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Universität zu Köln
Department Physik
Institut für Experimentalphysik
Zülpicher Straße 77
50937 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50937 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
Advanced two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenides
Chagas Peixoto Silva, Ph.D., Thais
From hidden to large-moment-antiferromagnetic order in URu2Si2: an x-ray study of 5f occupation and wave function symmetry.
Severing, Andrea
Interplay between Ferrolectricity And Superconductivity
Hemberger, Joachim
Lorenz, Thomas
Terahertz-induced Fermi resonance
Mashkovich, Ph.D., Evgeny
Completed projects
Atomare Prozesse beim homoepitaktischen Schichtwachstum unter extremen Nichtgleichgewichtsbedingungen
Michely, Thomas Werner
Atomic scale surface damage by ion bombardment at grazing incidence
Michely, Thomas Werner
Urbassek, Herbert Michael
Cluster Superlattice Membranes
Michely, Thomas Werner
Correlated topological insulators: spectroscopic investigations combined with band structure calculations.
Severing, Andrea
Crystal-field investigations in rare earth compounds using linear polarized soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Severing, Andrea
Electronic structure of graphene nanoflakes
Busse, Carsten
Heat transport in Spin-Ice Systems
Lorenz, Thomas
Keimbildung und Kornselektion beim Wachstum metallischer Schichten auf einem amorphen Substrat
Michely, Thomas Werner
Kinetik der Stapelfehler in dünnen Schichten: Bildung, Ausheilung und Vermeidung
Michely, Thomas Werner
Low energy ion irradiation of 2D-materials
Michely, Thomas Werner
Magnetic oxides in the vicinity of phase transitions: spin and charge inhomogeneities
Grüninger, Markus
Novel types of magnetic order generated across epitaxial interfaces of 4d and 5d transition metal perovskite oxides
Lindfors-Vrejoiu, Ionela
Optische Spektroskopie an Spinleitern und Spinketten in A14Cu24O41 (A=Sr,Ca,La,Y)
Freimuth, Axel
Quantum Critical Dynamics in Magnetoelectric Multiferroics
Hemberger, Joachim
Realraumabbildung der Struktur der Eisdoppellage auf Metallsubstraten
Morgenstern, Markus
Sandwich molecular nanowires: on-surface synthesis, structure and magnetism
Atodiresei, Nicolae
Michely, Thomas Werner
Wende, Heiko
Schichtwachstum auf flüssigen Substraten
Michely, Thomas Werner
Spintronic Devices Based on Topological Insulators
Ando, Yoichi
Streifender Ionenbeschuss auf Metalloberflächen: Beschädigung, Ionenstrahlpolieren und Steuerung des Schichtwachstums
Michely, Thomas Werner
Two dimensional cluster lattices on graphene moires on dense packed metal surfaces
Michely, Thomas Werner
Valence and orbital states of rare earth Heavy Fermion compounds close to the quantum critical point: Resonant and non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering investigations.
Severing, Andrea
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Michely, Thomas Werner
Research Units
Completed projects
Electronic structure of exemplary correlated materials
Haverkort, Maurits
Tjeng, Liu Hao
Mechanismen und Manipulation der Musterbildung auf Si(001)
Michely, Thomas Werner
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Antiskyrmions on surfaces by anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions
Fischer, Jeison
Creating many-body states in two-dimensional van-der-Waals heterostructures by design
Jolie, Wouter Raymond
Completed projects
All-oxide epitaxial heterostructures for the generation and electric field control of topological spin textures
Lindfors-Vrejoiu, Ionela
Makroskopische Eigenschaften und elektronische Struktur funktionaler Lanthanoid-Verbindungen
Tjeng, Liu Hao
The backside of graphene: functionalization by intercalation
Michely, Thomas Werner
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Architecting 2D heterostructures for the control of electronic, optical and magnetic properties
(Project Heads
Grüneis, Alexander
Kurzmann, Annika
Lindfors-Vrejoiu, Ionela
Michely, Thomas Werner
Crystal growth and design of materials
(Project Heads
Becker-Bohatý, Petra
Braden, Markus
Lorenz, Thomas
Inelastic photon scattering in spin-orbit-coupled matter
(Project Heads
Grüninger, Markus
van Loosdrecht, Paul H. M.
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy
(Project Heads
Brede, Jens
Michely, Thomas Werner
Wouter, Jolie
Static and dynamic control of excitations in topological quantum matter
(Project Heads
Bocquillon, Erwann
Hemberger, Joachim
Topological matter
(Project Heads
Ando, Yoichi
Breunig, Oliver
Taskin, Alexey
Transport and thermodynamics
(Project Heads
Ando, Yoichi
Breunig, Oliver
Lorenz, Thomas
Completed projects
Design of new materials and new material properties by ultra thin films and multi-layer systems
(Project Heads
Michely, Thomas Werner
Tjeng, Liu Hao
Electrical and thermal transport in complex transition metal compounds
(Project Heads
Abd-Elmeguid, Mohsen
Lorenz, Thomas
Sologubenko, Alexandr
Electron spectroscopy on strongly correlated solid state systems, thin films and surfaces
(Project Heads
Busse, Carsten
Hu, Zhiwei
Michely, Thomas Werner
Tjeng, Liu Hao
From mHz to PHz: Broadband dielectric and optical spectroscopy of quantum matter
(Project Heads
Grüninger, Markus
Hemberger, Joachim
(Project Heads
Abd-Elmeguid, Mohsen
Micklitz, Hans
Model systems and new materials: crystal growth, characterisation and structural determination
(Project Heads
Becker-Bohatý, Petra
Bohatý, Ladislav
Braden, Markus
Lorenz, Thomas
Optical spectroscopy on strongly correlated transition-metal oxides
(Project Heads
Grüninger, Markus
Hemberger, Joachim
Optische Spektroskopie an elektronisch hochkorrelierten Materialien
(Project Heads
Hemberger, Joachim
Loidl, Alois
Thermodynamic and magnetic properties of complex transition metal compounds
(Project Heads
Hemberger, Joachim
Lorenz, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Cryofree Dilution Refrigerator System
Dilution refrigerator with superconducting magnet and microwave lines
Electron Beam Lithography System
Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition System
Measurement system of temperature and magnetic-field-dependent physical properties
Molecular Beam Epitaxy System
Molecular Beam Epitaxy System
Multi-target ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) RF Sputtering System
Rastertunnelmikroskopanlage für tiefe Temperaturen und starke Magnetfelder
X-ray diffractometer for MBE-grown epitaxial thin films
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 192: Scientific Computing - Computer Simulation, Optimization, Multigrid Methods, Parallel Computing
Speckenmeyer, Ewald
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2004: Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4Q)
Ando, Yoichi
Additional Information
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