Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Physik
Institut für Laser-Physik
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
22761 Hamburg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Deceleration and cooling of large molecules using time-varying electric fields
Küpper, Jochen
Dissipation in der Quantentheorie am Beispiel der Ionenbewegung in der Paulfalle
Lindner, Albrecht
Erzeugung verschränkter Quantenzustände in einem optischen Gitter
Hemmerich, Andreas
Experimental analysis of the interactions of multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates of Rubidium atoms
Sengstock, Klaus
Experimental investigation in quantum degenerate Fermi-Bose gas mixtures
Bongs, Kai
Formation of a quantum degenerate metastable calcium gas in an optical trap
Hemmerich, Andreas
Imaging chemical dynamics through laser-induced electron diffraction in the molecular-frame
Küpper, Jochen
Rouzée, Arnaud
Lanthanoiddotierte Nanopartikel im Größenbereich zwischen 2 und 20 nm mit optischen, magnetischen und katalytischen Funktionalitäten
Haase, Markus
Lanthanoiddotierte Nanopartikel im Größenbereich zwischen 2 und 20 nm mit optischen, magnetischen und katalytischen Funktionalitäten
Scheife, Hanno
Research Grants
Current projects
Quantum computing with neutral atoms
Groß, Christian
Jaksch, Dieter
Lesanovsky, Igor
Pfau, Tilman
Zeiher, Johannes
Quantum simulation with engineered dissipation
Hemmerich, Andreas
Marino, Jamir
Completed projects
Continuously emitting superradiant laser utilizing intercombination lines of calcium
Hemmerich, Andreas
DFG-NSF: Novel Low Loss Coatings – Enabling the Third Generation of Gravitational-Wave Detectors
Schnabel, Roman
DQS - Quantum Simulation using cold atoms in optical lattices
Bloch, Immanuel
ER-Doped Laser Transmitter for a 1.6µm-CO2 Differential Absorption LIDAR: - Er-doped laser crystals (Subproject A) - Fiber lased pumped, high-power, pulsed, single-frequency Er-doped laser transmitter for 1.6 µm-CO2DIAL (Subproject B)
Huber, Günter
Erzeugung verschränkter Quantenzustände in einem optischen Gitter
Hemmerich, Andreas
Excitation of a symmetry broken state in an optical lattice of rubidium atoms
Hemmerich, Andreas
Experimental investigation of atom guiding in photonic bandgap fibers with Rb atoms
Sengstock, Klaus
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen mehrkomponentiger Bose-Einstein-Kondensate aus Rubidium-Atomen
Sengstock, Klaus
FerMix - Fermionic Mixtures of Ultracold Atoms: Pairing, Superfluidity, and Quantum Phases
Sengstock, Klaus
High Efficiency Noble Gas Trace Analysis employing a magneto-optical trap for Earth Sciences and Non-proliferation Studies
Sengstock, Klaus
Investigation of photon-avalanche-type energy transfer processes in ytterbium and holmium doped crystals
Huber, Günter
Kohärenter Besetzungseinfang in offenen Systemen: Schmale Dunkelresonanzen
Lindner, Albrecht
Making the molecular movie with atomic-scale spatial resolution and femtosecond/attosecond-scale time resolution
Rouzée, Arnaud
Mehrteilchenphänomene in optischen Gittern
Hemmerich, Andreas
Nonclassical Interferometry towards Gravitational-Wave Detectors at a Laser Wavelength of 2.1um
Schnabel, Roman
Optomechanics with a Bose-Einstein condensate in a high-finesse cavity operating in the regime of resolved atomic recoil sidebands
Hemmerich, Andreas
Quantum phases in an optical lattice with a staggered magnetic field
Hemmerich, Andreas
Realization of a time-crystal in a dc-driven atom-cavity system
Keßler, Hans
Seitenbandkühlung in einem Hochfinesse-Resonator
Hemmerich, Andreas
Topological orbital optical lattices with bosons
Hemmerich, Andreas
Ultracold Atoms Coupled to Ultracold Nano-mechanical Oscillators
Becker, Christoph
Schwarz, Alexander
Sengstock, Klaus
Wiesendanger, Roland
Ultracold collisions of metasstable calcium atoms in an optical dipole trap
Hemmerich, Andreas
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2414: Artificial Gauge Fields and Interacting Topological Phases in Ultracold Atoms
Hofstetter, Walter
Strong correlations in multi-component quantum gases
Sengstock, Klaus
Topological many-body phases of bosons and fermions in driven optical lattices
Sengstock, Klaus
Weitenberg, Christof
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Administrative project
(Project Head
Sengstock, Klaus
Exploring non-equilibrium dynamics in strongly interacting Fermi gases
(Project Head
Moritz, Henning
Gauge-field induced quantum phases in fermionic optical lattices
(Project Head
Hemmerich, Andreas
Integrated research training group
(Project Heads
Grübel, Gerhard
Huse, Nils
Laarmann, Tim
Moritz, Henning
Sengstock, Klaus
Interacting fermions in topological lattices
(Project Heads
Becker, Christoph
Sengstock, Klaus
Interaction-induced topological order in orbital optical lattices
(Project Heads
Hemmerich, Andreas
Sengstock, Klaus
Simonet, Juliette
Windpassinger, Patrick
Kohärente und nichtlineare Atomoptik auf Basis von Bose-Einstein Kondensaten
(Project Heads
Ertmer, Wolfgang
Sengstock, Klaus
Non-equilibrium dynamics, fluctuations and competing phases in an open driven atom-cavity system
(Project Heads
Hemmerich, Andreas
Thorwart, Michael
(Project Head
Sengstock, Klaus
Public relations
(Project Heads
Sengstock, Klaus
Thorwart, Michael
SFB 925: Light Induced Dynamics and Control of Correlated Quantum Systems
Sengstock, Klaus
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Few-body 40K quantum gas measurement system
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 463: Spectroscopy of Localized Atomic Systems. Fields and Localized Atoms ? Atoms and Localized Fields
Huber, Günter
GRK 1355: Physics with New Advanced Coherent Radiation Sources
Sengstock, Klaus
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1074: The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI): Structure, Dynamics and Control of Matter at the Atomic Scale
Sengstock, Klaus
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2056: CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter
Chapman, Ph.D., Henry N.
Sengstock, Klaus
Weller, Horst