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Universität Bremen
TZI Technologie-Zentrum Informatik und Informationstechnik
Bibliothekstraße 5
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Effiziente Analyse von hybriden Systemen
Peleska, Jan
Scalable Pervasive Health Environments
Herrlich, Marc
Malaka, Rainer
Support for correct evolution of software product lines
Koschke, Rainer
Schmid, Klaus
Research Grants
Current projects
Software Visualization on Heterogeneous Devices for Co-Operative Program Comprehension in Distributed Teams
Koschke, Rainer
Completed projects
Abstrakte Implementierung von und Dokumentation mit UML
Gogolla, Martin
CPOT-SM – Complete Property-oriented Testing with Symbolic Methods
Peleska, Jan
Developments of methods in the context of image processing and digital media for palaeographic research, in particular the transcription of handwritings, writer comparisons, and writer profiles in historical documents - Diptychon -
Lawo, Mathias
Lawo, Michael
Empirical Foundational Research on Program Comprehension in Software Engineering
Koschke, Rainer
Maalej, Walid
Empirical research on the impact and evolution of Bad Smells
Koschke, Rainer
Empirische Untersuchungen von Methoden und Entwicklung von Werkzeugen für das kosteneffektive Klonmanagement
Koschke, Rainer
Formale Spezifikation, Verifikation und Umsetzung von rollenbasierten Sicherheitsrichtlinien
Sohr, Karsten
Formal hazard analysis, specification and testing of hybrid real-time systems in application to service robotics
Krieg-Brückner, Bernd
Globale Programm-und Architekturanalysen objektorientierter Systeme
Plödereder, Erhard
Globale Programm- und Architekturanalysen zur Konsolidierung von Software-Varianten zu Software-Produktlinien
Koschke, Rainer
Multi-Logik-Systeme als Basis für heterogene Spezifikation und Entwicklung
Krieg-Brückner, Bernd
Planungsverfahren für das Allgemeine Spiel
Lawo, Michael
Recognition and validation of security patterns
Koschke, Rainer
Sohr, Karsten
Specification and Analysis of Model Transformations by Model Transformation Units
Kreowski, Hans-Jörg
Untersuchung und Identifikation kritischer Faktoren für die Objekterkennung und das Training erscheinungsbasierter, kompositioneller Modelle
Kuhnert, Klaus-Dieter
User Interfaces for Navigation and Exploration in Folksonomies on Mobile Devices and Evaluation of their Usability in Mobile Use Contexts
Malaka, Rainer
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5656: Communicative AI: The Automation of Societal Communication
Hepp, Andreas
Interfaces: Implementing user-centered ComAI
Malaka, Rainer
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Embodied semantics for the language of action and change: Combining analysis, reasoning and simulation
(Project Heads
Bateman, Ph.D., John
Malaka, Rainer
Principles of Metareasoning for Everyday Activities
(Project Heads
Bateman, Ph.D., John
Malaka, Rainer
Completed projects
Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management Supporting Autonomous Logistic Processes
(Project Heads
Herzog, Otthein
Langer, Hagen
Malaka, Rainer
Mining and explicating instructions for everyday activities
(Project Heads
Bateman, Ph.D., John
Malaka, Rainer
Rule-based Graph Transformation: Modelling of Autonomous Logistic Processes with Rule-based Graph Transformation
(Project Head
Kreowski, Hans-Jörg
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
WAP-Cluster mit vier Servern und 20 Arbeitsplätzen
Research data and software
Completed projects
InVenod - interaktive Verarbeitung nicht OCR-geeigneter Dokumente
Gottfried, Björn
Hübler, Arved C.
User-Adaptive Interactions with material sciencesresearchdata (AimData)
Herrmann, Axel
Malaka, Rainer
Thoben, Klaus-Dieter
Zoch, Hans-Werner
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Provably Reaching Verifiably Safest States of Autonomous Machines in Rare Scenarios
Gleirscher, Mario
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
In-situ studies of 3D microstructure evolution and spectroscopic imaging during processing and manufacturing of advanced materials
Colombi Ciacchi, Lucio
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2972: CAUSE Concepts and Algorithms for – and Usage of – Self-Explaining Digitally Controlled Systems
Fey, Görschwin
Additional Information
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