Universität Bern
Historisches Institut
Länggassstraße 49
3012 Bern
3012 Bern
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Auf dem Verhöramt. Die Lebenswelten der alten Stadt im Prisma der Strafjustiz: Frankfurt am Main im 18. Jahrhundert
Eibach, Joachim
Krieg der Zeichen. Die visuelle Politik Johanns ohne Furcht und der armagnakisch-burgundische Bürgerkrieg
Slanicka, Simona
Research Grants
Current projects
Episcopal Power in Comparative Perspective. Administrative Practices and Cultures in Episcopal and Archiepiscopal Principalities in the Late Medieval Holy Roman Empire, ca. 1440-1520
Bihrer, Andreas
The Acts of the Council of Ephesus 431: Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Indexes
Kinzig, Wolfram
The Memoria of Animals in the Pre-Modern Era: Adaption, Reflexion, and the Development of Alteritarian Forms of Commemoration
Jonietz, Fabian
Completed projects
Julian the Emperor's Religious Philosophy: Introduction, Translation and Commentary of his Hymns "To King Helios" (Or. 11 [4] Bidez) and "To the Mother of Gods" (Or. 8 [5] Bidez)
Schramm, Michael
Kyrill von Alexandrien, Contra Iulianum. Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar
Kinzig, Wolfram
Kyrill von Alexandrien, Contra Iulianum. Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar, Konkordanz
Kinzig, Wolfram
Kyrill von Alexandrien, Edition der Fragmente der verlorenen Bücher des Werkes Contra Iulianum
Kinzig, Wolfram
Primitiveness and Sovereignty: Conceptions of Temporality in Anthropology and Folklore Studies in Germany (1850s-1930s)
Dejung, Christof
The Correspondence between Adolf Harnack and Friedrich Althoff (1886-1908). Edition, Introduction, Commentary and Index
Kinzig, Wolfram
Walther, Gerrit
Towards a Radiant Future. Nuclear Technopolitics in the Soviet Union and Beyond Since 1949
Gestwa, Klaus
Penter, Tanja
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Political Corruption in the Early Modern Period: Practices and Discourses in England and Germany Compared (1550-1750/1800)
(Project Heads
Slanicka, Simona
Steinmetz, Willibald
Suter, Andreas
Spätantike Häresien. Orthodoxie und Heterodoxie als Inklusions- und Exklusionskriterien des politischen Raumes
(Project Head
Rebenich, Stefan
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
The Japanese Alpine Empire: A Transnational Environmental History of Japan’s “Alpine” Landscapes
Holm, Fynn
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1049: Archives, Power and Knowledge - Organising, Controlling and Destroying Stored Knowledge from Antiquity to the Present
Kessel, Martina
Research data and software
Current projects
Research Data Infracstructure for Historical Sources
Baumeister, Martin
Beckstein, Clemens
Gramsch-Stehfest, Robert
Mulsow, Martin
Röckelein, Hedwig