Universität Hamburg
Asien-Afrika-Institut (AAI)
Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets
Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20354 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Haravijaya and Kapphiṇābhyudaya: The Two Surviving Mahākāvyas from 9th-Century Kashmir
Pasedach, Peter
Completed projects
A Canon in the Making: The History of the Formation, Production, and Transmission of the bsTan 'gyur, the Corpus of Treatises in Tibetan Translation
Almogi, Orna
Ausgabe in Transkription und Faksimile des Sanskritmanuskripts Nr. 810 der deutschen Turfansammlung ("Ms. Spitzer")
Wezler, Albrecht
Die 'indischen mahamudra-Werke' (Tib. phyag chen rgya gzhung) und ihre tibetische Rezeption in den frühen bKa` brgyud-Schulen (11. bis 13. Jh.)
Isaacson, Harunaga
Early Saiva Mythology: a study of the formative period of an integrated religious vision
Isaacson, Harunaga
Early Tantra: Discovering the interrelationships and common ritual syntax of the Saiva, Buddhist, Vaisnava and Saura traditions
Isaacson, Harunaga
Filmung und Bereitstellung sämtlicher orientalischer Handschriften in Nepal
Wezler, Albrecht
Historische Studien zum Raum westlich von Sakya
Jackson, David P.
Honour and Honour Groups in Pre-Modern India in the 12th-14th and 16th-18th Centuries: An Indological Study of Honour and Emotions Based on Tamil Texts
Schuler, Barbara
Nepalese-German Manuscript Cataloguing Project (NGMCP)
Isaacson, Harunaga
Texts Surrounding Texts: Satellite Stanzas, Prefaces and Colophons in South-Indian Manuscripts (collections of the Paris BnF and Hamburg Stabi)
Wilden, Eva
The earliest philosophical ms. of India: On the importance of the Sanskrit-ms. no. 810 of the German Turfan collection ("ms. Spitzer") in terms of history and culture
Wezler, Albrecht
Untersuchung der Selbsttötung als Grenzfall der Gewalt im Buddhismus anhand altindischer und älterer chinesischer Quellen
Delhey, Martin
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Wohlwollen, Mitleid, Freude und Gleichmut: Eine ideengeschichtliche Untersuchung der vier apramanas in der buddhistischen Ethik und Spiritualität von den Anfängen bis hin zum frühen Yogacara
Maithrimurthi, Mudagamuwe
Research Units
Completed projects
In the margins of the text: annotated manuscripts from Northern India and Nepal
Isaacson, Harunaga
Script, Print, Memory: Re-establishing the Cankam in Tamil Nadu
Isaacson, Harunaga
The Manuscript Collections of the Ancient Tantras: An Examination of Variance
Isaacson, Harunaga
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Dividing Texts: Conventions of visual text organization in North Indian and Nepalese manuscripts up to ca. CE 1300
(Project Head
Isaacson, Harunaga
Doxographical organizational schemes in manuscripts and xylographs of the Collection of the Ancient Tantras
(Project Head
Almogi, Orna
Esoteric Transmissions: 'The Vanaratna Codex' (Royal Asiatic Society, London, MS Hodgson 35)
(Project Head
Isaacson, Harunaga
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2176: Understanding Written Artefacts
Bausi, Alessandro
Butts, Aaron
Friedrich, Michael
Harter-Uibopuu, Kaja
Hirschler, Ph.D., Konrad
Schroer, Christian