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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Venerologie
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Influence of cell wall modifications by chitin deacetylases on the human immune response against Cryptococcus neoformans and other human pathogenic fungi
Gorzelanny, Christian
Moerschbacher, Bruno
Role of the complement system and neutrophil activation in livedoid vasculopathy
Schneider, Stefan Werner
Completed projects
Antibacterial and low-abrasive coatings on sliding surfaces of orthopedic implants
Burgkart, Rainer
Schneider, Stefan Werner
Wixforth, Achim
Apikaler Transport und Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungen des HE6-Rezeptors in den Ductuli efferentes und im Nebenhoden
Kirchhoff, Christiane
Identifizierung von Claudin- und Occludin-tragenden Zellverbindungen und ihren Funktionen in mehrschichtigen Epithelien
Moll, Ingrid
Identifizierung von Claudin- und Occludin-tragenden Zellverbindungen und ihren Funktionen in mehrschichtigen Epithelien
Franke, Werner Wilhelm
Quantitative Evaluation der statischen und dynamischen Zelladhäsion und -aktivität an antibakteriellen DLC-Schichten für den biomedizinischen Einsatz (Antragsteil 4)
Schneider, Stefan Werner
Regulation der Genexpression im Nebenhoden
Kirchhoff, Christiane
The role of tight junctions in skin barrier function
Brandner, Johanna Maria
Tight junction protein-based water transport
Fromm, Michael
Tissue-specific secretory proteins of the epididymal epithelium - molecular mediators of epitelial host defence in the male reprouctive tract
Kirchhoff, Christiane
Transkriptionelle Steuerung der Spermatogenese in postmeiotischen Keimzellen
Kirchhoff, Christiane
Zentrale Musterkennungsrezeptoren in der Tumor-Stroma-Interaktion des malignen Melanoms
Gebhardt, Christoffer
Research Units
Current projects
Biological and Psychosocial Factors Affecting the Persistence of Pruritus Symptoms (RU SOMACROSS Project 4)
Schneider, Stefan Werner
Schneider, Gudrun
Ständer, Sonja
FOR 5211: Persistent Somatic Symptoms Across Diseases: From Risk Factors to Modification
Löwe, Bernd
Completed projects
Barrierefunktion von Tight Junctions in Keratinocyten, Hautäquivalenten und in der Haut
Brandner, Johanna Maria
Der männliche Gamet: Produktion, Reifung, Funktion
Ivell, Richard
Der männliche Gamet: Produktion, Reifung, Funktion
Nieschlag, Eberhard
Von Willebrand factor under inflammatory conditions - Von Willebrand factor-induced collective networks
Schneider, Stefan Werner
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Role of the chito-structural code in controlling inflammatory and tissue regenerative processes in the frame of biomedical applications
Gorzelanny, Christian
Osorio-Madrazo, Anayancy
Completed projects
Haarwuchskontrolle durch TGFbeta/BMP: De novo-Induktion von humanen Haarfollikelanlagen in vitro
Paus, Ralf
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Die Fucosyltransferasen des männlichen Genitaltraktes
(Project Head
Kirchhoff, Christiane
Die Rolle des Matrixproteinvon Willebrand-Faktor beiTumorzelladhäsion, -migration und -invasion
(Project Head
Schneider, Stefan Werner
Rage as regulatory molecule in cutaneous chronic inflammation
(Project Heads
Enk, Alexander
Gebhardt, Christoffer
Completed projects
Mechanism controlling the transition from quiescent to activated endothelium by exocytosis of Wiebel-Palade bodies triggered by tumor cells
(Project Head
Schneider, Stefan Werner
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 464: Glycoconjugates: Synthesis, Analysis, Structure and Function
Meyer, Bernd
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1549: Molecular and Cellular Glyco-Sciences (MCGS). Understanding Structure/Function Relationships of Carbohydrate/Protein Interactions
Moerschbacher, Bruno
Additional Information
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