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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Philosophische Fakultät
Historisches Institut
Fürstengraben 13
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Concentration Camp Memorials as theatres of block confrontation. Antifacist entanglements in times of the Cold War
Wagner, Jens-Christian
Pathfinders? Polish-born Survivor-Researchers and their Place in the Production of Holocaust Historiography in Poland and Beyond
Stoll, Katrin
Completed projects
"Deutschlands Mitte" als Entwurf industrieller, technischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Eliten
John, Jürgen
Die NS-Gaue als Mobilisierungsstrukturen für den Krieg. Die Funktion der mittleren Ebene in der rüstungswirtschaftlichen Strukturpolitik und der kriegsgerichteten Ernährungs- und Agrarpolitik
John, Jürgen
Fertigstellung einer Edition der Briefe und Berichte des Jenaer Abgeordneten zur Frankfurter Nationalversammlung 1848/49 Gottlieb Christian Schüler
Hahn, Hans-Werner
Quellen zu den Reformen in den Rheinbundstaaten. Thüringische Staaten (1806-1813)
Neuhaus, Helmut
Reformen - Restauration - Revolution: Deutsche Geschichte 1806-1848/49
Hahn, Hans-Werner
The Hungry Empire - The Food Question in Late Imperial Russia (1891-1914)
Rebitschek, Immo
The Unterricht der Visitatoren (1528). Origin, significance and historical impact of the first normative group text of the Wittenberg circle
Bauer, Joachim
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Buße als Grundhaltung und Handlungsprinzip. Papst Innocenz III. (1198-1216) und sein Kommentar zu den sieben Bußpsalmen
Blazek, Pavel
Witness and Historian of the Nazi Extermination Policy in Poland: An intellectual Biography of Szymon Datner
Stoll, Katrin
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Massenkultur. Studien zur Wahrnehmung gesellschaftlicher Modernität in Frankreich (1880 - 1980)
Middendorf, Stefanie Anna
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Archivische Findmittel und Quellen: Retrokonversion von drei Findbüchern des Universitätsarchivs der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Bauer, Joachim
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Comparative History of Europe and North-America in the Modern Era
Dietze, Carola
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The Muslim modernity as local and translocal practice. Transimperial entanglements of modernization discourses between Russia, the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire
Dierks, Dennis
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
From a Society of Estates to a Society of Citizens: Social Change, Political Ideas and their Diffusion 1750 to 1830
(Project Head
Hahn, Hans-Werner
Gender Relations and Enlightenment
(Project Heads
Grochowina, Nicole
Hahn, Hans-Werner
Schmidt, Georg
Medicine in Jena: Theory and Practice
(Project Heads
Bauer, Joachim
Zimmermann, Susanne
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Doing Debt. Praxeology of sovereign debt in the long 20th century
Middendorf, Stefanie Anna
Current projects
Persona ficta? Social Figures, Property Subjects, and Investment Practices in the History of Financial Markets, 1950-1990
(Project Head
Middendorf, Stefanie Anna
Completed projects
Security and the State in Europe, Russia, and the United States in the 19th Century
(Project Head
Dietze, Carola
Additional Information
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