Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Institut für Molekularbiologie
Carl-Neubergstraße 1
30625 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30625 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
Molecular function of the T-box transcription factors TBX2 and TBX3 in the development and maintenance of the epithelial lining of the urinary tract in the mouse
Kispert, Andreas
Completed projects
Analysis of the functional divergence of the Notch ligands Delta1 and Delta4 in vitro and in vivo
Gossler, Achim
Characterisation of chordal, a candidate gene for the Danforth`s short tail mutation
Gossler, Achim
Die genetische Kontrolle der Wirbelsäulenentwicklung: Die Funktion von Uncx4.1 in der anterior-posterioren Polarisierung der Somiten in der Maus
Kispert, Andreas
Elucidating nephrocystin function by targeted disruption of the NPHP1-gene
Kispert, Andreas
Functional analysis of the atypical DSL protein DLL3
Gossler, Achim
Functional Characterisation of the Conserved FOXJ1 Effector CFAP206 in Mouse and Xenopus
Gossler, Achim
Schweickert, Axel
Functional characterization of a novel basal body/centrosomal protein
Gossler, Achim
Functional redundancy of Tbx15 and Tbx18 in mouse limb development
Kispert, Andreas
Function of the T-box transcription factors Tbx2 and Tbx3 in the development of the murine inner ear
Trowe, Mark-Oliver
Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Tbx18-Gens der Maus in der Somitogenese der Maus
Kispert, Andreas
Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Tbx8-Gens der Maus
Kispert, Andreas
Genetische Kontrolle der Notochordentwicklung: Analyse der truncate Mutation der Maus
Gossler, Achim
Molecular control of early urothelial differentiation in the murine ureter
Kispert, Andreas
Molecular control of smooth muscle cell differentiation in the developing murine ureter
Kispert, Andreas
Molecular function of Tbx18 in ureter development
Kispert, Andreas
Molecular function of Wnt/ß-Catenin signaling in the development of the ureteric mesenchyme in the mouse
Kispert, Andreas
Molekulare Grundlage der Somitogenese: Analyse der rib-vertebrae Mutation der Maus
Gossler, Achim
Regulation and molecular function of the T-box transcription factors Tbx2 and Tbx3 in the development of the murine lung
Kispert, Andreas
Structure-function analysis of the mouse Delta1 gene in vivo and in vitro
Gossler, Achim
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Mobilisierung und Differenzierung epikardialer Zellen in Entwicklung, Homöostase und Regeneration
Kispert, Andreas
Rolle der Notch Signaltransduktion bei Regeneration und Adaption im kardiovaskulären System
Limbourg, Florian P.
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Molekulare Mechanismen der Segmentierung bei Vertebraten
(Project Head
Gossler, Achim
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 705: Characterization of Pathophysiological Animal Models ? Functional and Genetic Analyses
Hedrich, Hans-Jürgen
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 62: From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy (REBIRTH)
Haverich, Axel
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 108: Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS)
Schmidt, Reinhold Ernst