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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Department für Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften
Sektion Geologie
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München
This institution in GERiT
80333 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Geohazards and ecosystem dynamics in proximity to active earthquake faults - Mara River Basin, Tanzania
Kübler, Simon
Geotectonic vs. Anthropogenic Drivers of Environmental Changes in the Basins of lakes Naivasha and Elmenteita (East Africa)
Junginger, Annett
Kübler, Simon
Completed projects
Erfassung und Abschätzung von Desertifikationserscheinungen in Patagonien mit Methoden der Fernerkundung; speziell der Radardaten ERS-1/2
Miller, Hubert
Geochemische, isotopengeochemische und zirkonmorphologische Untersuchungen an prävariszischen Magmatiten aus dem Moldanubikum des Bayerischen Waldes: Magmengenese und Geodynamik
Höll, Rudolf
Geometry and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision from 3-D Mapping
Carena, Sara
Herkunft, Zusammensetzung und Evolution fluider Phasen in hydrothermalen eisenoxidreichen Cu-Au(+REE+U) Systemen
Marschik, Robert
Sample collection and processing of cuttings from the currently running geothermal deep-drilling well BRUCK-GT-001 (Quaternary to Upper Jurassic, Eastern Melasse Basin, Bavaria)
Friedrich, Ph.D., Anke
Sedimentological and geochronological studies on the Ocean-Continent Transition in the Tauern window (Eastern Alps)
Veselá, Petra
The Mantoverde iron oxide Cu-Au deposit (Chile): Characteristics, genesis and relationship with Andean magnetite(-apatite) systems
Marschik, Robert
The strength of faults derived from 3-D fault imaging and tectonic computer simulations of the lithosphere
Carena, Sara
The thermal regime of the Eastern Alps modelled by inversion analyses along a N-S-tending vertical section
Clauser, Christoph
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Paleolandscape-reconstructions of tectonically active regions - a new tool to predict fossil site locations and discern patterns of hominin inhabitance
Kübler, Simon
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Determination of the intensity of the Earth´s magnetic paleofield by analysis of fossil magnetotactic bacteria
Egli, Ramon
Additional Information
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