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Universität Duisburg-Essen
Campus Essen
Anorganische Chemie - AK Schulz
Universitätsstraße 7
45141 Essen
This institution in GERiT
45141 Essen
Research Grants
Current projects
Correlating active catalyst states and oxygen evolution reactivity in in-situ Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy (ETEM) experiments
Jooss, Christian
Meyer, Tobias
Schulz, Stephan
Main group element complexes of group 15 with unusual electronic structures – synthesis, reactivity and reaction mechanism
Schulz, Stephan
Neutral and cationic Metallaphosphenes of Group 13 - Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity
Schulz, Stephan
Synthesis of electron-rich metal-substituted silylenes and their potential in small molecule bond activation
Schulz, Stephan
Verification of a new concept for stabilizing radicals with elements of group 15 and studies concerning their use in one electron transfer reactions
Schulz, Stephan
Completed projects
Epitaxial MOCVD deposition of thermoelectric material films and determination of thermoelectric properties including thermal conductivity
Jooss, Christian
Schulz, Stephan
Fabrication and characterization of integrated micro-thermoelectric coolers using chemical and physical vapor deposition
Reith, Heiko
Schulz, Stephan
Niedervalente Zink- und Cadmiumverbindungen
Schulz, Stephan
Synthese neuer III-V-Verbindungen und Untersuchungen zur Abscheidung halbleitender Materialien mittels der MOCVD-Methode
Schulz, Stephan
Synthese und strukturelle Charakterisierung metallorganischer Zn-Sb- und Zn-Bi-Verbindungen
Schulz, Stephan
Untersuchungen zum präparativen Potenzial einer neuen Reaktionssequenz zur Knüpfung von Metall-Pentel-Bindungen unter kinetisch-kontrollierten Reaktionsbedingungen
Schulz, Stephan
Zinkamidinatkomplexe - Synthese, Struktur und Reaktivität
Schulz, Stephan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
NMR spectrometer (400 MHz)
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Alternative MOVCD-Precursoren zur Abscheidung von AlSb, GaSb und InSb
Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina
Schulz, Stephan
Wandelt, Klaus
Combined Quantum Chemical and Experimental Study on Metal-Metal Interactions in Heavy Group15 and Group16 Compounds
Jansen, Georg
Schulz, Stephan
Fermi Level Tuning by Low Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition/Epitaxy (ALD/ALE) of Ternary Chalcogenide Layers
Schulz, Stephan
Zierold, Robert
Low-temperature Synthesis of Thermoelectric Materials by Thermal Decomposition of Tailor-made Precursors in Ionic Liquids
Reith, Heiko
Schulz, Stephan
Current projects
Materials Characterization
(Project Heads
Hartmann, Nils
Schulz, Stephan
Tschulik, Kristina
Synthesis of Spinel-Type Nanoparticles with Tailored Morphology and Molecular Metal-Oxo Cluster Model Systems
(Project Head
Schulz, Stephan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Nichtkristalline nitridische Netzwrke aus A1 (Ga) und P (Si)
(Project Heads
Niecke, Edgar
Schulz, Stephan
Additional Information
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