Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Soziologie
Institut für Psychologie (IFP)
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44227 Dortmund
This institution in GERiT
44227 Dortmund
Research Grants
Current projects
Asking Tactically for an “Other-Promotion” (ATOP): Exploring the Effectiveness and Usage of a Novel Strategy for Women in Negotiations
Mazei, Jens
Causal effects of teachers’ mindsets on student motivation and emotion
Heyder, Anke
Sleep Deprivation and Compensation in Negotiations
Häusser, Jan A.
Hüffmeier, Joachim
The role of motivational processes and physical activity in smartphone-based relapse prevention in depression
Wilbertz, Gregor
Completed projects
About the causes of irrational negotiation impasses
Hüffmeier, Joachim
Alterations and training-induced changes in neurocognitive adaptivity in patients with obessive-compulsive disorder
Grützmann, Rosa
Heinzel, Stephan
Compatibility effects between the physical size of stimulus objects and response locations.
Wühr, Peter
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Kontingenzwahrnehmung und Selbstobjektivierung in der frühen Kindheit
Zmyj, Norbert
Explaining Gender Differences in Negotiation: A Close Replication and Extension of Amanatullah and Morris (2010)
Mazei, Jens
Motivational and personality-related determinants of intellectual development in elementary school age
Steinmayr, Ricarda
Neurobiological correlates and mechanisms of the augmentation of psychotherapy with endurance exercise in mild to moderate depression
Fydrich, Thomas
Heinzel, Stephan
Ströhle, Andreas
Object-based attentional selection and the Stroop effect
Wühr, Peter
Opposite sides of the same coin? Effort gains and effort losses in teams
Hüffmeier, Joachim
Process gains in team negotiations by means of the explicit assignment of subtasks
Hüffmeier, Joachim
Psychotherapy in Social Anxiety Disorder and alterations in neural processing (PANDA)
Heinzel, Stephan
Renneberg, Babette
The relation between temperament and imitation in the second year of life.
Zmyj, Norbert
The role of depressive rumination for early mother-infant interactions
Seehagen, Sabine
Teismann, Tobias
Ursache und Regulation von Reaktionskonflikten in räumlichen Kompatibilitäts-Aufgaben
Wühr, Peter
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Differential behavioral and neural effects of physical and mental fatigue on modality-specific task interference in cognitive-postural dual-task situations in young and old adults
Granacher, Ph.D., Urs
Heinzel, Stephan
Rapp, Michael
Stelzel, Christine
Motivation in der kaufmännischen Erstausbildung: Motivierungspotentiale und Motivierungsmaßnahmen an verschiedenen Lernorten
Kleinbeck, Uwe
Research Units
Current projects
Dynamic causal modelling of emotion regulation as predictors of treatment (non-) response to CBT in internalizing disorders
Erk, Susanne
Heinzel, Stephan
FOR 5187: Towards precision psychotherapy for non-respondent patients: From signatures to predictions to clinical utility
Lüken, Ulrike