Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Physik, Geographie
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16
35392 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35392 Gießen
Research Grants
Current projects
Baryons and QCD equation of state at large densities
Fischer, Christian
Dynamical Correlations in Double-Photon Emission and Double-Beta Decay in Atomic Nuclei
Lenske, Horst
Exotic Hadrons from Continuum QCD II
Fischer, Christian
New approaches to production scenarios of heavy and superheavy nuclei
Heinz, Sophie
Lenske, Horst
Open quantum systems in Euclidean and real-time approaches
von Smekal, Lorenz
Raman Spectroscopy on Metallic Surfaces
Esser, Norbert
Sanna, Simone
Resonances in a functional framework
Huber, Markus
Completed projects
Ab initio description of magnetization dynamics in tunnel junctions: Influence of bias voltage and material parameters
Heiliger, Christian
Adsorbatinduzierte Perkolationseffekte in nanokristallinen halbleitenden Oxiden - Vergleich von Experiment und Computersimulation
Kohl, Claus-Dieter
Russ, Stefanie
Correlation Dynamics in Exotic Nuclei
Lenske, Horst
Defect Chemistry and Protonic Conductivity of Polymer-Templated Mesostructured Thin Film Oxide Ceramics and Nanocomposites
Brezesinski, Torsten
Elm, Matthias Thomas
Density functional theory calculations of lithium niobate surfaces and interfaces with III-nitrides
Schmidt, Wolf Gero
Dileptonenproduktion in einem stark wechselwirkenden partonischen Plasma
Cassing, Wolfgang
Eigenschaften und Signaturen des stark gekoppelten Quark-Gluon-Plasmas in einer verallgemeinerten Quasiteilchen-Beschreibung
Cassing, Wolfgang
Hadronic Contributions to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon
Fischer, Christian
Ionentransport und Relaxation in nanokristallinen Materialien - Experiment und Theorie
Bunde, Armin
Kernstruktur und Reaktionen von Exotischen Atomkernen
Lenske, Horst
Ladungsaustausch und Paarproduktion in einem elektromagnetischen Feld
Grün, Norbert
Linear and Non-linear Memory in Biology and Geoscience: Prediction and Risk Management
Bunde, Armin
Meson Production in Antinucleon-Reactions on Atomic Nuclei: Theoretical Foundations for AIC and PANDA Experiments
Lenske, Horst
Molekular adsorption on ferroelectrics calculated from first-principles
Schmidt, Wolf Gero
NMR-Untersuchungen und theoretische Ansätze zur Korrelation des Diffusionsverhaltens in komplementären Porenräumen
Bunde, Armin
Kärger, Jörg
Ordered arrangements of selective-area grown MnAs clusters as components for planar magneto-electronic devices: Experiment and theory
Heiliger, Christian
Phase Diagram of Graphene from Lattice Field Theory
Buividovich, Ph.D., Pavel
von Smekal, Lorenz
Spatial Effects on Complex Networks
Bunde, Armin
Statistisch-Physikalischer Zugang zur Atmosphären-Variabilität
Bunde, Armin
Structural characterization and transport properties of ferromagnetic-semiconducting nano-wire hybrid structures for nano-spintronic device applications
Elm, Matthias Thomas
Superauswahlsektoren, Massen und Confinement in Yang-Mills-Theorien
von Smekal, Lorenz
Theoretical investigations of hyperons in nuclear matter and hypernuclei
Lenske, Horst
Theory of Meson Production on the Nucleon by Resonance Excitation
Lenske, Horst
Transport energetischer Partonen-Jets in ultra-relativistischen Schwerionenkollisionen
Cassing, Wolfgang
Ultrashort laser pulse propagation in materials with strong-coupling carriers
Imlau, Mirco
Unravelling the interplay between defects, dopant species, and thermoelectric properties in p-type Mg2X (X=Si, Ge, Sn)
de Boor, Johannes
Untersuchung magnetischer Nanomaterialien mit Monte-Carlo-Simulation und Magnetometrie
Bunde, Armin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Nichtperturbative Effekte der Quantenchromodynamik in der laufenden Kopplung und in der Struktur der Hadronen
Fischer, Christian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the thermoelectric properties of isotropically modulated silicon multilayers
Bastian, Georg
Bracht, Hartmut
Heiliger, Christian
Plech, Anton
Wolf, Dietrich
Investigation of directional THz spin currents in topological surface states
Heiliger, Christian
Kampfrath, Tobias
Münzenberg, Markus
Theory of giant thermal magnetogalvanic effects in magnetic tunnel junctions
Heiliger, Christian
Thermoelectric properties of laterally nanostructured ZnO/ZnS thin films: theory and experiment
Heiliger, Christian
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Numerical methods for transport and thermodynamic properties of dense and chiral QCD matter
Buividovich, Ph.D., Pavel
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2824: Amorphous Molecular Materials with Extreme Non-Linear Optical Properties
Dehnen, Stefanie
FOR 5044: Periodic low-dimensional defect structures in polar oxides
Fritze, Holger
Modeling ferroelectric LiNb_(1-x)Ta_xO_3 solid solutions and their defect structure
Sanna, Simone
Spectroscopic Signatures of Molecular Clusters and Molecular Cluster Aggregates Calculated from First Principles
Sanna, Simone
Completed projects
Ground- and excited-state properties of substrate-supported nanowires calculated from first principles
Sanna, Simone
Schmidt, Wolf Gero
Wippermann, Stefan Martin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Linux Rechencluster
Current projects
Hadronic excitations and spectral functions in the medium
(Project Heads
Kaczmarek, Olaf
Laermann, Edwin
Schlichting, Sören
von Smekal, Lorenz
The electroweak response of hot and dense QCD matter
(Project Heads
Galatyuk, Tetyana
von Smekal, Lorenz
Wambach, Jochen
Completed projects
Baryon masses, resonances and production processes with functional methods
(Project Head
Fischer, Christian
Coupled channels approach to photo-meson production on the nucleon
(Project Head
Lenske, Horst
Effect of extended and point defects on the ferroelectric and optical properties of LiNbO3
(Project Heads
Berth, Gerhard
Greulich-Weber, Siegmund
Sanna, Simone
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Strongly Interacting Fermion Systems: Graphene
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
von Smekal, Lorenz
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2204: Substitutionsmaterialien für nachhaltige Energietechnologien
Smarsly, Bernd
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 617: Complex Systems of Hadrons and Nuclei
Mosel, Ulrich