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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Festkörpertheorie und -optik
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Einfluß von Verspannung, Komposition und Schichtung auf die Eigenschaften von Nitriden: Ab initio Berechnungen
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Hochbitratige optische Übertragungssysteme mit Halbleiterverstärkern und -absorbern
Lederer, Falk
Low-index sandwich photonic crystals for linear and nonlinear applications
Lederer, Falk
Preparation, characterization and application aspects of functionalized photonic crystal fibers
Lederer, Falk
Ultrakurzpuls-induzierte Erzeugung periodischer Nanostrukturen im Volumen transparenter Festkörper
Heintzmann, Rainer
Nolte, Stefan
Peschel, Ulf
Research Grants
Current projects
Bloch oscillations of exciton-polaritons in topological lattices
Klembt, Sebastian
Peschel, Ulf
Completed projects
Berechnung der atomaren und elektronischen Struktur von InN, seinen Legierungen und Heterostrukturen
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Bloch Oscillations and Zener Tunneling of Exciton Polariton Condensates in One- and Two-dimensional Lattices
Klembt, Sebastian
Peschel, Ulf
Design und Herstellung nanostrukturierter optischer Schichtsysteme zur Optimierung des Wirkungsgrades photovoltaischer Elemente
Lederer, Falk
Pertsch, Thomas
Geometrie und Eigenschaften von Gruppe-IV-Nanokristallen: Ab initio Berechnungen
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Low-indes sandwich photonic crystals for linear and nonlinear applications
Lederer, Falk
Nonlinear Discrete Optics in the Time Domain
Peschel, Ulf
Nonlinear dynamics of polaritons in photonic semiconductor structures
Egorov, Oleg
Parameterfreie Berechnungen von elektronischen Anregungen und optischen Eigenschaften von Systemen mit Spinpolarisation
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Photonische Bloch-Oszillationen und die Visualisierung quantenmechanischer Phänomene in der Optik
Lederer, Falk
Structural, vibrational, electronic and optical properties of organic thin films on semiconductorr surfaces calculated from first priciples
Schmidt, Wolf Gero
Theoretical studies of quasi-one-dimensional surface systems: structures, phase transitions and spectoscopic fingerprints
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Theory of charge-carrier transport through DNA and other organic crystals
Hannewald, Karsten
Topological effects in optically anisotropic microcavities
Peschel, Ulf
Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger
Untersuchung der Auswirkung von Raumkrümmung auf die Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer Felder durch Beschränkung der Propagation auf zweidimensionale gekrümmte Flächen
Peschel, Ulf
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2857: Copper Iodide as Multifunctional Semiconductor
Grundmann, Marius
Structural, electronic, and transport properties of CuI surfaces and heterostructures from first principles
Botti, Silvana
Completed projects
Discreteness, nonlinearity and dissipation in the temporal domain
Peschel, Ulf
FOR 532: Spatial-temporal Nonlinear Dynamics in Dissipative and Discrete Optical Systems
Tünnermann, Andreas
Modeling the Dynamics and Interaction of Photonic Nanowire Lasers
Peschel, Ulf
Raumzeitliche Lokalisierung in diskreten und dissipativen Systemen
Lederer, Falk
Scattering in random photonic networks
Peschel, Ulf
Spatio-temporal localization in dissipative and discrete systems
Lederer, Falk
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Characterizing and tailoring quantum states of light from unconventional sources
(Project Heads
Gärttner, Martin
Sondenheimer, René
Control of tailored nonlinear optical excitations in functionalized 2D heterostructures
(Project Heads
Botti, Silvana
von Domaros, Eva
Peschel, Ulf
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Deckert, Volker
Gräfe, Stefanie
Kling, Matthias
Nolte, Stefan
Peschel, Ulf
Ronning, Carsten
Staude, Isabelle
Multiscale electromagnetic modeling of nonlinearities in nanostructures
(Project Heads
Busch, Kurt
David, Christin
Peschel, Ulf
Optical nonlinearities of quantum systems in tailored light fields
(Project Heads
Gräfe, Stefanie
Peschel, Ulf
Rydberg spin glasses
(Project Heads
Gärttner, Martin
Jochim, Selim
Weidemüller, Matthias
Whitlock, Shannon
SFB 1375: Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic scales (NOA)
Gräfe, Stefanie
Peschel, Ulf
Completed projects
Entanglement of quantum fields detected through entropic uncertainty relations
(Project Heads
Flörchinger, Stefan
Gärttner, Martin
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Geometrie und Eigenschaften von nanostrukturierten Gruppe-IV-Halbleitern
(Project Head
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Light-induced electron dynamics in and around metallic nanostructures
(Project Heads
Busch, Kurt
Peschel, Ulf
Lokalisierung von Licht in diskreten und sissipativen nichtlinaren Systemen
(Project Head
Lederer, Falk
SFB 196: Physics and Chemistry of Optical Films
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Theorie der linearen und nichtlinearen optischen Konstanten von Wide-Band-Gap-Halbleitern und -Strukturen
(Project Head
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Verwaltung des SFB
(Project Head
Bechstedt, Friedhelm
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Scanning Near Field Optical Microscope
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Orbital Magnetism and Related Phenomena in Topological Metals
Rauch, Tomas
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2675: Tailored metasurfaces – generating, programming and detecting light
Staude, Isabelle
Completed projects
GRK 2101: Guided light, tightly packed: novel concepts, components and applications
Tünnermann, Andreas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 80: Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT)
Schmidt, Michael
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 315: Engineering of Advanced Materials - Hierarchical Structure Formation for Functional Devices
Peukert, Wolfgang
Additional Information
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