Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Nanostrukturtechnik
Bismarckstraße 81
47057 Duisburg
This institution in GERiT
47057 Duisburg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Dielectric Effects in Hybrid Perovskites and Charge Selective Trap States
Benson, Niels
Lupascu, Doru Constantin
Model-based Process Control for Transferred Arc Synthesis of Nanoparticles
Ding, Steven Xianchun
Kruis, Frank Einar
Completed projects
Compartmental multivariate population balances based on Monte Carlo methods
Kruis, Frank Einar
CVS von nanokristallinen Metalloxid-Schichten mittels Pyrolyse von molekularen Metallsiloxiden
Kruis, Frank Einar
CVS von nanokristallinen Metalloxid-Schichten mittels Pyrolyse von molekularen Metallsiloxiden
Drieß, Matthias
Kruis, Frank Einar
Development of a process- adopted system for mobility analysis
Fissan, Heinz
Fractionation with respect to size and density by means of sequential arodynamic classification
Kruis, Frank Einar
Measurment of the particle size distribution of submicron aerosols by a scanning mobility particle sizer
Fissan, Heinz
Mischen von nanoskaligen Pulvern mittels elektrischer bipolarer Aggregation
Fissan, Heinz
Nanoparticle formation from precursor-loaded droplets: flow dynamics, population dynamics of particles and droplets, experimental validation.
Kruis, Frank Einar
Thévenin, Dominique
Wiggers, Hartmut
Self-organisation, orientation and electronic properties of organic layers of low molecular weight, oligomeric and polymeric materials at interfaces in field-effect-transistors (OFETs)
von Seggern, Heinz
Silicon-based nanocomposites for thermoelectric applications
Brandt, Martin S.
Schierning, Gabi
Wiggers, Hartmut
Wolf, Dietrich
Research Grants
Completed projects
Ableitung der Voraussetzungen für das Auftreten eines Morin-Übergangs
Ehrenberg, Helmut
Basic investigations for the synthesis of novel nanocomposite coatings using external nanoparticle injection
Kruis, Frank Einar
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Combined measurement of aerodynamic and mobility diameter for the online determination of agglomerate morphology
Kruis, Frank Einar
Determination of the UV radiation dose of an aerosol using UV-sensitive dyes to optimize UV room air filters
Kruis, Frank Einar
Flexible Radio Frequency IDentification Tags and System (FlexID)
Benson, Niels
Erni, Daniel
Kaiser, Thomas
Impact of Traps on Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors
Benson, Niels
Deibel, Carsten
Schmechel, Roland
Improvement of detective quantum efficiency of neutron image plates by development of suited storage phosphors
von Seggern, Heinz
Ladungstransportphänomene in halbleitenden Polymeren
Schmechel, Roland
Laterale Depositionssteuerung von Nanometerpartikeln für die Mikroelektronik
Tegude, Franz-Josef
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2284: Model-based scalable gas-phase synthesis of complex nanoparticles
Schulz, Christof
Kinetik und Strukturbildung von komplexen Nanopartikeln in Modellströmungsreaktoren
Kruis, Frank Einar
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Hochskalierung der Erzeugung monodisperser Nanopartikel mittels Mobilitäts-basierter Größenfraktionierung
(Project Head
Kruis, Frank Einar
Kooperation zwischen dem SFB und Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineship (IGERT) on Nanoparticle Science and Enginieering
(Project Head
Kruis, Frank Einar
Nanoparticulate Field-Effect Transistors
(Project Head
Schmechel, Roland
Nanostructured Functional Materials for Sensors
(Project Head
Kruis, Frank Einar
Synthese und Integration von Nanopartikeln in Schichten zur Verbesserung der tribologischen Eigenschaften
(Project Head
Kruis, Frank Einar
Synthesis of Monodisperse Semiconducting Nanoparticles
(Project Head
Kruis, Frank Einar
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Additive Manufacturing equippment for ceramic applications
Hochauflösendes Rasterelektronenmikroskop
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Investigation of the influence of surface treatments on amorphous zinc oxide films, processed at temperatures around 120°C, to control the transport energy levels and charge transport properties (e.g. switch n- to p-type) for the application in photovoltaic-, LED-, and transistor devices on flexible substrates.
Bubel, Simon
Current projects
Ceramic Technologies for Passive Sub-mm Localization Infrastructure
(Project Heads
Benson, Niels
vom Bögel, Gerd
Jakoby, Rolf
Jiménez Sáez, Alejandro
Completed projects
3D Printed Dielectric Structures for THz Applications
(Project Head
Benson, Niels