Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden
Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie
Königsbrücker Landstraße 159
01109 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01109 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Structural changes of herbivory during the Middle Miocene time interval in the Upper Freshwater Molasse (OSM)
Wappler, Torsten
Completed projects
Age, trace element and isotope composition of detrital zircon in Saghro Group sediments (Neoproterozoic, Morocco): The missing link in the geotectonic evolution of the northwestern edge of Gondwana
Breitkreuz, Christoph
Linnemann, Ulf-Gerhard
Evolution of the western Namibian drainage systems since Eocene times - a multi-methodical approach
Linnemann, Ulf-Gerhard
Expedition nach Spitzbergen zur Suche und Bergung von tertiären Hölzern sowie Transport nach Deutschland
Dolezych, Martina
Geodynamic evolution of the NE Gondwana margin in the area of the Pyrenees: Chronology of granitoid placements and their geochemical and structural signatures.
Schnapperelle, Stephan
Integrated leaf trait analysis – a new tool for analyzing European Paleogene ecosystems
Kunzmann, Lutz
Paläobiogeographie, Biostratigraphie, Plattentektonische Fazies und Beckenanalyse/Eventstratigraphie des Altpaläozoikums (Ordovizum bis Devon) im Thüringer Schiefergebirge
Linnemann, Ulf-Gerhard
Paläobotanik und Lithologie terrestrischer Faziesräume der Leipziger Bucht: Stratigraphie, Taphonomie, Sedimentologie und Paläoklimatologie
Walther, Harald
Platetectonic facies and palaeobiography of Cambro-Ordovician sedimentary complexes of the Barrandian (Perunica) in comparison with equivalent rock complexes of the Saxo-Thuringian Zone (Saxo-Thuringia).
Linnemann, Ulf-Gerhard
Reconstructing fossil-rich East Asian amber forests using inclusions of seed plants
Sadowski, Eva-Maria
Tephrochronology in the La Sal Mountains, Utah, USA
Kleber, Arno
U/PP-SHRIMP dating of zircons from igneous rocks of Saxo-Thuringia to the determination of the cadomian and variscan geotectonic events, the inheritance of the Gondwanan source and to the calibration of Paleozoic sedimentary rock suites
Linnemann, Ulf-Gerhard
Visit of Collection as Epistemic Practice in the Scientific Community of Geosciences between 1765 and 1807.
Heide, Gerhard
Lange, Jan-Michael
Ludwig, Ulrike
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Cataloguing and Digitisation of the \Oryktognostic\ and the gemstone collections of A. G. Werner (1749{1817)
Heide, Gerhard
Lange, Jan-Michael
Digitalisierung / Erschließung von Objekten: Bündelantrag: Geo- und montanwissenschaftliche Sammlungen in Freiberg und Dresden
Heide, Gerhard
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Evolution of the Terminal Ediacaran–earliest Cambrian ecosystems in the southern Nama Basin (GRIND-ECT drilling project): When, why, and how? – A multidisciplinary approach
Gerdes, Axel
Kasemann, Simone A.
Linnemann, Ulf-Gerhard