Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 440
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Analyzing the function of the endocytic receptor DEC205 in vitro and in vivo during delivery and presentation of antigens in brain endothelial cells.
Mahnke, Karsten
Dysbiosis development in mice with deficient IL-17 signaling in keratinocytes
Kurschus, Ph.D., Florian
Regen, Tommy
Immune complex-directed cell migration: mechanisms and relevance
Schäkel, Knut
Uncovering the Mechanisms Driving Virus-Induced Central Nervous System Disease.
Kurschus, Ph.D., Florian
Completed projects
Analyse der Anwendbarkeit von T-Zell-Rezeptorpeptiden zur T-Zell-gerichteten Immunsuppression mittels dendritischer Zellen
Enk, Alexander
Functional specialization of proinflammatory dendritic cells in psoriasis
Schäkel, Knut
Molekulare Mechanismen der intrazellulären Zielsteuerung des Antigenrezeptors DEC-205 (CD205) in Dendritischen Zellen
Mahnke, Karsten
Role of Regulatory T cells for the pathogenesis of Autoimmune Blistering Diseases
Enk, Alexander
Hadaschik, Eva
The pathogenic role of EBI2 in skin inflammation
Kurschus, Ph.D., Florian
Toleranzinduktion durch molekulares Targeting von Antigenen zu Dendritischen Zellen in vivo
Mahnke, Karsten
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Analyse der Funktion regulatorischer T-Zellen beim malignen Melanom und ihre therapeuthische Bedeutung
(Project Head
Enk, Alexander
(A) Real time quantitative PCR (B) Frequenzbestimmung und funktionelle Analyse spezifischer zellulärer Immunreaktionen
(Project Heads
Enk, Alexander
Löhr, Hanns
Funktionelle Analyse der Chemotaxis, der Adhäsion und der Migration von regulatorischen T-Zellen im murinen Model des allergischen Kontaktekzems
(Project Head
Mahnke, Karsten
Funktionelle Analyse regulatorischer T-Zellen in humanen und murinen Krankheitsmodellen
(Project Head
Enk, Alexander
MOG specific T and B cell-autoimmunity
(Project Heads
Holz, Andreas
Kurschus, Ph.D., Florian
Wekerle, Hartmut
Rage as regulatory molecule in cutaneous chronic inflammation
(Project Heads
Enk, Alexander
Gebhardt, Christoffer
Studies on the immune function of human slan-dendritic cells in psoriasis
(Project Head
Schäkel, Knut
Tissue bank for inflammatory diseases
(Project Heads
Enk, Alexander
Lasitschka, Felix
Untersuchungen zur Funktion tolerogener dendritischer Zellen und humaner regulatorischer T-Zellen in Tumorpatienten in vivo
(Project Head
Enk, Alexander
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Defining the Langerhans cell precursor niche within the follicular microenvironment
Döbel, Thomas
Current projects
Central tasks
(Project Head
Enk, Alexander
Defining therapeutic responsiveness in patients with bullous pemphigoid by immunophenotyping
(Project Heads
Enk, Alexander
Kommoss, Katharina
Ramcke, Torben
Role of T cell subsets in the pathogenesis of autoimmune blistering disease
(Project Heads
Enk, Alexander
Hadaschik, Eva
The role of neutrophils during induction of tolerance in contact hypersensitivity reactions
(Project Head
Mahnke, Karsten
TRR 156: The skin as sensor and effector orchestrating local and systemic immunity
Enk, Alexander
Completed projects
Immune complex mediated and IgG Fc receptor-dependent recruitment of leukocytes into the skin
(Project Heads
Olaru, Florina
Schäkel, Knut
Targets and mediators of IL-17 in mouse models of psoriasis and skin infection
(Project Heads
Kurschus, Ph.D., Florian
Waisman, Ari
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Deciphering the neuro-immunological role of the IL-31/IL-31 receptor axis in atopic dermatitis
Ramcke, Torben
Prognosis estimation in malignant melanoma based on changes in tumor genome
Ginter, Katharina