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Universität Bremen
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Zentrum für Technomathematik (ZeTeM)
Bibliothekstraße 2
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Modelling of the cooling effect in tool grinding under consideration of process-related uncertainties
Bergmann, Benjamin
Rademacher, Ph.D., Andreas
Completed projects
Maaß, Peter
A control problem in medical image processing
Maaß, Peter
Adaptive wavelet frame methods for operator equations: Sparse grids, vector-valued spaces and applications to nonlinear inverse parabolic problems
Dahlke, Stephan
Maaß, Peter
An interdisciplinary evaluation of mathematical methods in signal and image processing
Maaß, Peter
Bilevel Optimal Transport
Lorenz, Dirk A.
Meyer, Christian
Compensation strategies for thermal effects in dry milling and drilling
Büskens, Christof
Sölter, Jens
Mathematische Verfahren zur Präzisionswuchtung an Werkzeugmaschinen
Maaß, Peter
Modellierung der chemischen Korrosion durch Karbonatisierung in Beton durch Moving-Boundary- und Isoliermodelle in Form von Systemen partieller Differentialgleichung einschl. der Auswertung der Modelle.
Böhm, Michael
Numerical analysis and efficient implementation of complex FE-models for mechanical production processes using the example of deep hole drilling
Blum, Heribert
Optimization and optimal control of therapy parameters for radio-frequency-ablation
Büskens, Christof
Preusser, Tobias
Sparsity and compressed sensing in inverse problems
Lorenz, Dirk A.
Teschke, Gerd
SPP 1114: Mathematical Methods for Time Series Analysis and Digital Image Processing
Maaß, Peter
SPP 1480: Modelling, Simulation and Compensation of Thermal Effects for Complex Machining Processes
Biermann, Dirk
Thermomechanical Deformation of Complex Workpiece in Drilling and Milling Processes
Denkena, Berend
Maaß, Peter
Research Grants
Current projects
Increasing the throughput of laser-induced shock wave indentation testing by an adapted measurement strategy and data evaluation based on machine learning
Radel, Tim
Rademacher, Ph.D., Andreas
Modulo Radon Transform based Tomography (ModTomo)
Beckmann, Matthias
Completed projects
Adaptive wavelet methods for inverse problems and inverse parabolic equations
Dahlke, Stephan
Maaß, Peter
CISM-Kurs "Dynamical Inverse Problems: Theory and Application" (25.-29.05.09 in Udine/Italien)
Kanning, Bastian
Design disperser Reststoffsysteme mit hoher Unsicherheit - Entwicklung eines Metamodells
Maaß, Peter
Müller, Dieter H.
Dynamic Inverse Problems in Magnetic Particle Imaging (D-MPI)
Hahn-Rigaud, Bernadette
Kluth, Tobias
Eigenwertmethoden und Spiegelbilder in der Modellreduktion
Antoulas, Athanasios C.
Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika
Evaluation and adaptation of machining processes for the compensation of thermal and mechanical machining influences
Denkena, Berend
Schmidt, Alfred
Joint Sino-German Research projekt: Feature based bi-modal image reconstruction
Louis, Alfred Karl
Maaß, Peter
Mehr-Mechanismen-Modelle: Theorie und ihre Anwendung auf einige Phänomene im Materialverhalten von Stahl
Böhm, Michael
Zoch, Hans-Werner
Numerical methods for robust control
Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika
Regularization methods in Banach spaces for inverse scattering problems
Lechleiter, Armin
Regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems in Banach spaces and conditional stability
Hofmann, Bernd
Sparse Exact and Approximate Recovery
Lorenz, Dirk A.
Pfetsch, Marc Emanuel
Sparsity-constrained inversion with tomographic applications
Burger, Martin
Maaß, Peter
Spectral value sets and transient behaviour of uncertain dynamical systems
Hinrichsen, Diederich
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Adaptive Optimal Control of Variational Inequalities in Computational Mechanics
(Project Heads
Meyer, Christian
Rademacher, Ph.D., Andreas
Flexible Manufacture of Tribologically Optimized Micro Forming Tools
(Project Heads
Maaß, Peter
Riemer, Oltmann
Generation of functional parts of a component by laser-based free form heading
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Alfred
Vollertsen, Frank
Heuristic, statistical and analytical experimental design
(Project Heads
Drechsler, Rolf
Maaß, Peter
Inverse Probleme in der Radiofrequenz-Hyperthermie
(Project Head
Maaß, Peter
Mehrskalen-Mg von Phasenübergängen, Verzug und Verzugspotential
(Project Heads
Böhm, Michael
Hunkel, Martin
Rentsch, Rüdiger
Schmidt, Alfred
Methods for the direct incorporation of the statistical distribution of material properties into FEM-simulation of micro forming processes
(Project Heads
Brannath, Werner
Hunkel, Martin
Schmidt, Alfred
Modelling and simulation of material behaviour of steel with respect to distortion
(Project Heads
Böhm, Michael
Schmidt, Alfred
Predictive compensation actions for the avoidance of shape deviation of micro milled dental products
(Project Heads
Maaß, Peter
Riemer, Oltmann
Research Units
Current projects
Automated data-driven damage detection
Bosse, Stefan
Gräßle, Carmen
Lorenz, Dirk A.
FOR 3022: Ultrasonic Monitoring of Fibre Metal Laminates Using Integrated Sensors
Weber, Wolfgang
FOR 5347: KI-FOR Lifespan AI: From Longitudinal Data to Lifespan Inference in Health
Schultz, Tanja
Lifespan AI - Project C1: Explainable AI: Inference across the Lifespan
Maaß, Peter
Wright, Marvin
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
ICE-HEAT INVERSION: Unveiling Antarctic Geothermal Heat Flow through Glaciological Observations
Wolovick, Ph.D., Michael
Completed projects
Development of model adaptive simulation techniques for forming processes of complex functional components with complicated design details
(Project Heads
Blum, Heribert
Rademacher, Ph.D., Andreas
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2224: Pi³ : Parameter Identification - Analysis, Algorithms, Implementations
Maaß, Peter
Core Facilities
Completed projects
MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry and Multi-Array Core Facility: MALDI-MULTI
Maedler, Ph.D., Kathrin
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
In-situ studies of 3D microstructure evolution and spectroscopic imaging during processing and manufacturing of advanced materials
Colombi Ciacchi, Lucio
Additional Information
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