Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Technische Chemie
Callinstraße 5
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
A bioreactor system for cultivation of bioartificial vascular graft systems - evaluation and optimization of cultivated test structures
Blume, Cornelia
Wilhelmi, Mathias
Ceramic dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS) structures for continuous lytic bioprocesses
Beutel, Sascha
Maas, Michael
Design of Redox Biocatalysis in Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESiRE)
Kara, Selin
Smirnova, Irina
Development of bioanalytical cell microarrays for prognosis before and follow-up monitoring after organ transplantation
Blume, Cornelia
Ex-vivo modeling of the lymph node microenvironment and its impact on drug response in lymphoma
Dietrich, Sascha
Lavrentieva, Antonina
Pepelanova, Iliyana
Completed projects
Aufbau und Testung eines Nebelkammmerreaktors für Tierzellkultivierungen
Scheper, Thomas
A universal and label-free sensor system based on aptamers and porous Silicon
Scheper, Thomas
Beobachtung und Steuerung von biotechnisch interessanten Kristallisationsprozessen mit Hilfe der In-situ-Videomikroskopie (ISVM)
Scheper, Thomas
Biocatalytic data from enzymatic cascade reactions: integration of data acquisition, data mining, and mechanistic modeling
Pleiss, Jürgen
Biomolecular Sensor Platform for Elucidating Hypoxic Signatures in 2D and 3D in vitro culture Systems
Lavrentieva, Antonina
Characterisation and kinetic modelling of a novel convergent enzymatic cascade for epsilon-caprolactone synthesis employing a double-smart cosubstrate with in situ polymerisation
Kara, Selin
Development and innovative microscopic systems for bioprocess monitoring
Scheper, Thomas
Einsatz der in situ-Fluoreszenzmessung zur Steigerung der Proteinausbeute bei der hochzelldichten E.coli-Fermentation
Scheper, Thomas
Entwicklung Aptamer-basierter Methoden zur Detektion und Aufreinigung rekombinanter Proteine in der Biotechnologie
Scheper, Thomas
Entwicklung einer schnellen Affinitätsseparationstechnik für die in vitro Untersuchung der Fibrinolyse
Kretzmer, Gerlinde
Entwicklung eines biotechnologischen Verfahrens zur Expansion und osteogenen Ausdifferenzierung humaner mesenchymaler Stammzellen
Kasper, Cornelia
Entwicklung eines glasfaseroptischen Sauerstoffsensors und seine Anwendung an biotechnologisch/medizinisch relevanten Fragestellungen
Scheper, Thomas
Entwicklung und Einsatz innovativer Bioreaktorsysteme für die Darstellung von Knochengewebe
van Griensven, Ph.D., Martijn
Scheper, Thomas
Geträgerte Mischoxidkatalysatoren mit Pyrochlorstruktur für die stöchiometrische photokatalytische Wasserspaltung mit sichtbarem Licht
Bahnemann, Detlef
Wark, Michael
Kaltgasspritzen hochaktiver photokatalytischer Schichten
Bahnemann, Detlef
Klassen, Thomas
Kinetic and mechanistic studies by fast techniques (stopped-flow) of Advanced Reductive Processes in aqueous phase based on TiO2 heterogeneous photocatalysis
Bahnemann, Detlef
Modulare Hohlfaserreaktoren in der Biotechnologie unter Berücksichtigung mikroskaliger Effekte
Liese, Andreas
Scheper, Thomas
Schlüter, Michael
Novel TiO2 films with organized porosity and tailored doping as efficient visible light photocatalysts
Bahnemann, Detlef
Wark, Michael
NOX-Reduktion und Kohlenwasserstoff-Oxidation an Halbleitern: Einfluss von strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften in der heterogenen Photokatalyse
Hesse, Diethard
Optimierung der Sektretion von rekombinanten Proteinen aus Escherichia coli durch Analyse der Genexpression
Friehs, Karl
Optimierung der Sektretion von rekombinanten Proteinen aus Escherichia coli durch Analyse der Genexpression
Scheper, Thomas
Production of low molecular weight polysialic acid and its anti-inflammatory effects on Siglec-11 expressing microglia and macrophages
Neumann, Harald
Scheper, Thomas
Proteolytic ceramic capillary membranes for the preparative production of bioactive peptides
Beutel, Sascha
Maas, Michael
Untersuchungen zur Katalysatorstabilität und -selektivität bei der photokatalytischen Partialoxidation ungesättigter Kohlenwasserstoffe
Hesse, Diethard
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Kara, Selin
FOR 5730: Customized Deep Eutectic Solvents for Biocatalysis – a circular approach from molecular interactions to process parameters – (DESMOL2PRO)
Kara, Selin
Kinetics and mass transfer analyses of biocatalytic oxygenations and decarboxylations in deep eutectic solvents (kinetics & mass transfer of biocatalysis in DESs)
Kara, Selin
Completed projects
Biotechnological production; protein engineering
Gerardy-Schahn, Rita
Scheper, Thomas
Development of processes for the production of the signaling factors BMP-2, TGF-ß3, Smad8 L MH2 as well as novel variants with defined stabilities
Rinas, Ursula
Scheper, Thomas
FOR 2180: Graded Implants for Tendon-Bone Junctions (“Graded Implants”)
Hoffmann, Andrea
Interacitve testing and optimization of polySia matrices effects on cell systems based on DNA microarray techniques
Scheper, Thomas
Purification and recombinant production of polysialic acid
Scheper, Thomas
Purification and recombinant production of polysialic acid
Kirschning, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Heterologe Proteinproduktion mittels rekombinanter Mikroorganismen
(Project Head
Rinas, Ursula
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ferrites for photoelectrochemical water splitting
Bahnemann, Detlef
Bredow, Thomas
Wark, Michael
Iron oxides with highly ordered mesoporosity for photoelectrochemical oxygen formation from water
Bahnemann, Detlef
Wark, Michael
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Durchflusszytometer mit Sortereinheit (vier Laser)
Current projects
Optical sensors for responsive implants
(Project Heads
Heisterkamp, Alexander
Nikutta, Katharina
Scheper, Thomas
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 62: From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy (REBIRTH)
Haverich, Axel
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas