Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Botanisches Institut
Fritz-Haber-Weg 4
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ankopplung des Auxinsignals an das Actinskelett
Nick, Peter Michael
Motility of plant myosins - structure-function relationships
Nick, Peter Michael
Processing of meiotic DNA recombination intermediates in Arabidopsis thaliana
Puchta, Holger
Research Grants
Current projects
Assessing the effects of DNA repair and homologous recombination pathways on genome integrety in plants
Puchta, Holger
Schneeberger, Korbinian
Completed projects
Biosynthese von Isopentenylpyrophosphat über den MVA- und DOXP-Weg
Lichtenthaler, Hartmut
Delineating the crossover control networks in plants
Franklin, Ph.D., Chris
Henderson, Ian R.
Mechtler, Karl
Puchta, Holger
Sanchez-Moran, Eugenio
Schlögelhofer, Peter
Die vielfältigen Funktionen des Brustkrebs-Suszebilitätsgens 1 (BRCA1) in Pflanzen
Puchta, Holger
Double-strand break repair in plants
Puchta, Holger
Elucidating the mechanisms of DNA single strand break (SSB) repair in plants
Puchta, Holger
Endogenous ion currents and local cell growth in Phycomyces sporangiophores
Weisenseel, Manfred
Genetic and biochemical characterization of SRS2 and the RecQ helicases of plants
Puchta, Holger
Homologe und illegitime DNA-Rekombination in Pflanzen
Puchta, Holger
How cells measure symmetry: nuclear positioning in plants
Nick, Peter Michael
Isolierung von Phytochromobilin-Synthase-Genen zur Synthese des Phytochrom-Chromophors in E.coli
Lamparter, Tilman
Light regulation of bacterial conjugation by phytochromes through modulation of protein conformation, protein dynamics and protein-protein interactions in Agrobacterium fabrum
Krauß, Norbert
Lamparter, Tilman
MEIOREC_Meiotic Recombination in Plants: controlling the transition of DNA double-strand breaks to genetic crossovers
Grelon, Mathilde
Heckmann, Stefan
Mechtler, Karl
Pawlowski, Wojciech
Puchta, Holger
Sanchez-Moran, Eugenio
Schlögelhofer, Peter
Molecular Characterization of the RAD5/RAD16-like Gene Family of Arabidopsis
Puchta, Holger
Phytochrome in Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Lamparter, Tilman
Plant-specific pecularities of the enzyme machinery of DNA recombination
Puchta, Holger
Probing the self-organization of plant cells by micropattern and microfluidics
Nick, Peter Michael
Studies of light-induced structural changes in phytochrome using spin-label electron-electron double resonance
Lamparter, Tilman
Weber, Stefan
Teilnahme am FEBS ADVANCED COURSE Nr. 99-2: "Basic methods in yeast genetics and molecularbiology" in Strasbourg
Bihler, Hermann
The role of DNA-protein crosslink repair in meiotic recombination, T-DNA integration and gene editing
Puchta, Holger
Was ist die Funktion der Detyrosinierung von alpha-Tubulin?
Nick, Peter Michael
Zur biologischen Funktion der Phytochrome in Rhizobiales
Lamparter, Tilman
WBP Position
Current projects
Involvement of small RNAs in distinguishing symbiotic and pathogenic fungi in tomato
Pradhan, Maitree
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Directed Plant Genome Restructuring
Puchta, Holger
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Spinning Disc Laser Rastermikroskop
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Bacterial [NiFe]-hydrogenases: key reactions of the biological activation of molecular hydrogen
(Project Heads
Friedrich, Bärbel
Höhne, Wolfgang
Krauß, Norbert
Bilin Interaktion und Strukturanalyse von bakteriellen Phytochromen
(Project Heads
Krauß, Norbert
Lamparter, Tilman
Der Einfluß der Regulation der Chromatinstruktur auf die DNA Rekombination
(Project Head
Puchta, Holger
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 172: DFG-Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN)
Wegener, Martin