Technische Universität München
TUM School of Life Sciences
Lehrstuhl für Proteomik und Bioanalytik / Experimentelle Bioinformatik
Emil-Erlenmeyer-Forum 5
85354 Freising
This institution in GERiT
85354 Freising
Research Grants
Current projects
In Vivo Characterization of RNA-Targeting Small Molecule Drugs with Enhanced UV-Crosslinking Proteomics
Trendel, Jakob
PROTACs meet chemical proteomics: Comprehensive understanding of time- and concentration-dependent protein kinase degradability (protACtion)
Wilhelm, Stephanie
Tripling human Phosphorylation Site functional Annotation to enhance Individualized treatment recommendations from Clinical phosphoproteomics data (PhoSAIC)
The, Matthew
Completed projects
A new principle for the functional inhibition of protein-protein interactions
Berg, Thorsten
A toolbox of promiscuous immobilisation chemistries to identify the targets of natural compounds by chemoproteomics (PromisChemProt)
Küster, Bernhard
Establishing pharmacophore-centric proteome-wide structure-affinity relationships by chemical proteomics (ChemProtSAR)
Küster, Bernhard
Médard, Guillaume
Molecular definition of a novel phagolysosomal receptor for streptococcal RNA
Henneke, Philipp
Küster, Bernhard
Role of the Arabidopsis TRAPPII tethering complex in protein sorting at the Trans-Golgi-Network
Assaad, Ph.D., Farhah
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
HPLC gekoppeltes Tandemmassenspektrometer - Teilantrag 1
HPLC gekoppeltes Tandemmassenspektrometer - Teilantrag 2
HPLC-gekoppeltes Tandemmassenspektrometer – Teilantrag 2 von insgesamt 4 Anträgen
HPLC gekoppeltes Tandemmassenspektrometer - Teilantrag 3
HPLC-gekoppeltes Tandemmassenspektrometer – Teilantrag 3 von insgesamt 4 Anträgen
LC-coupled mass spectrometer for proteome research
LC-MALDI MS/MS Massenspektrometer
LC-MS/MS for Proteome Research
LC-MS/MS für die Proteomanalytik
Multi-Dimensionales LC-MS
OmicsDB – Teilantrag 4 von insgesamt 4 Anträgen
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Dynamics of epigenetic protein modifications and RNA interactions
(Project Head
Küster, Bernhard
Completed projects
Global and targeted proteomics in plants
(Project Heads
Küster, Bernhard
Schwechheimer, Claus
Understanding the mode of action of PDAC targeted drugs
(Project Head
Küster, Bernhard
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Improving the Clinical Application Areas of Imaging Mass Spectrometry for Selection, Monitoring and Individualization of Cancer Therapies
Höfler, Heinz
Current projects
Target and compound profiling
(Project Heads
Schülein-Völk, Christina
Stolz, Alexandra
Wilhelm, Stephanie
Understanding and breaking proteasome inhibitor resistance in multiple myeloma patients
(Project Heads
Kortüm, Martin
Küster, Bernhard
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 114: Munich Center for Integrated Protein Science (CIPSM)
Carell, Thomas