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Universitätsklinikum Essen
Klinik für Neurologie
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
This institution in GERiT
45147 Essen
Research Grants
Current projects
Involvement of the human cerebellum in reinforcement learning via its connection with the ventral tegmental area (VTA)
Bingel, Ulrike
Brand, Matthias
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Promoting Excellence in Medicine: The University Medicine Essen Clinician Scientist Academy (UMEA)
Führer-Sakel, Dagmar
Sensing of extracellular matrix in motor circuit remodelling: a novel target for neuroplasticity-promoting stroke therapies?
Dzyubenko, Ph.D., Egor
Completed projects
Altered visceral and psychological stress signal processing in visceral hyperalgesia: Role of central pain processing and local inflammation in the gut.
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Cerebellar control of overarm throwing.
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Dekompressive Kraniektomie beim embolischen Mediainfarkt. Auswirkungen auf Perfusion, Zellschädigung und Infarktentwicklung
Dörfler, Arnd
Die Bedeutung des menschlichen Kleinhirns für assoziative Lernvorgänge
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Die pathophysiologische Rolle regulatorischer T Zellen beim akuten ischämischen Schlaganfall
Kleinschnitz, Christoph
Wiendl, Heinz
Effects of experimental endotoxemia on the neural processing of visceral and somatosensory stimuli
Benson, Sven
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Impact of NKG2D signaling on T cell and NK cell function in cerebral ischemia
Kleinschnitz, Christoph
Meuth, Sven G.
In vivo Assessment of the Cerebellum by Novel MRI Techniques and Application to Hereditary Ataxias: Morphological, Pathoanatomical and Clinical Aspects
Deistung, Andreas
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Kognitive Modulation der Schmerzverarbeitung und Placebowirksamkeit untersucht mit fMRT
Büchel, Christian
Long-term follow-up after cerebro-vascular events of different aetiology
Diener, Hans-Christoph
Long-term follow-up after cerebro-vascular events of different aetiology
Diener, Hans-Christoph
Mechanisms underlying training-related motor improvement in cerebellar ataxia.
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
NADPH oxidases in ischemic stroke: cellular sources and pharmacological translation
Kleinschnitz, Christoph
Neuroprotection in platinum-induced neurotoxicity
Hagenacker, Tim
Pathophysiologie zerebellärer Bewegungsstörungen: Motorische Kontrolle des Greifens und Manipulierens
Hermsdörfer, Joachim
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Prognose von fokalen Läsionen des Kleinhirns im Kindes- und Jugendalter
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Proprioceptive training for patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia.
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Strukturelle und funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie des Kleinhirns im 7 Tesla Magnetfeld
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
The interference of experimental pain and cognition in patients suffering from chronic pain
Forkmann, Katarina
The role of the cerebellum for feedback processing
Minnerop, Martina
Peterburs, Jutta
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Tumor Nekrose Faktor-alpha vermittelte Modulation ektoper neuronaler Aktivität nach Nervenläsionen und deren funktionelle Relevanz für die Schmerzentwicklung
Schäfers, Maria Anna
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Blood brain barrier disruption and edema formation: Regulative mechanisms and effects of cortical speading depression (CSD) triggered matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activation
Haerter, Katharina
Die Bedeutung des Spinalganglions für die Entstehung von Neuropathieschmerz: Auswirkungen mechanischer und Zytokin-induzierter Stimulation auf die Freisetzung spinaler Neurotransmitter und die Entstehung von Spontanaktivität peripherer und zentraler Nozizeptoren
Schäfers, Maria Anna
Neuronale Grundlagen kognitiv-affektiver Prozesse der Schmerzwahrnehmung am Beispiel der Fibromyalgie
Wiech, Katja
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Medizinische Psychologie
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Research Units
Current projects
Enhancing cerebellar-dependent motor learning by focalized tDCS
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
FOR 2879: ImmunoStroke: From immune cells to stroke recovery
Liesz, Arthur
FOR 5429: Modulation of brain networks for memory and learning by transcranial electrical brain stimulation: A systematic, lifespan approach
Flöel, Agnes
ImmunoStroke: From Immune cells to stroke recovery. Plasma-kallikrein mediated modulation of T cells and microglia responses during long-term stroke recovery.
Casas Guijarro, Ana I.
Hansen, Wiebke
Kleinschnitz, Christoph
Standardization of animal models and outcome parameters
Langhauser, Friederike
Llovera, Gemma
Completed projects
Central tasks of all subprojects of the Research Unit
Rief, Ph.D., Winfried
Constribution of the human cerebellum to extinction learning and renewal
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Coordination Funds
Kleinschnitz, Christoph
Effects of emotional context on placebo analgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia in a visceral pain model
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Exploiting learning mechanisms to maximize analgesic treatment outcome
Bingel, Ulrike
FOR 1328: Expectation and Conditioning as Basic Processes of the Placebo and Nocebo Response
Rief, Ph.D., Winfried
Neural mechanisms of learning and extinction in human visceral pain
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
WBP Position
Completed projects
First-in-class neuroprotective therapy in acute ischemic stroke, poststroke cognitive impairment and mechanistically related diseases by network pharmacology of common signalling targets
Casas Guijarro, Ana I.
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Medizinische Psychologie
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Clinical Trials
Current projects
COlchicine for prevention of Vascular Inflammation in Non-CardioEmbolic stroke - a randomised clinical trial (CONVINCE). German Extension
Jöckel, Karl-Heinz
Weimar, Christian
EFFects of EXPosure and Cognitive-behavioural Therapy for chronic BACK pain (EFFECT-BACK)
Glombiewski, Julia
Completed projects
Coronary Artery Bypass graft surgery in patients with Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis (CABACS): a randomized controlled trial
Weimar, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Appetitive and aversive pain-related learning in health and chronic back pain
(Project Heads
Bingel, Ulrike
Forkmann, Katarina
Schmidt, Katharina
Focus Group Neuroimaging and Genetics
(Project Heads
Axmacher, Nikolai
Kumsta, Robert
Quick, Harald
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
From Pavlov to Pain: Extinction Learning in Visceral pain
(Project Heads
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Icenhour, Adriane
The contribution of the cerebellum to extinction: intrinsic mechanisms and cerebello-cerebral interactions
(Project Heads
Quick, Harald
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
The impact of chronic inflammation on fear extinction
(Project Heads
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Engler, Harald
Completed projects
Kallikrein/Kinin-System mediated cell/cell-interactions at the blood-brain-barrier during cerebral ischemia
(Project Head
Kleinschnitz, Christoph
Multi-site communication underlying contextual manipulation of the attentional demands of pain
(Project Head
Bingel, Ulrike
Current projects
Behavioral and neural effects of practitioner communication on speech perception, treatment expectation, and treatment outcome
(Project Heads
Blank, Helen
Wiech, Katja
Central scientific project: Neuroimaging
(Project Heads
Bingel, Ulrike
Büchel, Christian
Spisak, Ph.D., Tamas
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Bingel, Ulrike
Communicating the science of treatment expectations – from healthcare professionals to patients and back
(Project Heads
Benson, Sven
Bingel, Ulrike
Hartmann, Ph.D., Helena
Dynamic changes in expectation and perception within and across pain modalities
(Project Heads
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Kleine-Borgmann, Julian
How does the cerebellum contribute to placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia?
(Project Head
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Local TH transport and action in ischaemic brain injury
(Project Heads
Führer-Sakel, Dagmar
Kleinschnitz, Christoph
Langhauser, Friederike
Neurobiological mechanisms and temporal dynamics of negative treatment expectations in an animal model of sickness behavior
(Project Heads
Engler, Harald
Heiß-Lückemann, Laura
Schedlowski, Manfred
Preoperative expectation optimization to reduce postoperative pain and disability after hip surgery
(Project Heads
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Klinger, Regine
The mechanisms underlying the formation, updating, and generalization of expectations and their effect on pain
(Project Head
Bingel, Ulrike
TRR 289: Treatment Expectation - The impact of expectation on health outcome
Bingel, Ulrike
Completed projects
Role of platelets in tissue remodelling and functional recovery after experimental cerebral ischaemia
(Project Heads
Kleinschnitz, Christoph
Langer, Harald
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung des menschlichen Kleinhirns für assoziative Lernvorgänge
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Additional Information
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