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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Produktentwicklung (IPEK)
Kaiserstraße 10
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Intelligent modularization for scalable concrete construction by adaptation of the methods for modular construction development
Albers, Albert
Stark, Alexander
Mechanisms of graphite lubrication in rolling contacts
Albers, Albert
Dienwiebel, Martin
Moseler, Michael
SiSmaK 2 - Sensor-integrated bolts for multiaxial force measurement and derivation of a design methodology for sensor integration in closed cylindrical machine elements
Hofmann, Klaus
Kupnik, Mario
Matthiesen, Sven
SiSmaK - Sensor-integrated bolts for multiaxial force measurement and derivation of a design methodology for sensor integration in closed cylindrical machine elements
Hofmann, Klaus
Kupnik, Mario
Matthiesen, Sven
Completed projects
Auslegung der Bauteilstruktur von Parallelkinematiken unter Berücksichtigung des mechanischen Gesamtsystemverhaltens
Albers, Albert
Entwicklung einer geschlossenen Auslegungsmethodik zur Modellierung und Optimierung des statischen, dynamischen und thermischen Verhaltens von Parallelkinematiken
Albers, Albert
Entwicklung einer Messstrategie zur Ermittlung und Prüfung funktionsorientierter Toleranzen von Mirkogetrieben auf Basis von Prüfstandsversuchen
Albers, Albert
Integration von Funktionsprüfung und dimensioneller Messtechnik zu einer optimierten Qualitätssicherungsstrategie für Mikroverzahnungen
Albers, Albert
Lanza, Gisela
Optimization of tribological systems by aimed anticipation of the running-in by final machining on the example of journal bearings
Albers, Albert
Scherge, Matthias
Schulze, Volker
SPP 1551: Resource Efficient Constructional Elements
Höhn, Bernd-Robert
Research Grants
Current projects
Development of a methodology for the agile development of mechatronic systems
Albers, Albert
Paetzold-Byhain, Kristin
Development of an ontological model of PGE and a methodological support for the reduction of variation deviations and plan deviations in sheet metal design
Albers, Albert
Bursac, Nikola
Development of a system for the analysis and targeted influencing of domain-spanning shape-function relationships of the tribological behavior during self-excited clutch plucking of the single-disc dry clutch.
Albers, Albert
DynaVal - Dynamically Adaptive Impedance Elements for Vibration Control in Validation Environments
Krause, Dieter
Matthiesen, Sven
FSReman - Functional modeling of bolted joints under uncertain product conditions for remanufacturing
Lanza, Gisela
Matthiesen, Sven
Holistic robustness evaluation in early design stages
Matthiesen, Sven
Wartzack, Sandro
method for designing and implementing hydraulic elements to achieve stable operating points under impact loads
Geimer, Marcus
Matthiesen, Sven
Methodological approach and co-simulation for the prediction and biomechanical optimization of human-machine interaction during activities with electric hand tools
Bengler, Klaus
Matthiesen, Sven
Modeling and simulation of the vibration behavior of hand-arm systems for six excitation directions in the context of user-centered product development.
Matthiesen, Sven
Recognizing cognitively demanding situations in design and measuring them for the semi-automated analysis of empirical studies in method development: AutoCodIng
Matthiesen, Sven
STMS: Cross-scale tribological models of the frictional contact in tangential-impact tightened bolted joints
Albers, Albert
Matthiesen, Sven
Systematic approach for the integration and planning of an efficient reliability assurance of product variants based on the Model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering
Albers, Albert
Dazer, Martin
Completed projects
AIProVE – Adjustable Impedance Elements for Product Validation in Compliant Environments
Krause, Dieter
Matthiesen, Sven
Design strategies and production processes of strength-optimised lightweight structures made of composites with variableaxial fibre architecture (OptiTex)
Albers, Albert
Heinrich, Gert
Kroll, Lothar
Determination of the rotational vibration behaviour of hand-arm systems in the context of user-centered product development
Matthiesen, Sven
Development of a Methodical Approach for Generating Embodiment-Function-Correlations for Engineers Based on the Examination of the Courses of Action during the Design Process
Matthiesen, Sven
Development of a methodology for the derivation of variations in PGE on the basis of partially quantified embodiment-function-models using the example of clutch judder by forced excitation
Albers, Albert
Development of highly durable thin-film sensors for studying pressure and temperature distribution in contacts under mixed friction
Albers, Albert
Ulrich, Sven
Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur Optimierung der Versickerung von Blechbauteilen unter Berücksichtigungg von Fertigungsrestriktionen
Albers, Albert
Hoffmann, Hartmut
Fiber Beads: Development of a numerical method for the synthesis of fiber-reinforced bead patterns
Albers, Albert
Volk, Wolfram
Future-robust product engineering: systematic extension of the model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering through adaptation of methods of strategic product planning
Albers, Albert
Dumitrescu, Roman
Hybrid Models for the Development of Technical Systems for Direct Interaction with Humans - Units with Power Tools and Upper Body Support Systems as an Example
Matthiesen, Sven
Wartzack, Sandro
Weidner, Robert Sebastian
HyTop: Development of a coupled topology optimization method for injection-molded, short fiber-reinforced polymer-metal hybrid composites to support the product engineer in design synthesis
Albers, Albert
Influencing factors on knowledge transfer in product development processes Continuation Proposal: Increase in quality of knowledge transfers in product generation development
Albers, Albert
Gronau, Norbert
Methods for an Efficient Product Development of Drive Components in Consideration of Complete Vehicle Criteria Using the Example of the Exterior Noise
Albers, Albert
MProvE - Validation of Methods in Product Development through Experiments – Development of a Procedural Model
Krause, Dieter
Matthiesen, Sven
Numerische Untersuchung von Reibmechanismen in Mischreibungsgebieten unter Berücksichtigung der Einflüsse der Oberflächenrauhigkeiten
Albers, Albert
Research map of models for modelling embodiment and function of technical systems to support linked model usage
Matthiesen, Sven
SLM-Topo: Development of a process specific topology optimization method for additive manufacturing of lightweight structures examplified by the SLM process
Albers, Albert
Dietrich, Stefan
Stiffening of cambered sheet metal designs: numeric bead optimization by a coupled algorithm considering nonlinear forming limits
Albers, Albert
Volk, Wolfram
Use of Development Test Benches for Fast-Rotating Rotor Systems to Increase Product Maturity
Matthiesen, Sven
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Consistency-Aware Testing of CPS Variants and Versions
(Project Heads
Albers, Albert
Sax, Eric
Schaefer, Ina
Engineering Consistent CPS Generations
(Project Heads
Albers, Albert
Schaefer, Ina
Functional model for the perpetual product
(Project Heads
Grauberger, Patric
Matthiesen, Sven
Integrated description, planning and modeling of the perpetual product
(Project Heads
Albers, Albert
Düser, Tobias
Modeling of system reliability
(Project Head
Matthiesen, Sven
Processes for Consistent CPS Engineering
(Project Heads
Albers, Albert
Koziolek, Anne
Completed projects
(Project Heads
Albers, Albert
Schneider, Johannes
Clutch systems with advanced ceramics under high load operating conditions
(Project Head
Albers, Albert
Design and Demonstrator - Execution of design services and coordination of the Center of Integrated Micro Manufacturing (ZIM)
(Project Head
Albers, Albert
Design Support Methods for Micromechanical Systems
(Project Head
Albers, Albert
Entwicklung rechnergestützter Auslegungswerkzeuge zur konstruktiven Gestaltung keramischer Bauteile des Maschinenbaus
(Project Head
Albers, Albert
Entwicklung und Einsatz von Methoden und Werkzeugen zum Konzipieren, Entwerfen und Optimieren humanoider Robotersysteme
(Project Head
Albers, Albert
Lubricated friction systems by the example of a CVT and a lubricated multi-disc clutch with components of advanced ceramics
(Project Head
Albers, Albert
Modeling - Modeling of Molded Micro Components and Micro Mechanical Systems made of Metallic and Ceramic Materials
(Project Head
Albers, Albert
Ontology-based development environment for high performance sliding and friction systems based on advanced ceramics
(Project Head
Albers, Albert
Production Preparation and Assembling of the Demonstrators
(Project Head
Burger, Wolfgang
SFB 483: High-Performance Sliding and Friction Systems Based on Advanced Ceramics
Albers, Albert
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Human-Machine-Interaction Laboratory
Validierungsumgebung für handgehaltene Geräte
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
ValVAD: Validation of Controlled Ventricular Assist Devices by Performance and Reliability Analysis in a Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Bench
Gwosch, Thomas
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2078: Integrated engineering of continuous-discontinuous long fiber reinforced polymer structures
Böhlke, Thomas
Additional Information
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