Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Abteilung Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzüchtung
Büsgenweg 2
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Detecting genomic signatures of ecological speciation and parallel evolution in oaks
Gailing, Oliver
Genetische Strukturen der Altbäume und Samen in Bergahorn-Populationen (Acer pseudoplantanus)
Hattemer, Hans
Genetische Untersuchungen zum Reproduktionssystem des Feldahorns (Acer campestre L.)
Hattemer, Hans
Investigations of interactions between species diversity and genetic variation for the evaluation of optimal conditions in forest ecosystems
Gregorius, Hans-Rolf
Mechanisms for the maintenance of genetic variation in populations of recedent tree species: A case study in wild cherry (Prunus avium L.).
Gregorius, Hans-Rolf
Relating genetic variation and stability of forest genetic reseourches: A metapopulation approach
Ziehe, Martin
Relating genetic variation and stability of forest genetic resources: A metapopulation approach
Ziehe, Martin
Systemanalytische Methoden der Schätzung populationsgenetischer Parameter in Waldbaumpopulationen
Ziehe, Martin
Untersuchungen zum genetischen System der Schlehe (Prunus spinosa L.)
Hattemer, Hans
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Genetic diversity in key regulator genes and their association with environmental, forest management and biodiversity gradients
Gailing, Oliver
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Central Scientific Service Project
(Project Heads
Erasmi, Stefan
Finkeldey, Reiner
Knohl, Alexander
Krutovsky, Ph.D., Konstantin
Qaim, Matin
Scheu, Stefan
Wiegand, Kerstin
The use of DNA barcoding to assess landscape effects on phylogenetic and functional diversity
(Project Head
Gailing, Oliver
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Capillary Sequencer
High-throughput genotyping system