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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53127 Bonn
Research Grants
Completed projects
Carrier vermittelte Aufnahme von exogenem Agmatin: (Patho)physiologische und mögliche therapeutische Bedeutung
Molderings, Gerhard J.
Entwicklung eines Ansatzes zur Therapie neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen auf Basis von RNA-Interferenz am Beispiel der Prionerkrankungen
Pfeifer, Alexander
Walter, Ph.D., Jochen
Function of cGMP/PKGI signaling in osteogenic differentiation and disease
Pfeifer, Alexander
Identifizierung und molekulare Charakterisierung kationischer Aminosäuretransporter und Untersuchungen zur Regulation ihrer Expression und Bedeutung für die NO Synthese
Racké, Kurt
Lentiviral gene transfer into murine embryonic stem cells: Generation of transgenic animals
Pfeifer, Alexander
Neurochemische und molekulare Grundlagen der Cannabinoid-Wirkung im Gehirn
Schlicker, Eberhard
Neurotransmitter-Systeme als Angriffspunkte selektiver Pharmaka
Göthert, Manfred
Regulation der Expression von Arginase I und II in Alveolarmakrophagen und ihre funktionelle Auswirkung für die NO-Synthese
Racké, Kurt
Regulation of Activin Receptor-like kinase 7 (ALK7) by cGMP in adipocytes
Pfeifer, Alexander
Regulation of skeletal muscle growth and function by the adenosine receptor A2B
Gnad, Thorsten
Regulation und funktionelle Bedeutung von Arginase und Arginase-abhängigen Stoffwechselwegen in Atemwegszellen
Racké, Kurt
The function of VASP in brown fat
Pfeifer, Alexander
Zytoskelettmodulation und zerebrale Ischämie: Effekte von Gelsolin und Cytochalasin D
Fink, Klaus
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5298: iMAGO - Personalized diagnostics for the treatment of obesity
Klingenspor, Martin
Label-free imaging of lipid-glucose metabolism in cells, tissues, and animals
Li, Yongguo
Pleitez Rafael, Ph.D., Miguel Angel
Completed projects
Common Resources
Pfeifer, Alexander
FOR 917: Nanoparticle-based Delivery of Innovative Therapies (NanoTarget)
Pfeifer, Alexander
FOR 2372: G protein signalling cascades: with new molecular probes and modulators towards novel pharmacological concepts
Kostenis, Evi
Function of the endocannabinoid system in normal and pathological ageing processes of the brain
Bilkei-Gorzo, Andras
Schlicker, Eberhard
Impact of Gq signaling in the brown adipose tissue
Pfeifer, Alexander
Magnetic nanoparticles assisted modulation of the vascular cGMP system
Pfeifer, Alexander
Modulation of the exocytotic and carrier-mediated transmitter release by endogenous and exogenously added cannabinoids
Schlicker, Eberhard
Viral strategies for xenotransplantation
Kupatt, Christian
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Molecular networks and epigenomic mechanisms underpinning white fat browning capacity
Li, Yongguo
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
The spatiotemporal signature of cAMP signaling in brown/beige adipocytes and its interaction with the chemokine-cytokine network
(Project Head
Pfeifer, Alexander
Completed projects
Molekulare Charakterisierung antidepressiva-sensitiver Neurotransmitter-Transporter
(Project Head
Bönisch, Heinz
Neurotransmitter-Systeme im menschlichen Gehirn als Angriffspunkte selektiver Neuro-Psychopharmaka
(Project Heads
Brüß, Michael
Göthert, Manfred
Purinerge Neurotransmission
(Project Heads
von Kügelgen, Ivar Constantin
Nörenberg, Wolfgang
The role of cyclic nucleotides in the regulation of adipose tissue resident myeloid cells
(Project Head
Pfeifer, Alexander
Current projects
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Pfeifer, Alexander
ExBat: Effect of acute and chronic exercise on human thermogenic adipose tissue & elucidation of mechanisms
(Project Heads
Soriano-Arroquia, Ph.D., Ana
Wackerhage, Henning
Extracellular vesicles and regulatory RNAs as intercellular messengers in aortic disease
(Project Heads
Goody, Philip Roger
Hosen, Ph.D., Mohammed Rabiul
Jansen, Felix
Pfeifer, Alexander
Functional Proteomics/Metabolomics/Lipidomics and Human Adipocyte Unit
(Project Heads
Dyar, Ph.D., Kenneth A.
Meissner, Felix
Pfeifer, Alexander
Influence of perivascular brown adipose tissue on aortic valve disease
(Project Heads
Hildebrand, Staffan
Pfeifer, Alexander
Interactions of endothelium and adipocytes during thermogenic adaptation
(Project Heads
Pfeifer, Alexander
Wilhelm-Jüngling, Kerstin
Purinergic crosstalk in thermogenic fat – Regulation of adenosine release by ENT1
(Project Heads
Gnad, Thorsten
Pfeifer, Alexander
Regulation and adaptation of G-protein coupled receptors/adenylyl cyclase/cAMP signaling networks in brown/beige AT
(Project Heads
Pfeifer, Alexander
Wachten, Dagmar
The role of ACTH and glucocorticoid signaling in brown fat metabolism
(Project Heads
Li, Yongguo
Uhlenhaut, Nina Henriette
TRR 333: Brown and Beige Fat – Organ Crosstalk, Signaling and Energetics (BATenergy)
Pfeifer, Alexander
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 246: Pathogenesis of Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Propping, Peter
GRK 1873: Pharmacology of 7TM-Receptors and Downstream Signalling Pathways
Pfeifer, Alexander
Additional Information
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