University of Pennsylvania
Department of Mathematics
209 South 33rd Street
Philadelphia PA 19104-6395
Philadelphia PA 19104-6395
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Die anabelsche Geometrie der Schnittvermutung
Stix, Jakob
Equivariant differential geometry: more general variational problems and methods for higher cohomogeneity
Siffert, Anna
Galoistheorie p-adischer Differentialmoduln
Hartmann, Julia
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Representations of Algebraic Groups in Differential and Difference Galois Theory
Hartmann, Julia
Research Grants
Completed projects
a) Etale Fundamentalgruppe von Kurven b) Anabelsche Geometrie c) Beschreibung der Galoisstruktur von Körpern
Koepke, Peter
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1632: Experimental and Constructive Algebra
Nebe, Gabriele