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Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 05: Geowissenschaften
Fachgebiet Kristallographie und Geomaterialforschung
Klagenfurter Straße
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Research Grants
Current projects
Adsorption of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in hydrophobic zeolites
Fischer, Michael
Adsorption of pharmaceuticals and related compounds in cation-exchanged zeolites – A computational perspective
Fischer, Michael
Completed projects
Beyond tetrahedral coordination in zeolite-type materials - A computational approach
Fischer, Michael
Crystal chemical studies on incommensurately modulated mullite
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Determination and evaluation of empirical optical parameters
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Formation and crystal-chemical studies of metastable and stable mullite-type aluminum borates
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Gesing, Thorsten Michael
Kristallchemische Charakterisierung und Phasenbeziehungen von Phosphat-Sulfat-Apatiten zur Verwendung als Dentalmaterialien
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Mechanismen und Beeinflussung der Barriereschichtbildung zum Flammschutz von Polymer/Schichtsilikat-Nanokompositen am Beispiel von Expoxidharzen
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Hartwig, Andreas
Schartel, Bernhard
Mineralvergesellschaftungen in känozoischen Sedimenten des Arktischen Ozeans: Indikatoren für Sedimentationsprozesse und paläozeanographische und paläoklimatische Verhältnisse
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Phase formation and crystal-chemical characterization of low- and high-alumina mullite-type compounds
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Si- and Ge-mullite single crystals doped with foreign cations
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Synthesis, modification, and characterization of NH4 zeolites and their relationships to their hydrogen forms
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Temperaturabhängige Kristallstrukturanalysen mullitähnlicher Bi2M4O9-Oxide
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Comparative, modelling-based investigations of pharmaceutical adsorption in zeolites
Fischer, Michael
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Climate Cycles and Events in the Plio-Pleistocene of the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean: Causes and Consequences
Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Matthiessen, Jens
Effect of lateral advection on sedimentary climate archives - high-resolution records from last Deglacial to Holocene North Atlantic drift deposits
Baumann, Ph.D., Karl-Heinz
Effect of lateral advection on sedimentary climate archives - high-resolution records from the last Deglacial to Holocene North Atlantic drift deposits
Frenz, Michael
Major and minor element signatures of OC-rich Paleogene sediments from Lomonosov-Ridge (IODP Leg 302)
Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen
Quantifying the bulk mineralogy of Arctic Ocean sediments of the last 80 Ma: Terrigenous sediment transport, climate and sediment deposition characteristics
Fischer, Reinhard X.
The deep-rooted serpentinite mud volcanism of the Mariana Forearc
Menapace, Walter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Röntgen Pulverdiffraktometer
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Gas separation in microporous materials: A computational study of the influence of structural features on the selectivity
Fischer, Michael
Additional Information
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