Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Seminar für Liturgiewissenschaft
Heerstraße 128
53111 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53111 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Research into medieval music fragments from monasteries of Württemberg in the holdings of the Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart and the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg
Morent, Stefan
Completed projects
Die Entwicklung der Kirchenmusik von 1945 bis zum Beginn des 2. Vatikanischen Konzils. Der Einfluß kirchenamtlicher Dokumente auf die Kirchenmusik und die Folgen
Gerhards, Albert
Pastoral Strategies between Confessionalization and Enlightenment (1650-1730). Catholic Sermons and their Implicit Listeners
Bock, Florian
Tanz in Unvereinbarkeit zur christlichen Liturgie? Eine kulturhistorisch-liturgietheologische Untersuchung
Gerhards, Albert
„Totum psalterium in usu maneat“ – The Liturgy of the Hours in the Protestant Churches of the Holy Roman Empire between tradition and innovation Historical studies on Lutheran liturgical reforms
Odenthal, Andreas
Wendebourg, Dorothea
Research Units
Current projects
Challenges and Opportunities of Transforming Sacred Spaces: Developing a Liturgical Criteriology on the Basis of Case Studies in the Region of Aachen and its Environment
Gerhards, Albert
Coordination Funds
Gerhards, Albert
FOR 2733: Transformation of Sacred Space: Function and Use of Religious Places in Germany
Gerhards, Albert
Real Estate Implications of the Transformation of Sacred Space: Approaches to Problem-Solving in the Context of Market Demands and the Estimation of Non-Monetary Values
Gerhards, Albert
Completed projects
New Sacred Spaces by Example of Multifaith Spaces
de Wildt, Kim
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Christliche Liturgie im Differenzierungsprozeß zwischen Judentum und Christentum. Differenzphänomene aus liturgiehistorischer und liturgie-theologischer Perspektive
(Project Head
Gerhards, Albert
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1662: Religious Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe (800-1800). Transfers and Transformations - Ways to Modern Knowledge Society
Leppin, Volker