Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Physik
I. Institut für Theoretische Physik
Notkestraße 9-11
22607 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
22607 Hamburg
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Atome und Moleküle in intensiven UV- und Röntgen-Laserfeldern mit Schwerpunkt auf Vielteilcheneffekten
Santra, Robin
Quantentheorie des Elektronentransports in strukturierten Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhrchen
Thorwart, Michael
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Hawking-Strahlung Schwarzer Löcher
Kuckert, Bernd
Two-particle self-consistency in diagrammatic theories for strongly correlated electron systems
Rohringer, Georg
Research Grants
Current projects
Nonequilibrium quantum many-body dynamics of hybrid atom-optomechanical condensate systems
Thorwart, Michael
Non-equilibrium superconductivity and magneto-transport in quantum Kuramoto model
Ginzburg, Alexander
Completed projects
DFG-RSF: Dynamics of strongly non-equilibrium correlated systems at all time scales: dual representation of functional integral
Eckstein, Martin
Lichtenstein, Alexander
Dynamics of current-driven interacting magnetic domain walls
Thorwart, Michael
Long-lived hot carriers, coherent spin transport, and the role of surfaces in lead halide perovskites
Fauster, Thomas
Nanoscale magnetic phenomena driven by electron correlations
Lichtenstein, Alexander
Solvent backaction on single electron transport in redox molecular nanojunctions
Nalbach, Peter
Thorwart, Michael
Spectral function of highly-correlated electron systems
Lichtenstein, Alexander
The classical-quantum crossover of topological protection
Posske, Thore
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Correlations in van der Waals [Hetero]Structures by the Spectroscopic Fingerprints of Quasiparticles and Collective Excitations
Kennes, Dante Marvin
Wehling, Tim
Wurstbauer, Ursula
Nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of current-driven magnetic skyrmions
Häusler, Wolfgang
Thorwart, Michael
Completed projects
Atomistic theory of impurity and substrate effects in graphene
Lichtenstein, Alexander
Wehling, Tim
Cooling a nanoscale device by a spin-polarized nonequilibrium current
Thorwart, Michael
Investigating thermoelectricity in maerials with different strength of electronic correlations
Habermeier, Hanns-Ulrich
Lechermann, Frank
Iterative path-integral simulations of molecular quantum transport
Egger, Reinhold
Transport and magnetization dynamics in semimagnetic quantum dots
Pfannkuche, Daniela
Research Units
Current projects
Correlation effects in adiabatic spin dynamics
Potthoff, Michael
Electronic correlations in functionalized graphene on SiC
Wehling, Tim
FOR 5242: Proximity-induced correlation effects in low dimensional systems
Tegenkamp, Christoph
FOR 5249: Quantitative Spatio-Temporal Model-Building for Correlated Electronic Matter
Valenti, Maria Roser
FOR 5750: Optical Control of Quantum Materials (OPTIMAL)
Kennes, Dante Marvin
Modeling non-local interaction phenomena in real materials: electrons, lattice and topology
Sangiovanni, Giorgio
Wehling, Tim
Non-local correlations out of equilibrium
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Eckstein, Martin
P1: Non-thermal photoinduced phase transitions in Mott based quantum materials
Eckstein, Martin
Completed projects
FOR 1346: Dynamical Mean-Field Approach with Predictive Power for Strongly Correlated Materials
Vollhardt, Dieter
Realistic many-body approach to materials with strong nonlocal correlations
Lichtenstein, Alexander
Realistic theory of electronic correlations in nanoscopic systems
Sangiovanni, Giorgio
Wehling, Tim
Theoretical investigation of the phase diagram of high-Tc superconductors
Hanke, Werner
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Dynamics in confined quantum systems
(Project Heads
Pfannkuche, Daniela
Santra, Robin
Vendrell, Oriol
Dynamics of strongly correlated degrees of freedom in model systems
(Project Head
Potthoff, Michael
Electronic structure and magnetism of correlated nanosystems
(Project Head
Lichtenstein, Alexander
Electron transport and dynamics of domain walls in nanowires
(Project Heads
Ginzburg, Alexander
Pfannkuche, Daniela
Influence of the substrate on the magnetism of nanostructures
(Project Head
Potthoff, Michael
Korrelationen in gekoppelten Quantenpunkten
(Project Head
Pfannkuche, Daniela
Korrelationseffekte und Temperaturabhängigkeiten in der elektronischen Struktur magnetischer dünner Filme
(Project Heads
Nolting, Wolfgang
Potthoff, Michael
Non-equilibrium dynamics, fluctuations and competing phases in an open driven atom-cavity system
(Project Heads
Hemmerich, Andreas
Thorwart, Michael
Nonlinear spectroscopy of ultrafast electronic correlations in molecular and crystalline spin systems
(Project Heads
Bressler, Christian
Huse, Nils
Thorwart, Michael
Public relations
(Project Heads
Sengstock, Klaus
Thorwart, Michael
Quantenphasenübergänge durch Wechselspiel von Kondo-Effekt und Superaustauschwechselwirkung in magnetischen Clustern und Spinketten
(Project Heads
Ginzburg, Alexander
Kettemann, Stefan
Lichtenstein, Alexander
Quantum activation and dynamical tunnelling of quantum gases in driven nonlinear resonators
(Project Head
Thorwart, Michael
Quantum dynamics of ferromagnetic nanostructures in non-equilibrium
(Project Head
Thorwart, Michael
Spinkohärenz in Halbleiter-Hybridstrukturen
(Project Heads
Ginzburg, Alexander
Pfannkuche, Daniela
Temperature and quantum fluctuations in magnetic nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Kettemann, Stefan
Potthoff, Michael
Vedmedenko, Elena
Theorie der elektronischen Struktur von II-VI-Verbindungen im Volumen und an Oberflächen
(Project Heads
Hanke, Werner
Potthoff, Michael
Time-dependent metal-insulator transition with light-induced dynamics
(Project Heads
Eckstein, Martin
Lechermann, Frank
Lichtenstein, Alexander
Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices - Structure and excitations beyond the mean-field approximation
(Project Heads
Ginzburg, Alexander
Pfannkuche, Daniela
Completed projects
Entangling collective behavior of quantum materials and quantum light
(Project Head
Eckstein, Martin
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 235: Physics of Nanostructured Solids
Hansen, Wolfgang
GRK 1286: Functional Metal-semiconductor Hybrid Systems
Merkt, Ulrich
GRK 2247: Quantum Mechanical Materials Modelling - QM³
Frauenheim, Thomas
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1074: The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI): Structure, Dynamics and Control of Matter at the Atomic Scale
Sengstock, Klaus
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2056: CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter
Chapman, Ph.D., Henry N.
Sengstock, Klaus
Weller, Horst