Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Abteilung Geochemie/Petrologie
Meckenheimer Allee 169
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Anreicherung von Chromit in basaltischen Schmelzen
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Deviations from Ideal Structures in Metallic Elements and Simple Intermetallics: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Electron distributions
Schlenz, Hartmut
Fluid Flow and Petrophysical Properties of Sedimentary Rocks exposed to different Stress Regimes
Nover, Georg
Ladungsdichteänderungen unter Einfluss eines externen hohen elektrischen Feldes : Untersuchung der bindungsselektiven Umverteilung der Valenzelektronendichte - Charge density response to an external high electric field
Kirfel, Armin H.
Magma differentiation processes and pre-eruptive conditions of MORBs (7-11°S) near Ascension Island - Constraints from experiments and phase equilibria modeling
Holtz, Francois
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4° and 11° S (M64/1)
Seifert, Richard
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
Haase, Karsten Matthias
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
Devey, Colin
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
Koschinsky, Andrea
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
Kuever, Jan
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
Imhoff, Johannes F.
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
Türkay, Michael
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
Strauß, Harald
The geochemical behavior of Pb and implications for terrestrial core formation scenarios
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Research Grants
Completed projects
Änderung der petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften von Sandsteinen unter dem Einfluss von superkritischem CO2 (scCO2)
Nover, Georg
Archaeometric Study of Glazed Brick, Architectural Decoration from the 1st Millennium BCE, North-western Iran
Yule, Paul
Behavior of refractory metals during metal-silicate segregation in a multi-metal system.
Schwander, Daniel
Behaviour of Chalcogens and Highly Siderophile Elements in subduction zones: The mantle wedge perspective
Luguet, Ambre
Bildung und Verteilung partieller Schmelzen in mafischen und granitischen Gesteinen: Elektrische Impedanzspektroskopie und energiedispersive Röntgenbeugung unter in-situ Bedingungen bis 7 GPa Druck und 1500°C
Nover, Georg
Boninite als Fenster für Spurenelementtransport in Subduktionszonen
Münker, Carsten
Chalcophile and highly siderophile element behaviour in subduction zones: implication for global recycling of crustal 186Os-187Os signatures.
Luguet, Ambre
Cubic Boron nitride: phase diagram, reaction mechanisms of catalysts and deposition and growth on substrate surfaces
Nover, Georg
Die Defektstruktur von Olivin als SiO2-Aktivitätssensor im Erdmantel
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Die Kollisionssutur zwischen den archaischen Terranen Kareliens und der Kola-Halbinsel: Rekonstruktion ihrer komplexen Entwicklungsgeschichte im Gebiet des Weißmeeres
Raith, Michael
Die Verteilung von Platingruppen-Elementen in konjugierten Sulfid-Silikat Systemen bei magmatischen Temperaturen
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Einfluss des hydrostatischen Druckes auf den frequenzabhängigen komplexen elektrischen Widerstand von sedimentären Festgesteinen und dessen Beziehung zur Permeabilität, bei besonderer Betrachtung der Anisotropie
Nover, Georg
Electrical phenomena during carbon dioxide sequestration on the laboratory scale with respect to an electromagnetic monitoring
Repke, Jens-Uwe
Spitzer, Klaus
Elektrische Gesteinseigenschaften unter währenden hydrostatischen und triaxialen Drücken: Impedanzspektroskopie (AC-Imp), Eigenpotential (SP) und Modellierung
Nover, Georg
Entmischungstextur von Orthopyroxenen - Schlüsselfaktor für die Mg, Fe2+-Platzverteilung?
Kirfel, Armin H.
Experimental silicification of wood
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Experimental simulation of atmosphere-seawater relations in the Archaean eon of Earth's history
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Fernordnung, Nahordnung und Kinetik der Kationenverteilung in (Fe,Mg)-Olivin
Kirfel, Armin H.
Fluid Flow and Petrophysical Properties of Sedimentary Rocks exposed to different Stress Regimes
Nover, Georg
Fraktionierung von Re und Os zwischen Monosulfid und Sulfidschmelze
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Genese der Hoch-T-Granulite im südlichen Eastern Ghats Belt, Indien
Raith, Michael
Geochemisches Budget und Petrogenese von Inselbogenpikriten des Salomonen-Archipels
Münker, Carsten
Geologie von Syros
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Grain boundary processes in graphite- bearing carbonates and their significance for electrical conductivity anomalies in the earth s crust.
Weber, Klaus
High pressure phases in ophiolites - products of electrical discharges?
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Investigation of condensation and evaporation of calcium fluoride crystals by molecular beam methods and atomic force microscopy
Dabringhaus, Heinz
Lithologischer Aufbau und tektono-metamorphe Entwicklung des Kerala Khondalite Belt in Südindien
Braun, Ingo
Lithologischer Aufbau und tektono-metamorphe Entwicklung des Kerala Khondalite Belt in Südindien
Bröcker, Michael
Magmatisch-sedimentäre Stratigraphie der Kykladeninsel Syros (Griechenland)
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Oxidationsgrad der Asthenosphäre
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Petrogenese der Sakenit-Suite Südmadagaskars
Raith, Michael
Platinum enrichment processes in ultramafic massifs of the Uralian Platinum belt, Russia - evidence for mineralization at the magmatic to hydrothermal transition
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Luguet, Ambre
Pressure dependence of permeability and spectral induced polarisation (SIP)
Nover, Georg
Re-Os dating of micrometric Os-rich alloys and sulfides in mantle xenoliths from the Slave Craton: implication for craton formation processes and the Early Earth evolution
Luguet, Ambre
Solidus von (Fe,Ni,Cu)1-xS Monosulfid im Erdmantel
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Speciation of palladium and ruthenium in S-bearing, sulfide-undersaturated basaltic melt - implications for enrichment mechanisms of noble metals in magmatic sulfide melt
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Syn- and post-collisional sedimentation and volcanic activity, Mesta half Graben, Bulgaria
McCann, Tom
The acidity of submarine hydrothermal solutions - an experimental study employing in-situ sampling techniques
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
The geotectonic position of the Madurai block (south India) within Gondwana: its formation and tectono-metamorphic evolution reconstructed with SHRIMP zircon analyses, EPMA-monazite dating, and petrology
Schenk, Volker
The geotectonic position of the Madurai Block (south India) within Gondwana, reconstructed from zircon and monazite dating and PT pseudosections
Schenk, Volker
Tracing subducted crust in the oceanic mantle with siderophile elements and transition metal stable isotopes and implications for the sources of basaltic volcanism
Luguet, Ambre
Untersuchung zur Kinetik der Coesit-Quarz-Transformation unter in-situ Bedingungen mittels Synchrotronstrahlung sowie Analyse der Mikrostrukturen im Transformationsbereich mittels TEM
Hinze, Eckhard
U-Pb Zirkondatierung magmatischer Ereignisse im proterozoischen Eastern Ghats Belt Indiens
Raith, Michael
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Elektrische Laboruntersuchungen an Bohrkernproben aus der KTB
Nover, Georg
Elektrische Methoden als Sensoren für die in-situ-Detektion von Bruchvorgängen in Gesteinen
Nover, Georg
Hydrothermal fluid-rock interaction in the upper mantle at the mid-atlantic ridge, ODP Leg 209
Paulick, Holger
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochauflösendes Sektorfeld-ICP Massenspektrometer mit Laser Ablation
Research Units
Completed projects
From cell to cell, tissue to tissue: Pathways in low-temperature wood silicification
Gee, Carole T.
Physico-chemical and microbial processes governing the decay of organic substance in sediment under anoxic conditions
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard