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Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Biologie III
Schänzlestraße 1
79104 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79104 Freiburg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Cross-talk and extensive rewiring of CRISPR-Cas systems with the cellular regulatory machinery in cyanobacteria
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Early Determinants of Heterocyst Differentiation in Multicellular Cyanobacteria
Backofen, Rolf
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Evolution of the regulatory networks governing developmental adaptations and acclimation responses in Charophycean green algae towards plant life on land
Hess, Wolfgang R.
The role of small proteins, peptides and dual function transcripts in cyanobacteria
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Unravelling the intricate regulation of the expression program of T4-like cyanophages
Lindell, Ph.D., Debbie
Steglich, Claudia
Completed projects
A light-triggered behavioural switch in cyanobacterial motility
Wilde, Annegret
Asymmetric division of the zygote in Arabidopsis thaliana
Laux, Thomas
Functional dissection of presenilins in a C. elegans in vivo model
Baumeister, Ralf
Genetische und Molekulare Analyse der Morphogenese von Maiswurzeln
Feix, Günter
Identification and function of regulatory RNA in the phototropic model organism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Wilde, Annegret
Natural functions of CRISPR-Cas systems in Cyanobacteria
Wilde, Annegret
Regulatory RNAs in the hfq-deficient oxyphototroph Prochlorococcus sp.
Steglich, Claudia
Systematische und faunistische Bearbeitung antarktischer Kamptozoen POLARSTERN-Fahrt ANT VIII/4
Emschermann, Peter
Research Grants
Current projects
An integrated investigation of regulatory RNAs and their interacting proteins in bacteria models
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Voß, Björn
Antagonizing unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum by the endoribonuclease ENDU-2/ENDOU
Qi, Ph.D., Wenjing
Cost/benefit of dinitrogen fixation and the ecosystem consequences
Hellweger, Ferdinand
Köhler, Jan
Completed projects
A protodermal miR394 signal defines a region of stem cell competence in the Arabidopsis shoot meristem
Laux, Thomas
Aufklärung der Funktion des Blaulichtrezeptors Phototropin in Chlamydomonas
Beck, Christoph Friedrich
Bestimmung von Strukturelementen der tRNA, die beteiligt sind an der Aminosäure-Erkennung durch Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetasen
Igloi, Gabor
CRISPR/Cas systems in cyanobacteria, their involvement in cell differentiation and potential for metabolic manipulation
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Etablierung von Entwicklungsdomänen im Embryo von Arabidopsis thaliana
Laux, Thomas
European Plant Embryology Consortium
Jürgens, Gerd
Laux, Thomas
Nodine, Michael
Scheres, Ben
Weijers, Ph.D., Dolf
Feedback communication between mother plant and embryo regulating early embryo development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Laux, Thomas
Functional analysis of the WUSCHEL HOMEOBOX (WOX) gene family in Arabidopsis
Laux, Thomas
Funktionelle Analyse des cyanobakteriellen Phytochroms Cph2
Wilde, Annegret
Funktionen der C. elegans Linkerhistone
Schulze, Ekkehard
Funktionsanalyse des WUSCHEL Gens bei der Entwicklung des Sproßmeristems von Arabidopsis thaliana
Laux, Thomas
Funktionsanalyse eines plastidären Chaperons in Chlamydomonas
Beck, Christoph Friedrich
Genetic mechanisms of petal size regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Laux, Thomas
Hydrocarbon production in genetically engineered cyanobacteria
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Identification and function of regulatory RNA in the phototrophic model organism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Wilde, Annegret
Identifizierung von transformationsrelevanten Jun-Zielgenen
Kruse, Ulrich
Initiation of shoot meristem stem cells during Arabidopsis embryogenesis
Laux, Thomas
Laux, Thomas
Mechanism and function of non standard circadian clock systems in cyanobacteria
Axmann, Ilka Maria
Wilde, Annegret
Novel Cyanobacterial Toxin-Antitoxin Systems
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Optical properties of microbial cells ans sensing the light direction in phototaxis
Korvink, Jan Gerrit
Wilde, Annegret
Phage-dependent gene expression dynamics in host-phage systems
Steglich, Claudia
Post-translational protein arginylation in plants: localization, dynamics and function
Igloi, Gabor
Regulation of the asymmetric division of the Arabidopsis thaliana zygote by the WRKY2 pathway
Laux, Thomas
Röntgenmikroskopische Analyse von Protein- und Nucleinsäureverteilungen in eukaryotischen Zellkernen und Chromosomen
Rudolph, Dietbert
Role of DNA methylation in cyanobacteria – From gene expression control to DNA repair and back
Hagemann, Martin
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Stem cell regulation by the transcription factor WOX5 in the Arabidopsis thaliana root meristem
Laux, Thomas
The function of the IRM protein Kirre in sensory pathway formation
Fischbach, Karl-Friedrich
The role of WIH1/2 peptides in the transition from somatic to sporogenic fate in plants
Laux, Thomas
The role of WOX genes regulating apical embryo patterning
Laux, Thomas
Toxic small RNAs that regulate essential genes in Salmonella, a combined experimental and computational approach
Georg, Jens
Transcriptional Regulation of Zygote Asymmetry in Arabidopsis thaliana
Laux, Thomas
What are the mechanisms used to prevent the incorporation of natural toxic amino acids into proteins?
Igloi, Gabor
Research Units
Current projects
Control of the cyanobacterial day-night metabolism by a biological clock system
Wilde, Annegret
FOR 2816: The Autotrophy-Heterotrophy Switch in Cyanobacteria: Coherent Decision-Making at Multiple Regulatory Layers
Forchhammer, Karl
Novel regulators and interactions within the regulatory networks controlling the autotrophy -heterotrophy switch in cyanobacterial carbon metabolism
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Completed projects
Analysis of CRISPR-Cas systems in Cyanobacteria
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Analysis of prophyrin-mediated signaling pathways for the control of nuclear genes by the chloroplast
Beck, Christoph Friedrich
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Light-dependent dynamics in the assembly of the cyanobacterial motility machinery
(Project Head
Wilde, Annegret
Ribonucleoprotein complex dynamics controlling LINE-1 retrotransposition and stress responses
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
Completed projects
ceh-16/engrailed kompartimentiert die Epidermis des Fadenwurms Caenorhabditis elegans
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
Entwicklung synaptischer Übertragungsdynamik und cortikaler Netzwerkeigenschaften: eine in vitro Studie unter in vivo-nahen Bedingungen
(Project Heads
Aertsen, Adrianus
Egert, Ulrich
Heck, Detlef
Rotter, Stefan
Festlegung der Position von Organen in Arabidopsis thaliana
(Project Head
Laux, Thomas
Functional genetic Analysis of Parkinsons Disease-related Genes in Caenorhabditis Elegans
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
Funktion des PAO/CoREST Transkriptionsrepressor-Komplexes für die Nervensystemdiffernzierung und die Suppression von Presenilin Mutanten
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
Influence of columnar and laminar synaptic connectivity patterns on spontaneous and stimulus-induced network dynamics in rat sensory neocortex
(Project Heads
Aertsen, Adrianus
Boucsein, Clemens
Rotter, Stefan
Interaktion von Proteinkomponenten transkriptional aktiver Komplexe (TAC) aus Chloroplasten beim Edieren und Spleißen plastidärer Transkripte
(Project Head
Kössel, Hans
Kontrolle der späten Lungendifferenzierung in der Maus
(Project Head
Sippel, Albrecht E.
Molekularbiologie der Photosynthese und Photosynthese-abhängiger Prozesse in Prochlorococcus marinus
(Project Head
Hess, Wolfgang R.
Molekulare Analyse der Morphogenese der Dauerlarve von Caenorhabditis elegans
(Project Heads
Grossbach, Ulrich
Schulze, Ekkehard
Molekulare Faktoren für axonale Wegfindung, Erkennung der Zielregion und Synaptogenese im optischen Lobus von Drosophila
(Project Head
Fischbach, Karl-Friedrich
Non-cellautonomous role of the endoribonuclease ENDU-2/ENDOU/PP11 in tumorigenesis and invasion
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
Protein interactions and modifications determine the activity of a major regulator of neural transcription, the POU protein UNC-86
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
Protein modifications and interactions of the FOXO/DAF-16 and mTORC mediated stress response
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
Regulation von Stammzellen im Sproßmeristen von Arabidopsis Thaliana
(Project Head
Laux, Thomas
Role of Parkinson's Disease-associated genes in polarized sorting and synapse dynamics modulating behavioral plasticity
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
Serviceprojekt für Molekularbiologie und Proteinchemie
(Project Heads
Bessler, Wolfgang G.
Igloi, Gabor
Schiltz, Emil
Stem cell regulation in Arabidopsis plant apical meristems
(Project Head
Laux, Thomas
Structure und function of conserved chloroplast open reading frames from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
(Project Heads
Grimm, Bernhard
Wilde, Annegret
Struktur und Funktion des ZWILLE Proteinkomplexes von Arabidopsis
(Project Head
Laux, Thomas
Transkriptionsfaktorregulation während der in vitro-Differenzierung von myelopoetischen Zellen aus embryonalen Stammzellen der Maus
(Project Head
Sippel, Albrecht E.
Zelltypspezifischer Aufbau und molekulare Funktion eines eukaryontischen Transkriptionsenhancers
(Project Head
Sippel, Albrecht E.
Zelluläre Funktionen der Wechselwirkungen der IRRE C-RST und Kirre Zelladhäsionsmoleküle
(Project Head
Fischbach, Karl-Friedrich
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Flow cytometer with up to five lasers, spectral analyses and auto-sampling
Konfokales Laserscanning-Mikroskop
TIRF Microscope with laser illumination and two EMCCD cameras
TIRF Mikroscop with laser illuminaion and two CMOS cameras
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Identification and functional characterization of new components of TOR signalling in C. elegans
Neumann-Haefelin, Elke
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Reverse electron transfer involving a butyrate-induced membrane complex during syntrophic growth of Syntrophomonas wolfei
Kung, Johannes
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2344: MeInBio - BioInMe: Exploration of spatio-temporal dynamics of gene regulation using high-throughput and high-resolution methods
Vogel, Tanja
Completed projects
GRK 434: Biochemistry of Enzymes
Fuchs, Georg
GRK 843: Mechanisms of neuronal signal transduction - from protein to network
Fakler, Bernd
GRK 1104: From Cells to Organs: Molecular Mechanisms of Organogenesis
Neubüser, Annette
GRK 1305: Signal Systems in Plant Model Organisms
Palme, Klaus
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1384: Enzymes and Multienzyme Complexes Acting on Nucleic Acids
Friedhoff, Peter
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 4: Molecular Cell Research in Biology and Medicine (MOBILMED)
Borner, Christoph
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 294: Centre for Biological Signalling Studies (bioss) - From Analysis to Synthesis
Reth, Michael
EXC 1086: BrainLinks-BrainTools
Burgard, Wolfram
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2189: CIBSS - Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies
Driever, Wolfgang
Hunte, Carola
Kleine-Vehn, Jürgen
Weber, Wilfried
Additional Information
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