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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für Geburtshilfe, Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Institut für Humangenetik
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Deciphering the pathomechanism of monogenic disorders associated with pathogenic variants in C20orf204, FBXW11 and WDHD1
Kutsche, Kerstin
Genetic variants of the adenylyl cyclase encoding gene ADCY2 in neurodevelopmental disorders
Karsak, Meliha
Identification and functional analysis of novel disease genes for early-onset neurodevelopmental disorders
Harms, Frederike Leonie
Identification of novel causative genes for neuro-cardio-facio-cutaneous syndromes by whole exome sequencing and functional analysis of pathogenic mutations
Kutsche, Kerstin
Zenker, Martin
Identifying the causal genetic variants in congenital brain disorders by integrating genome and transcrip-tome sequencing
Kutsche, Kerstin
Molecular and cellular basis of Lessel-Kreienkamp syndrome, caused by pathogenic variants in AGO2
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen
Lessel, Davor
Pathomechanisms and therapy of a human TXNIP-dependent glycogenosis
Schlein, Christian
The molecular pathogenesis of intracranial aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Rosenberger, Ph.D., Georg
Sauvigny, Thomas
The RNA helicase DHX30: Physiological function and role in a neurodevelopmental disorder
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen
Lessel, Davor
Completed projects
Biochemical and functional characterization of the interaction of the cannabinoid CB2
Karsak, Meliha
Detektion prämaligner Veränderungen in der tumorumgebenden Schleimhaut beim oberflächlichen Urothelkarzinom der Harnblase mittels "Differential Gene Expression"-Analyse und tumorgenetischen Untersuchungen
Friedrich, Martin Gunther
Developmental, brain region and cell type specific functions of the postsynaptic scaffold protein SAPAP4
Schob, Claudia
Extrasomatischer Transport und Translation von mRNA in Neuronen
Kindler, Stefan
Genetic and functional studies of the microphthalmia with linear skin defects (MLS) syndrome
Kutsche, Kerstin
Genetic and molecular network of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase CASK
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen
Kutsche, Kerstin
Genetische und pathophysiologische Grundlagen der "Rippling Muscle"-Erkrankung
Kubisch, Christian
Identification and characterisation of disease genes in early onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by exome sequencing of patient-parent trios
Volk, Alexander
Identification of new monogenic disease genes by means of Next Generation Sequencing
Kutsche, Kerstin
Identifizierung des ursächlichen Gendefektes für zwei monogen vererbte Krankheiten
Kutsche, Kerstin
Identifizierung von Krankheitsgenen für monogene Erkrankungen mittels chromosomaler Rearrangements und ausgewählte funktionelle Analysen
Kutsche, Kerstin
Rosenberger, Ph.D., Georg
Inherited aortic disease: identification of novel disease genes and functional analysis of the molecular pathogenesis
Rosenberger, Ph.D., Georg
Klonierung und Charakterisierung des Gens für das Kufor-Rakeb-Syndrom, eine Form des Parkinsonismus mit pallido-pyramidaler Degeneration und Demenz
Kubisch, Christian
Makorin RING zinc-finger protein 1-dependent translational control of dendritic mRNAs in mammalian neurons
Kindler, Stefan
Molekulare Mechanismen der Signalvermittlung und ihre pathophysiologische Bedeutung am Beispiel der Somatostatinrezeptorfamilie
Richter, Dietmar
mRNA-Transport bei Proteinen der postsynaptischen Dichte
Böckers, Tobias
Postsynaptic Shank proteins as effectors of Ras family G-proteins
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen
The role of the postsynaptic protein IRSp53 in synaptic plasticity
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen
Whole-genome and RNA sequencing in 25 families with individual(s) affected by a Mendelian disorder
Kutsche, Kerstin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Analysis of novel nicotine dependence related candidate genes identified through a genome-wide association study
Dahmen, Norbert
Gal, Andreas
Rujescu, Dan
Wichmann, Heinz-Erich
Functional analysis of kinesin-associated RNA transport granules in neurons
Kindler, Stefan
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen
Identification and characterization of genes for human retrocochlear hearing disorders
Kubisch, Christian
The role of DNA sequence variants in AMD: Identification and molecular genetic analysis of candidate genes
Gal, Andreas
Research Units
Completed projects
Analyse von DNA-Polymorphismen ausgewählter Kandidatengene bei der nicht-monogenen Form der Alzheimer-Demenz. Zentrale Datenbank und Gewebeproben-Ressourcen-Zentrum
Gal, Andreas
Charakteisierung dendritischer Transportproteine für die mRNA der Mikrotubulus-assoziierten Proteine
Kindler, Stefan
Genetic linkage and association studies in migraine with aura
Kubisch, Christian
Genetic linkage and association studies in migraine with aura
Göbel, Hartmut
Intrazellulärer RNA-Transport
Richter, Dietmar
IRP5: FIX proteins as regulators of receptor tyrosine kinase endocytosis and actin dynamics
Kutsche, Kerstin
Molekulare Pathomechanismen der Alzheimer-Demenz
Nitsch, Roger
Molekulargenetik der Alzheimer-Demenz
Finckh, Ulrich
mRNA-Transport bei Proteinen der postsynaptischen Dichte
Böckers, Tobias
Role of AE3 and NHE1 in cardiomyocyte homeostasis and remodeling
Hübner, Christian Andreas
Ubiquitylation and degradation of postsynaptic scaffold proteins
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen
Gal, Andreas
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Identification of novel disease genes for monogenic forms of early-onset low BMD disorders
Kutsche, Kerstin
KFO 5029: Precision Medicine for Early-Onset Low Bone Mineral Density Disorders
Amling, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Alpha-PIX: ein Protein der Signaltransduktion für die neuronale Entwicklung
(Project Heads
Gal, Andreas
Kutsche, Kerstin
Funktionelle Charakterisierung humaner L1CAM-Mutationen und neuer Kandidatengene für das gesteuerte Axon-Wachstum
(Project Head
Finckh, Ulrich
Funktionelle Charakterisierung synapsenassoziierter Proteine (SAP)
(Project Heads
Kindler, Stefan
Richter, Dietmar
Funktionelle und genetische Charakterisierung von Plexin B3
(Project Head
Finckh, Ulrich
Molekulare Mechanismen der Signalvermittlung und ihre pathophysiologische Bedeutung am Beispiel der Somatostatinrezeptorfamilie
(Project Heads
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen
Richter, Dietmar
Molekulare Pathobiologie der Mucopolysaccharidosen
(Project Head
Bunge, Susanna
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Identification of CAKUT-associated genes using a worldwide patient-cohort and high-throughput methods for genetic analysis
van der Ven, Amelie
Current projects
Impact of mitochondrial lipogenesis on thermogenic function and interorganelle crosstalk of brown adipocytes
(Project Head
Schlein, Christian
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 336: Molecular Endocrinology - Molecular Metabolism
Seitz, Hans-Joachim
GRK 804: Analysis of Cellular Functions by Combinatorial Chemistry and Biochemistry
Famulok, Michael
GRK 1459: Sorting and Interactions Between Proteins of Subcellular Compartments
Braulke, Thomas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 270: International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine Ulm
Kühl, Michael
Additional Information
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