Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie
79085 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79085 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
From new transition metal carbonyl and nitrosyl cations of the 5th to 10th group to 'naked' M+ synthons and their use for substitution reactions, activation of small molecules and access to potential catalysts
Krossing, Ingo
Taming, Training and Combining Subvalent Main-Group Cations of Group 13 and 14
Krossing, Ingo
Completed projects
Aminosäuren als Ausgangsverbindungen für chirale, koppelbare Chelatliganden
Alsfasser, Ralf
Direct Fluorination in Mini- and Microreactors
Krossing, Ingo
Woias, Peter
Direktfluorierung in Mikroreaktoren mit Mehrphasenströmung als neue Syntheseroute zu fluorierten Alkoholen und Boraten als Bausteine schwach koordinierender Anionen
Krossing, Ingo
Woias, Peter
Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines vom natürlichen Photosystem II inspirierten Wasseroxidationssystems aus Erdalkalimetall-Manganoxiden und Metalloporphyrinen
Kurz, Philipp
Lewis-Supersäuren: Synthese, Charakterisierung und Einsatz sowie computergestütztes Design neuer Lewissäuren
Krossing, Ingo
Measuring Single Ion Gibbs Transfer Energies without Extrathermodynamic Assumptions to Validate the Unified Acidity and Redox Scales within the Protoelectric Potential Map PPM
Krossing, Ingo
Nichtoxidierende Supersäuren: Synthese, Charakterisierung und Einsatz sowie quantenchemische und NMR-spektroskopische Etablierung einer neuen universellen Aciditätsskala, des absoluten chemischen Potentials des Protons in Lösung
Krossing, Ingo
OxWCA - From Innocent and Ligand-forming Oxidant Salts to the Synthesis and Application of Reactive Alkaline Earth or Early Transition Metal-Arene-Cations [Mx(arene)y]n+
Krossing, Ingo
Redoxaktive Metallkomplexe mit Aminosäure-Chelatliganden
Alsfasser, Ralf
Strahlungslose Desaktivierungsprozesse in ruthenium-modifizierten Aminosäuren
Alsfasser, Ralf
Structure Determination of Perfluoro-1-methylcyclohexanol, HOC(CF3)(C5F10), and Perfluorocyclohexanol, HOC(F)(C5F10), in the Solid and Gaseous Phases
Krossing, Ingo
Mitzel, Norbert W.
Synthese und Charakterisierung homopolyatomarer Phosphor- und Arsenkationen als Salze schwach koordinierender, großer Gegenionen
Krossing, Ingo
The chemistry of the [CX3]+ Lewis acids: classical and non-classical aspects. High resolution X-ray studies on the isoelectronic [CX3]+ and BX3 particles ( X = Cl - I)
Krossing, Ingo
Towards a Conceptual Transfer of Gas-Phase Ion-Chemistry into the Condensed Phase
Butschke, Burkhard
Transition Metal Chemistry at a Main Group Metal Cation ...? Contributions to the Chemistry of M+[Al(ORF)4]- (M= Ga, In) and Access to Al+[Al(ORF)4]-
Krossing, Ingo
Untersuchung der elektronischen Oberflächenstruktur von Mischkristallen mit Übergangsmetallhalogeniden
Thiele, Gerhard
Untersuchung der magnetischen Eigenschaften von MxRuX3 (M = Cr, Rh; X = Cl, Br) und Nb3X8-xYx (X = Cl, Br, I; Y = S, Se, Te)
Thiele, Gerhard
WCAcaps - From fundamental research to application...? Using electrochemically and temperature stable novel fluorinated aluminate salts as electrolytes for super-capacitors
Krossing, Ingo
Tübke, Jens
WCA-Cluster: Synthesis and characterization of polyatomic elemental clusters of groups 15 to 18 and their simple metal complexes as salts of weakly coordinating anions
Krossing, Ingo
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Chemie mit schwach koordinierenden Anionen
Krossing, Ingo
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Superelektrophile Berylliumkationen und schwach koordinierende Anionen auf Siloxymetallat-Basis
Himmel, Daniel
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Aluminum-, magnesium- and calcium-organic polymer-based batteries (AMPERE)
Esser, Birgit
Krossing, Ingo
Completed projects
Development of catalysts, namely manganese oxides and molybdenum sulphides, for an implementation in a light-driven water-splitting device using a multi-junction solar cell
Dau, Holger
Fiechter, Sebastian
Kurz, Philipp
Experimental charge densities of weakly bound complexes: Dispersive interactions and influence of relativity on calculated charge densities
Krossing, Ingo
The contribution of different molecular interaction potentials to the chemical potential of ionic liquid ions in various chemical environments
Krossing, Ingo
Thöming, Jorg
Understanding and predicting the physical properties of ILs: (Monte Carlo augmented) Born-Fajans-Haber-Cycle approaches, a systematic temperature dependent experimental and theoretical investigation of the molecular and free volumes of solid and liquid ILs
Koslowski, Thorsten
Krossing, Ingo
Verevkin, Sergey
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Redoxaktive Metallkomplexe mit Aminosäure-Chelatliganden - Kennwort: Metallopeptide
(Project Head
Alsfasser, Ralf
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
300 MHz NMR-Spektrometer
400 MHz NMR console
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1038: Catalysts and Catalytic Reactions for Organic Synthesis
Breit, Bernhard
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2193: Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems (livMatS)
Fischer, Anna
Rühe, Jürgen
Speck, Thomas