Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für experimentelle Medizin
Institut für Computational Neuroscience
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Neurophysiology of altered multisensory processing in migraine
Mehnert, Jan
Completed projects
Attentional control during conflict: Causal contributions and interactions of fronto-parietal corties in the human brain
Hilgetag, Claus Christian
Occult serum PSA: Characterisation and evaluation as a marker for prostate tumors
Hilz, Helmuth
Organization of excitable dynamics in hierarchical networks - Theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and application to neuroscience
Hütt, Marc-Thorsten
Realistische Interaktion mit Volumenmodellen zur Simulation von medizinischen Untersuchungs- und Behandlungstechniken
Höhne, Karl Heinz
Repräsentation und Visualisierung von Variabilität in dreidimensionalen anatomischen Atlanten
Handels, Heinz
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Formation of structured neural circuits in hydra and computational models
(Project Heads
Hilgetag, Claus Christian
Klimovich, Ph.D., Alexander
Completed projects
Analysis and modeling of multi-site interactions in the brain
(Project Heads
Donner, Tobias
Hilgetag, Claus Christian
von Luxburg, Ulrike
Nolte, Guido
Dynamics and control of multi-site communication in the brain
(Project Head
Hilgetag, Claus Christian
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Cellular, connectional and molecular heterogeneity in a large-scale computational model of the human cerebral cortex
van Albada, Sacha Jennifer
Dickscheid, Timo
Hilgetag, Claus Christian
Completed projects
Multi-scale analysis and computational modeling of intrinsic coupling modes in the ferret brain
Engel, Andreas K.
Hilgetag, Claus Christian
Completed projects
Neural circuits for crossmodal memory
(Project Heads
Guan, Ji-Song
Hilgetag, Claus Christian