pathophysiologie mittels simultaner DC-Magnetoencephalographie und Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie
Curio, Gabriel
Lässt sich die Gedächtnisbildung bei Menschen in höherem Lebensalter verbessern durch eine Ernährungsmodifikation? Wenn ja, welche Mechanismen liegen diesem Effekt zugrunde?
Flöel, Agnes
Motor speech disorders in primary progressive aphasia: Clinical presentation and neuroanatomical correlates
Diehl-Schmid, Janine
Schroeter, Matthias
Staiger, Anja
Neuronal mechanisms supporting word learning in adults and infants: an investigation using optical and electrophysiological signals
Obrig, Hellmuth
Perceptual anchoring as a stepping-stone into word learning: A combined brain-behavior approach
Männel, Claudia
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Targeting the brain through the gut: bottom-up mechanisms of eating behavior
(Project Heads
Stumvoll, Michael
Villringer, Arno
Witte, Veronica
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Investigating cognitive placebo effects in reinforcement learning: A computational modelling approach
Turi, Ph.D., Zsolt
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Towards vascular cognitive health: imaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease as mediators of midlife modifiable risk and predictors of later cognitive decline and dementia
Beyer, Frauke
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
MR-PET für die Medizinische Bildgebung
Sabri, Osama
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 238: Mechanisms of Damage in CNS Disease - Application of Imaging Techniques
Heinemann, Uwe
GRK 423: Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience
Marx, Peter
Sommer, Werner
GRK 429: Neuropsychiatry and Psychology: Psychic Potentials and Limits in Old Age
Heuser, Isabella
GRK 1182: Function of Attention in Cognition
Müller, Matthias M.
GRK 2386: Extrospection. External Acces to Higher Cognitive Processes.
Pauen, Michael
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 257: NeuroCure - Towards a Better Outcome of Neurological Disorders
Schmitz, Dietmar
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 86: Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Pauen, Michael
Villringer, Arno
Additional Information
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