Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Geschichte
01062 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01062 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
The "bad child" and research: The field of aggression studies in Germany between 1945 and 1989
Fangerau, Heiner
Fehlemann, Silke
Completed projects
Dead Capital? The Economics of the Corpse in the British Isles (c. 1600–1830)
Bähr, Matthias
Die Mutter des Soldaten: Öffentlicher Raum und individuelle Gefühle im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Fehlemann, Silke
Idols Chambers - Disposal, reinterpretation and prämuseale preservation of pre-Reformation visual culture in Lutheranism (1517-1817)
Dornheim, Stefan
"No Country for Old Men". Ireland, Europe and the Invention of the Confessional Divide (ca. 1600-1642)
Bähr, Matthias
Stress between Late Socialism and Transformation. How East German and Czechoslovak/Czech societies dealt with tension and strain, 1970-2000
Arend, Jan
The Eucken Circle. Cultural Crisis and Neo-Idealistic Reform, 1900-1950
Kuhlemann, Frank-Michael
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Political Cultures and Normative Orders in the Greco-Roman World
Lundgreen, Christoph
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Arenas of invective mobilization in democracy and National Socialism. Berlin, Gelsenkirchen and Toronto 1924 to 1938
(Project Head
Ellerbrock, Dagmar