Lomonosov Moscow State University
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP)
Leninskie gory GSP 1
Moscow 119991
Russische Föderation
Moscow 119991
Research Grants
Current projects
Hermean Magnetosphere and Exosphere
Heyner, Daniel
Investigation of the continuum-continuum phase in attosecond time delays
Sansone, Giuseppe
Completed projects
Bulk Properties of Nuclear Systems and 3-Nucleon Forces
Müther, Herbert
Electro- and photoproduction of baryons and possible hybrid states at large momentum transfer
Fäßler, Amand
Gutsche, Ph.D., Thomas
Nonlinear spectroscopy and attosecond metrology by new generation XUV and X-ray sources
Sansone, Giuseppe