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Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Institut für Naturstofftechnik
Bergstraße 120
01069 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01069 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Development of reaction systems for ATP regeneration from the inexpensive bulk chemical ethylene glycol
Liese, Andreas
Walther, Thomas
Engineering of a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway for the Carbon-Conserving Production of Value-Added Compounds from Ethylene Glycol
Walther, Thomas
Enzymatic cross-linking of casein nanoparticles across the scales: Fundamental mechanisms and technological potentials
Lederer, Albena
Rohm, Harald
Establishing a pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent pathway for efficient alcohol metabolism in Escherichia coli
Walther, Thomas
Experimental investigation, numerical modelling and model-based analysis of the frictional contact between natural materials and cutting blade
Kästner, Markus
Wagemans, Anja Maria
Mechanistic Studies on the Formation and Functionality of High Molecular Levans from Acetic Acid Bacteria
Wagemans, Anja Maria
Seal strength optimized films made of crystallizable biopolymers
Androsch, René
Majschak, Jens-Peter
Nase, Michael
Completed projects
Application of additive manufacturing technologies for the realization of clinically relevant cocultures of mammalian cells and microalgae
Krujatz, Felix
Lode, Anja
Auswahl, Anpassung und Untersuchungen geeigneter Sensorik für die automatische Kopplung zwischen Traktor und Gerät
Bernhardt, Gerd
Basics for the efficient use of multiaxial interpolating servo drives in processing machines
Ihlenfeldt, Steffen
Majschak, Jens-Peter
Bestimmung der Zellzahl in Rohmilch mit dielektrischen Messverfahren
Bernhardt, Gerd
Cleaning mechanisms of immerged systems
Böl, Markus
Majschak, Jens-Peter
Scholl, Stephan
Construction of a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway for the Carbon-Conserving Biosynthesis of Value-Added Products from Ethylene Glycol and Glycolaldehyde
Walther, Thomas
Feststofffermentation von Weißfäulepilzen - Untersuchungen und Modellierung des Wachstumsprozesses
Bley, Thomas
Gewinnung von pharmakologisch relevanten Triterpenen aus pflanzlichen Zellkulturen am Beispiel von Olenanol- und Ursolsäure
Bley, Thomas
Neuhaus, Ekkehard
Ulber, Roland
Mechanically stable anti-adhesive polymer surfaces by biomimetic structuring
Lasagni, Andrés Fabián
Werner, Carsten
Mechanismen der mykologischen Transformation von Holz für die Holzwerkstoffherstellung
Hüttermann, Aloys
Mechanismen der mykologischen Transformation von Holz für die Holzwerkstoffherstellung
Kühne, Gerhard
Microorganisms under stringent conditions - analysis and modeling of pattern formation in growth of yeast colonies
Bley, Thomas
Monodispersive functionalized lignin fractions and components as precusors for fiber production
Brünig, Harald
Fischer, Steffen
Pospiech, Doris
Walther, Thomas
Steuerung der Gutgeschwindigkeit an der Übergabestelle Wendetrommel-Hordenschüttler
Bernhardt, Gerd
Studie über alternative, modular gestaltete und hocheffiziente Antriebssysteme für mobile Arbeitsmaschinen
Bernhardt, Gerd
Technofunctional interactions between exogenic heteropolysaccarides from lactic acid bacteria and proteins in milk gels
Jaros, Doris
Thermographic Characterisation of Deformation und Fracture of Semicrystalline Polymers as Basis for Constitutive Modelling of the Material Behaviour
Majschak, Jens-Peter
Schneider, Konrad
Using Yeats Pheromones for the control of biotechnological processes
Ostermann, Kai
Walther, Thomas
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchung der hierarchischen Kontrollstruktur des zentralen Karbonstoffwechsels
Walther, Thomas
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Green Bioprinting - Novel Environment for Agglomeration of Plant Cells
Lode, Anja
Steingroewer, Juliane
Impact and control of mechanical stress on protein structures during formulation in premix-emulsification
Drusch, Stephan
Fritsching, Udo
Wagemans, Anja Maria
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 339: Cross-Media Transport and Reaction Processes at the Compartment Boundaries of Water
Worch, Eckhard
Additional Information
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