Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informatik
Institut für Antriebssysteme und Leistungselektronik
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
New operation modes of modular multilevel converters with output voltage modulation significantly reducing the module capacitor requirements - II
Mertens, Axel
Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines based on oversampling, FPGA based aquisition of measured currents - II
Mertens, Axel
Using the Potentials of Additive Manufacturing on the Field of Electrical Machine Production with Focus on Synchronous Reluctance Machine Rotors
Ponick, Bernd
Schaper, Mirko
Zimmer, Detmar
Completed projects
Adaptive Ansteuerverfahren für IGBTs mit digitalisierten Treiberstufen
Mertens, Axel
Additive Manufacturing of electric machines: Research on the potential of additive manufacturing of PM synchronous machine rotors
Ponick, Bernd
Schaper, Mirko
Zimmer, Detmar
Design and Validation of a Belt Conveyor Driven by a Linear Motor
Overmeyer, Ludger
Ponick, Bernd
Investigation on the efficiency potentials of anti-resonat driven high power ultrasonic systems compared to resonant operation
Mertens, Axel
Twiefel, Jens
Method of drive-integrated damping of spindle vibrations in machine tools
Denkena, Berend
Ponick, Bernd
Modellierung eines Lineardirektantriebes für Transportbänder
Overmeyer, Ludger
Ponick, Bernd
Modular Direct AC-AC Multilevel Converters for Multiphase Systems with reduced number of arms - a systematic approach for a class of modular mutlilevel converters
Mertens, Axel
Self-Sensing Control of Induction Machines based on an Additional Single-Axis Short-Circuited Rotor Winding
Mertens, Axel
Ponick, Bernd
Vollaktuierter elektromagnetischer Biegeaktor für die Endoskopie
Mertens, Axel
Ortmaier, Tobias Johannes
Zero-Position-Coding-Modulationsverfahren mit separiertem Basisband für dreiphasige Pulswechselrichter
Mathis, Wolfgang
Mertens, Axel
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
DC power supply
Modulares Umrichtersystem mit variabler Steuerung
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Auslegung aktiver Mikrosysteme
(Project Heads
Gatzen, Hans-Heinrich
Ponick, Bernd
Compact dynamic compressors for active flow control in autonomous high lift configurations
(Project Heads
Mertens, Axel
Ponick, Bernd
Seume, Jörg
Steuerung und Regelung aktiver Mikrosysteme
(Project Heads
Hesselbach, Jürgen
Stölting, Hans-Dieter
Steuerung und Regelung aktiver Mikrosysteme
(Project Head
Mertens, Axel
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Reliable Operation of Inverter-Dominated ICT-Reliant Energy Systems -- from Centralized Structures to Agent-Based Decentralized Control
Hofmann, Lutz
Lehnhoff, Sebastian
Mertens, Axel
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2163: Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation – SE²A
Friedrichs, Jens
Radespiel, Rolf